Is it ok to watch porn if I'm 100% sure masturbation won't happen

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by joewillsucceed, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    Is it ok to watch porn if I am 100% sure masturbation won't follow? The main aim of this process was to stop masturbating and I feel good today. Stopping porn sort of came with the nofap package. I do have an addiction to porn however. I just want to watch one damn video! I miss it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. TanglePie

    TanglePie Fapstronaut

    Do not go down that path. You do not need the video. You just don't
  3. no
  4. @joewillsucceed

    Hi joe.

    You don't watch porn because you "like" it. You don't "miss" porn.

    You, like me, and every other person here, likes and misses the dopamine rush porn gives you. When you understand it is that dopamine rush that is the problem, you will be able to more effectively combat the problem.

    This place is called "Nofap" because it was created before we understood dopamine is the problem. If this place had been created after it was understood using porn to get a dopamine rush was the problem, it would be called Nodopamine. Though, actually, naturally occurring dopamine highs are healthy and normal. Right, I know what you are thinking: Life is not fair. Well, it isn't, actually. Just ask the dinosaurs.

    Time to Get Educated. Look it up. Google "dopamine addiction." Don't take my word on it.

    Will I AM.
  5. No.
    Kenzi and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Gnathan

    Gnathan Fapstronaut

    thats your brain tricking you. making lame excuses to make you watch porn.

    according to your brain and is good. because it makes you feel good. so it will trick you in to watching it. just like its doing it.

    if you truly wants to quit watching porn. step 1. dont give in to it.
  7. Short answer: No, its not OK to watch porn.

    You said it yourself; You have addiction to porn. If you want to quit your addiction, you have to stop using that addictive thing, whatever that may be. The first step is always stop using it. If it's alcohol; stop drinking. If it's cigarettes, quit smoking. If it's porn, stop watching.

    I'm sorry Bro, but there's really no way round this. You can't have your cake and eat it too, so you just have to make a choice. Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.
    K423, Reborn16, TanglePie and 2 others like this.
  8. 100
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  9. Don't wait until it's too late, I've been telling myself I should quit for many years but always "allowed" myself to watch some on the side. It greatly hindered my recovery and has set me back a long time.

    It's obviously the addict side saying it's okay to watch porn, and if you make the mistake of reinforcing the behaviour that it's okay, recovery will take way longer and be harder. There is no excuse or benefit to watching porn and if you obviously know you're addicted you have to stop it period.

    Take it from the people that are in their 40's and 50's and they'll tell you not to make the same mistake they have, the older you get and the more you PMO the harder it is to rewire those pathways into something positive. A lot of them have taken years to stay clean and sometimes it's still not easy for them. :(
  10. Funny how the mind works, you can truly justify anything if you really wanted to. I was the same way up until 69 days ago. I would rationalize that porn is pretty acceptable and everyone does it pretty much every excuse in the book. But, it fucked me up big time. I mean I only jacked off few times a day everyday for 15 big deal right? Once I couldn't perform in the bedroom the light still didn't go on I went and got the pills instead and viewed it as much as I could. What I did was found a pill for the side effect as opposed to treating the root cause of the issue. I'm only 28 and I still can't get 100% boners and that's years of watching porn and masturbating. Like you said, earlier the better last thing you want is be in denial and you're 60 still jacking off to some really weird shit and not having sex.
  11. I won't say what, but I was getting into weird fetishes and all sorts of things I consider gross now. And that was while I was watching the supposedly harmless porn.

    Everyone has their own way of reaching the breaking point, that makes them open their eyes to how destructibly addictive it has become for them. For most men it's usually the inability to get it up or stay hard when it comes to sex or sexy times with women. For me it was the feeling of disgust and zero self-worth I felt when I did PMO, I eventually asked myself if it's so normal and okay why do I hide and feel guilty with porn then? Eventually I'd just cry every time, I couldn't bear the horrible feelings anymore.

    I hope people realise and are educated when they're younger, so porn doesn't shape their lives or perspective when growing up, plus nobody should go through what we have to. It's so sad to see how it's reached such an epidemic yet governments and schools view it as normal behaviour, and really don't care.
  12. Yeah, I agree. I went to go see a sex therapist because I couldn't get hard and I was 30 days of noFap at this point. My blood tests results had come in from our previous appointment (not on nofap) and my testosterone had gone up significantly in 3 months. I told her about noFap and how well I was doing and all she could say was what else had I been doing to increase my testosterone? I was thinking to myself like bitch... She completely downplayed that 30 days of not watching porn or not masturbating had anything to do with it. In fact she suggested that I shouldn't be hard on myself (pardon the pun) and I should masturbate but not watch porn. I'm like doc, I can't do it I have always associated porn to jacking off and I need to go through the process and get my boners back. She didn't want me to relapse, and I said relapse is not an option and I stuck to my guns. I'm not saying visual masturbation is a bad thing, but the last time I did that I ended up watching porn cause it was easier to bust a nut than to visual it. I'm not surprised teachers, doctors or anyone talk about it because we live in a society where we just prescribe a fucking pill to someone to make the symptoms go away instead of actually treating the problem. And guess what there is big money to make off of ED pills cause that shit ain't cheap.
    A41:14A, Reborn16 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Most therapists and doctors don't seem to care at all for their patient, they usually give you pills, creams, whatever to make you "feel" better. As a therapist she shouldn't talk like that at all, suggesting things in therapy can be dangerous to a person. They're supposed to help and encourage, not use their "opinions" or views on what they think is right or wrong.

    I can't masturbate like you said either, because it's accociated with porn since I did the two together all those years. Why can't people just accept that you're an individual that wants to feel better, instead of berating or thinking what you do is stupid? I guess because it's against the "norm" they think it's weird, I notice therapists have a bad habit of that doing that.

    Society doesn't see porn as a problem, hell people are watching it on buses here with the bloody sound on, it's disgusting.

    Congratulations on staying strong and going so far! Don't listen to what that bitch was saying and you'll be fine, you obviously already have a strong mindset.
  14. Thanks Sarah, The way I see it you gotta do what works for you and if noFap seems like an extreme approach to some well fuck them. I don't tell others to do it, my roommate knows i'm doing it but he rather watch porn. I'm only responsible for what I do and noFap has been difficult as I have been watching porn for the past 15 years and for the first time I said enough is enough. I don't mind being the oddball that stands out from the rest.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your honest words about how this affects you (and us all).

    Just watching will naturally finish your streak, but not only that, it will 'plant the seed' for a full on relapse.

    Whether it be 15 mins or 15 days later.. From my experiences at least... All I can say is don't ever so much as take a peek at porn, because it will initiate that count down with your brain begging for a literal flood of dopamine.

    Again, good on you for coming on here and posting first!
  16. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. I have pretty little knowledge about dopamine. I knew masturbating gave you a high but didnt really think porn gave one. I'm a week in now with no PMO and feel pretty good. I have had urges obviously thats why I made the post but I seem to pull through it.

    In terms of how porn and masturbating is viewed in society I totally agree. It is viewed as pretty harmless. What I have never understood either is if you search about masturbation on the web most seem to view it as totally normal and harmless. Whether you do it once a week or various times a day. If that is true then why are there so many people on here with issues. Over-masturbation is an issue as is watching too much porn. Some people can limit othe amount of porn they watch and if they can more power to them but some people can't and that is a problem. It's like alcohol and drugs. Some people can do it occasionally without being dependant but some people just get addicted.
    A41:14A, Reborn16 and Deleted Account like this.
  17. well said. Anything in excess is bad whether it's drugs, booze, masturbating, etc.
    Reborn16 and Deleted Account like this.
  18. Zntrix

    Zntrix Fapstronaut

    I don't think it will be worth it at all. It's really frustrating, I think we all know that. We just cannot give in into our addiction.
    Reborn16 and Kenzi like this.
  19. Elias Smith

    Elias Smith Fapstronaut


    Take it from the people that are in their 40's and 50's and they'll tell you not to make the same mistake they have, the older you get and the more you PMO the harder it is to rewire those pathways into something positive. A lot of them have taken years to stay clean and sometimes it's still not easy for them. :([/QUOTE]

    Well said, Sarah, take it from me at age 57. I started at 17. 40 years later I'm determined to quit forever.
    Former_CD and Reborn16 like this.
  20. Elias Smith

    Elias Smith Fapstronaut

    I screwed that up, I was trying to agree with Sarah's post. I'm new to this site, but I hope you get my intent.