Crisis of Thought

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MelancholyWeightlifter, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I'm in agony... I'm having some of the worst urges of my life and I can't sleep. My goal is to make it through my life celibate. I've done research on those who have achieved it, priests, monks and the like. What instills a terrible dread upon me is the fact that a lot of these people end up commiting terrible acts of sexual deviation. Does celibacy lead to these things? I'm not sure...

    I feel so trapped.

    I know if I masturbate I will be so incredibly depressed I don't even know if I could pull myself out if it. To fail now is so utterly unthinkable. I cannot.

    On the other hand, I am literally INCAPABLE of getting married or having a girlfriend. I can't and I won't. I know this sounds incredibly angsty and arrogant but 99% of you seriously cannot fathom where I'm coming from on this. So for God's sake please don't try to convince me otherwise.

    Sex has been the bearer of every terrible thing in my life. I didn't ask to have this terrible demon of sexual feeling in me. I just want it gone. How happy I would be without this weight of desire. It would be TRUE FREEDOM.

    Is this even possible? Am I just driving myself insane? I feel like I'm losing my mind. My soul is aching... I'm just so tired of tired of carrying this burden.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Dear Melancholy, I think I can relate to much of what you are going through, especially the feeling of feeling trapped. Your self description also applies to me: "my goal is to make it through my life celibate."; "I feel so trapped"; "To fail now is so utterly unthinkable. I cannot"; "I am literally INCAPABLE of getting married or having a girlfriend"; "Sex has been the bearer of every terrible thing in my life. I didn't ask to have this terrible demon of sexual feeling in me. I just want it gone. How happy I would be without this weight of desire. It would be TRUE FREEDOM!"; "My soul tired of tired of carrying this burden".

    One undeniable, albeit inconvenient, truth is that we were created as sexual beings. So, it is counter intuitive to deny ourselves all sexual expression. I agree with you that does not mean impossible. For example, you have gone for more than 2 years without using any type of porn and 5 months since you last induced a sexual release at your own hand. It takes a great sacrifice to go against nature in the way we are all trying to do here and, maybe that is why many of those who have ventured down this unnatural, unintended denial of our very nature have succumbed to sexual deviance. You may not wish to talk about it, but I infer from what you say that you have had some dark and very taboo sexual thoughts yourself.

    You have heard the phrase, "it doesn't help to bottle things up". In fact, not only is this true, but its veracity is considerably more seismic than that. When we suppress or bury a real anxiety (perhaps a trauma), it stays within us. Over time, a pressure cooker effect starts to take its toll as an emotional head of steam builds. At some later point, it will 'blow' and it will be unexpected and 'ugly'. I think you can see what this parallel is suggesting... Personally, my intention is to get to the end of the 90 day NoFap challenge. Thereafter, I shall masturbate very occasionally in a controlled way. Ideally, I would like to do so without any fantasy whatsoever. Just to feel the warmth and strength of my penis and to slowly rub it until I blow my load.

    My hope is that this form of infrequent sexual expression will prevent me from developing a 'taste' for deviant desires. Please give serious thought to what I have said matey :)
  3. peregrinnus

    peregrinnus Fapstronaut

    Hey Melancholy,

    Just a couple of thoughts. (I believe you're Christian, so I'll touch a little on my views here. To others reading this, feel free to disagree with me, but please do so politely.)

    Firstly, I believe that sexual desire is an innate experience of every human being. To be human is, in part, to have sexual desires. I think the way that society and culture has evolved to view sexual desire is the root of the problem, rather than desire itself.

    Society tells us over and over that it's bad to repress these desires, that we should take what pleasure and all pleasure we can, that we should end up becoming hedonistic people who are just slaves to the next rush. And sexual desire is, since it is the most pleasurable, basically the poster child of this theory. Hence all the hypersexualisation we see in our culture, and all the porn that comes with it.

    In this (and other NoFap) communities, we're basically acknowledging that that's not true, and that excessive slavery to sexual pleasure can screw us up. Some believe that all we need is just a "reboot" and then we can continue on at a slower pace. Some think that giving it up altogether is the right way. Nobody really knows who is correct, but our reactions all depend on many individuals factors and opinions, so there's no point trying to say who is right or wrong.

    What I'm trying to say is that what you're experiencing is probably a very extreme reaction, based on your own past experiences and circumstances, that has led you to take drastic action. But now that you recognise that it's really causing you a lot of negativity in your life, it might be time to reassess your decision, or at least the reasons that led you to the decision, and see if you can step back and get some fresh perspective.

    For me, I think that sex is a good thing. Not that it gives pleasure, but now, I view it as more of the ultimate expression of human love. It is the most intimate, vulnerable and powerful way to say "I love you" to another human being, and should really only be given to the person you are absolutely sure is the one you love, who will be with you for the rest of your life. Hopelessly romantic viewpoint, I know. But that's how I see it, and how I think it was conceived as in the mind of the Creator.

    So if you want to get away from sexual desire, totally lose it, then you probably have to work to deepen a relationship that is BEYOND HUMAN, i.e. Divine. Which is basically what most celibate groups (priests, nuns, monks etc.) strive towards. They give up sexual relationships not because it is EVIL, or against God, but because it detracts from their ultimate relationship with God (or their search for enlightenment in Buddhism, for example). But as long as you see sexual desire as evil or demonise it, then thre's no possibility of this either, because there is a lack of acceptance of your human condition, or a belief that God's creation (sexual desire in humans) is somehow EVIL, which will forever prevent you from totally trusting God, and trust is the basis of any relationship.

    I know you're disillusioned about priests and other supposedly celibate people, but that all comes down to us basically being human. We will always have these desires unless we fall deep enough into communion with a higher power, and to do so completely is a very difficult thing to do, even for people who are willing to commit to it.

    Just my thoughts on your situation. Hope they help.
  4. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You're an interesting case Melancholy. You are one of the strictest and most experienced fapstronauts here, yet your goals seem to be some of the strangest (in the eyes of the average fapstronaut), apart from your general self improvement stuff.

    I find your refusal to engage in any sexual activity interesting. You say that you both can't and won't. From my perspective, "won't" implies asexuality, however "can't" implies otherwise. Until you elaborate on this topic that you claim no one is capable of understanding, I doubt we will be able to help you.

    Note that marriage does not imply sex. It is possible to have an incredible relationship with another person without any sexual activity. I suspect you'll find a solution to this problem along your journey, but for now, don't give in!

    I'd compare your journey in part to the book Siddharta. Have you read it?

  5. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I apologize for venting on here like this... thank you for all the replies.

    To remexplorer. Suffice it to say it just has no place in the goals I have in life. Marriage for me is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It's just not going to work. I could message you the details, but that would be a gigantic wall of text on this thread... PMO has caused me more pain then anything else. It's hard to express the deep, traumatizing effect it has had. I feel like my heart is bleeding. FOR 8 YEARS I have been in guilt ridden, self loathing, writhing, emotional turmoil. For someone my age that is 40% of my life...almost ALL of my formative years were tainted by this.

    To IGY. I really do not have many sexually deviant thoughts. I do identify as slightly bisexual, but I think honestly at this point I'd find a rock sexually attractive. I'm just so incredibly sensitive. So I guess that is what scares me, the longer I go the more "desperate" the urges become. The slightest, even remotely sexual stimuli sets me off. Perhaps it will just take time. I honestly wish deep down that I could masturbate infrequently IGY, but it would destroy me emotionally. Religiously I feel the act is wrong as well.

    To peregrinnus. You are so right, God did instill us with this sexual desire. That is what causes me pain. On one hand we have this deep seated desire. Most people simply get married, this has been the way of humanity for millennia. But the Bible advises singleness as the best way, of course there is nothing wrong with marriage, but as both Jesus and Paul, both being single themselves, said that singleness is better: (1Co 7:1, 2, 8, 9, 29-38; 9:5) and (Mt 19:10-12) Again you are right. Only by a deep relationship with God will I ever succeed. Maybe He won't take away my sexuality, but He has the power to give me the tools to endure this.

    To NoBrainer. I am definitely not asexual, though I wish I was. Maybe a better phrase is, "I could but I won't." See above for some deeper reasons. Sexless marriage is just as impossible an option as regular marriage. I've never read it? Is it Indian?
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Hey bro, if you cannot vent here about this, where else you gonna do it? I think you need to seriously question if you have truly been given the gift of singleness, as very few have.

    The fact you are so incredibly, sexually sensitive begs the question, are you burning with desire. Paul addressed this matter.

    If you feel that masturbating infrequently, sans fantasies, is wrong you need to make a clear choice about these desperate, sexual passions that are too strong for you right now. It is not a sin to marry as Paul confirms.

    You say maybe God will not take away your sexuality. In fact, you can rest assured that God will not take away your sexuality. What he does promise is that you will not be tempted beyond what you can bear. In this case, the way out he makes available is marriage. Marriage is a God-given institution and you may be missing the point - that, that is exactly what you need to do.
  7. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Both Paul and Jesus described marriage as a sort of CONCESSION. It was a "if you must" kind of thing. It was not the recommended course. I don't want a concession I want the ideal. I don't want to survive I want to thrive.

    I don't think I'm in any danger of committing any sort of fornication. I haven't PMO'd for 150 days. Maybe if I hold out and take a few more steps I can work towards keeping my urges minimal. Even if I wanted to marry it wouldn't be for a long time, so I'm stuck anyway, might as well try.

    See if I do get married... I fail. I lose the fight against my sexuality. I cop out, I give up. I can't let that happen. If I succeed in staying celibate, I feel like I might actually accomplish something worth while.

    I can't help feeling like I'm meant for something greater. Forget it, I'll just say it, I'm better then sex. I'm higher then my desires. Paul had desires too but he overcame them. "but I pummel my body and lead it as a slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow." God gives us our sexuality but he also gives us the tools to overcome it. Live by the spirit not by the flesh.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Actually, I do understand and I have not thought you are in danger of committing any sort of fornication. It is just that you seem so tortured as you tread gingerly down this path. Your spiritual aspirations are laudable and I wish you well, but I hope you don't make yourself desperately unhappy. You are doggedly pursuing what amounts to a kind of perfectionism. It is highly commendable, but if it is reasonable for you - well, only you can really know for sure. Pray about it and ask for some clear direction and blessing.
  9. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you IGY. I guess I am tortured in a way, it's hard for me to accept the state I'm in at present. So few walk this path, fewer successfully and even fewer willingly. 95% of the people in my religion don't even have this goal. As I see my friends fall one by one to marriage I feel more alone. Thats ok though, I like being alone.

    Once I set a goal however, it's hard to stop me, I can't even stop me.

    Everybody has a dream, I just wish sex didn't exist. That is my dream...but I know that it will not happen. I'll never give up, I just get frustrated and depressed at times.

    You seem very spiritual yourself IGY and it seems you're doing great on your streak.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  10. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Once I set a goal however, it's hard to stop me, I can't even stop me! WOW! You are one stubborn so and so, lol. Maybe you should stop being Melancholy and become Mr Motivator! ;)

    Seriously, that sort of goal oriented drive is essential to personal development. But, there could be a danger of too much intensity. If you are like this, there may be little room to relax and enjoy life. I am not trying to trivialise your very difficult challenges, but there must be some good things which you can ponder and draw strength and hope from. Yes, spirituality is what sets us apart from all other creation and we must embrace it to be whole.

    Thanks for noticing my efforts. I can hardly believe it to be honest! Two months down - one to go. YAY! :D
  11. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I'm a paradox. On one hand I'm terribly depressed and on the other I have a fire of motivation in me. My only hope is the chance of mercy at God's hand and living a life of meaning.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    From what I know of you, I have no doubt that God is proud of you matey :)
  13. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I can only hope. All there is is hope.
  14. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Perhaps you are right. The thing is though, I never should have even started down this path. I knew better. I grew up in a very religious house, not overly pious or strict but we had q healthy knowledge of the bible...I knew...I always knew... I should have been stronger. The worst part is there is truly no excuse I can come up with. There is no one nor nothing to blame. This was not done TO me, I chose to do this. This is all on me. It's hard for me to feel good about my accomplishments when in reality I should have beaten this long ago. I hold myself to a high standard that I have always failed to meet.

    I can't say I agree with the talking to girls thing. That ends up happening in my life quite a bit and it's just like talking to someone else to me.

    Since this thread has gone long already, let me explain to you why I'm not getting married.

    1. Not enough time to date, no time to spend with a wife to build a proper relationship.

    2. I don't have the emotional, mental or spiritual strength to support a woman.

    3. Unwanted pregnancy, if ya play ya pay.

    4. I couldn't support her financially.

    5. I'm too lazy to go through the whole process, I can't afford to split my focus.

    6. I want to devote my life fully in service to God. In fact next year I'm going to work full time at our world headquarters.

    7. The chances of me finding a girl who has my same goals, and then once we are married her keeping these goals is very unlikely.

    8. Marrying someone doubles your chances of something ending your goals. Double the chance of illness, disability etc.

    9. I'm a loner at heart.

    10. I think it would be selfish of me to enter marriage with all my problems. In the end I'd make a crappy husband.

    11. It would be difficult for me to separate the pain sex has caused me through PMO from married sex.

    12. She could end up crazy.

    13. Marriage is a big gamble and I'm not a betting man.

    14. Because single people are more cool.

    15. Eat and wear what you want.

    16. FREEDOM.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  15. peregrinnus

    peregrinnus Fapstronaut

    (Warning: religious post ahead, but advice does concern OP's problem.)

    Hey Melancholy,

    I do agree with remexplore in that you do seem to have a problem with letting go of what you perceive as your "sinful self", and that seems to colour quite a lot of your decision making.

    From what I see of your reasons not to get married, it seems that yoy're basically afraid of committment to another person - and I think that's perfectly normal. One of the reasons my last relationship fell apart was because I was too scared to commit to it. The rest of your life is a LONG time.

    But this lack of desire to commit will ultimately harm your relationship with God as well. You say that you want to dedicate your life to His service, but that is an even greater commitment to an even bigger unknown. If a commitment to a single human being is already THAT TOUGH an complex, then how more so would a commitment to the Creator of the whole universe be? He is way beyond our own comprehension!

    I don't know what sort of service you're in now, but I believe that a relationship with God should the foundation of that. And the first step to that relationship is to commit, and to be able to live at peace with yourself enough, in order to actually open up. And that relationship is a 2-way thing - not just you doing what you THINK God wants of you, or just saying "God I'm doing this for you" and expecting Him to accept it.

    Have you ever thought of the possibility that God might throw you a curveball and say "I think you should get married, and that would be the greatest thing you cound do for me"? It's entirely possible. I've had friends go the opposite way - drop a healthy, happy relationship in order to join the priesthood.

    I guess what I want to say in the end is that it's not something that you can WILL to make happen and force your way into (a life of service to God) or out of (married life). It takes a lot of discernment, self-acceptance, soul-searching (of your ENTIRE soul, even the parts you are most ashamed of), and ultimately an open mind to the possibilities that God might present to you.
  16. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Commiting to another human is completely different. Humans are imperfect. A relationship with God is the most important relationship we can have. Committing myself to God I KNOW will only benefit me. It could never be the wrong decision. Marriage on the other hand can very well end up to be a mistake. God may be vastly complicated, but we know from the bible the results of our cultivating a relationship with Him.

    How would you say God speaks to us now? I would say through the bible and holy spirit. These can help us have the wisdom to make the best choice. He's not going to come out and say whether or not I should get married. Humans have free will. I don't think God is particularly interested whether or not we get married. Whatever choice helps us serve Him better. Right now I know in my heart that is singleness.

    Strangely enough marriage has never been an option for me. I always just KNEW I would stay single...
  17. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    It is definitely unprecedented. I'm not gonna sit here and throw myself a pity party regardless of how the odds stacked up against me.

    Humans were not meant to endure much of what we do. There are many biblical examples of people who maintained their integrity under distessing, unique circumstances. Take for example Job, Joseph, Paul etc.

    Of course pointlessly beating myself up is stupid, but I can never let myself forget what I did. In the end I was weak. But in my weakness I know find the path to strength. Onwards and upwards.
  18. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    No...I don't know if I seems impossible.
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You rightly said that we should look to the example of men of integrity. I recommend you embrace Paul's view of his own weaknesses.

  20. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    I know I shouldn't post this because it can lead to a debate about religion but I would be interested in hearing the reasons for such an immensly strong belief like you have. I think believing in god is not bad at all, it gives you strength when you don't have it yourself. But maybe you set your expectations too high even for god.

    One reason for you to avoid getting involved in a romantic relationship is that human beings are imperfect. This is what your post seems like to me. But If there is a god the only way to justify believing in god after the year 1945 is to aknowledge that even god makes mistakes. I mean take an event like WWII where 6.000.000 people perished to death in concentration camps. Let alone the 40.000.000 soldiers who have died in battle. I would count this as a flaw of god.
    The reason why I'm posting this is because I want to make you question a strictly religious way of life because it appears to hurt you, or at least your love life. When I first signed up here I was really impressed about your streak and that all your strength looked like to be derived from your faith in god. And now you are very low and you seem to be torn because you want your life be about more than mere reproduction. Spirituality can undoubtedly be means to such a higher end. But how do define a higher purpose in life? I personally think it's about significantly enhancing the life of others.
    Take for example Howard Florey. He, among his colleagues, paved the way to mass production of the first antibiotic, penicillin. This has saved far more lives than anything I can think of. If his life didn't have a meaning then I don't know what else would be considered a "meaning". And now the point: He had married twice in his live. In fact almost anbody whose work has brought tremendous benefit for humanity was married. They all felt love. For their partners and the people around them. So If you want to give love to others and thereby lifting your own life's purpose you should be able to receive love from, say, a partner.
    Please don't get me wrong here. I do respect your belief. But it's never good if something consumes your life entirely. This is what I perceive too much religion is doing to you. I know that this perception comes only through my computer's monitor, but still please think about it.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
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