What makes you happy?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by megierix, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. megierix

    megierix Fapstronaut

    Guys write in commemts 5 things (or more) that makes you happy, makes you smile or you just appreciate.
    Nick:3 and letter like this.
  2. Jesus
    Friends & Family
    Millenial and letter like this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    1. Life
    2. God
    3. Helping out others
    4. Travel
    5. That certain girl
    6. Nature & the landscape around me
    Millenial and letter like this.
  4. Helping others
    Laughing with friends
    Doing things with family
    Physical activity
    Being in nature
    Millenial and letter like this.
  5. 1. God
    2. Family/Friends
    3. My husband
    4. Writing
    5. TV/movies
    letter likes this.
  6. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    1. Seeing others happy (today a homeless person was rummaging through the rubbish bins in town everyone was looking at him casting disapproving looks) I walk over and started rummaging in the rubbish with him, asked him what he was looking for? He said 'money' then, I pulled out some money and made his day. Didn't give a fuck what anyone else thought.

    2. Helping others, this is probably the same and the above. No matter how big or great their problem is I believe with help and acceptance they can overcome it. :)

    3. My Family and friends I would do anything for them.

    4. My little niece, I love her to pieces, she's just 2 months old.

    5. Hobbies - Art, computers, games, movies etc
  7. Family
    letter likes this.
  8. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    You got six there buddy.
  9. LonerWolf

    LonerWolf Fapstronaut

    the more the better
    letter, Knighthawk and MLMVSS like this.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I'm an overachiever. :p
    Knighthawk, BrokenBad and tweeby like this.
  11. 1. My boyfriend
    2. Good food
    3. Video games
    4. Going for long walks with my bf
    5. When it rains outside
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2017
    MLMVSS likes this.
  12. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    1) Movies
    2) music
    3) writing
    4) Food
    5) traveling
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. 海の見える街

    海の見える街 Fapstronaut

    I'm not really sure on what to write, actually.
    I'll just say it's a blank for now.
    Maybe I'll come back to this thread as I progress through this challenge and edit this message.
  14. alanz

    alanz Fapstronaut

    friends, my girlfriend, games, movies, books, travelling
  15. Jonathan House

    Jonathan House Fapstronaut

    Peaceful Life
  16. Debra Hall

    Debra Hall Fapstronaut

  17. Nick:3

    Nick:3 Fapstronaut

    1. meditating

    2. exercise, mainly mma and trampolining

    3. my girlfriend

    4. my friends and flat mates

    5. cooking and having a healthy lifestyle
  18. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    1. Going to the gym
    2. Poeple who are there for me
    3. Family
    1. Playing with my cat and my dogs.
    2. The awesome people that watch my YouTube videos and interact with me on a regular basis.
    3. Getting to do what I love every day.
    4. My stereo system, my turntable, and putting on a good record and kicking back and enjoying it.
    5. The summer. I can't help but smile like an idiot half the summer, I just feel so good in warmer weather.
    6. The end of the year, Christmas is usually nice, and then New Year's Eve is consistently my favourite day of the year. Even on years where I don't make any plans and don't do anything special I always feel great on NYE. I think the end of something old and the start of something new is always exciting.
    7. Getting better and improving myself every day in some small way.
    8. The view of the mountains from my window.
    9. Seeing people smile and laugh.
    10. My family and friends.
    11. Eating meals that are both healthy and tasty at the same time.
    12. Ice cream. My one true love.
    13. Reading and writing.
    14. Exercising and getting stronger.
    15. Collapsing into bed after a really productive day.
    I could go on for ages. I'm definitely in a very happy place right now.
    Jonathan House and Millenial like this.
  19. Pat-rick

    Pat-rick Fapstronaut

    In no particular order:

    Working with my hands (not that ;)
    Playing drums
    Listening to drum and bass music
    Visiting my grandparents