Any advice? 90days?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TreeGuy, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    So im having a rubbish time in life, some explained in short here:

    I did try the no PMO thing a few years ago, im not sure it helped me, but im happy to try anything at the moment... i was on a different forum back then, but i cant exactly remember my whole experience, i think i did about 8 weeks then 12 weeks. my main concern back then was some mildish ED.

    So i guess ill try again, even though my lifes in a worse place, i can try. any tips?

    one thing i think i remember is achey balls, not just blue balls, like still these days years later they can ache fairly bad at various times, including after O, i don't remember that from before, normal?
    Inactive User likes this.
  2. Inactive User

    Inactive User Fapstronaut

    Hey TreeGuy. All the best, but it doesn't sound like you are super serious about quitting. You need to find for yourself a big reason WHY (or several) before you try to quit.
    fapstraunaut90 likes this.
  3. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    very true. i cant find a list of possible benefits anywhere on this site?
    Inactive User likes this.
  4. Inactive User

    Inactive User Fapstronaut

    Visit the “Success Stories” forum!

    But still—you need to find for yourSELF a reason to quit. The reason has to be big enough to help you resist temptation. If all you are seeking are benefits, it may not work out for you, because at least for me, strong temptation wins out over benefits every time.

    You can do it man! Good luck!
  5. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    im a stubborn bastard so if i get an idea in my head i generally do it :p
    also been there done it before for i think 8 + 12 weeks so no where near as difficult as if i still had the PMO habits of my teenage years!
    Inactive User likes this.
  6. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

    The biggest benefit for me is mental clarity. Although it will take time and effort to improve my life, I am slowly shedding my insecurities. I am able to deal with my emotions because I'm no longer numbing myself with PMO.
    Seeking benefits is often ineffective as motivation to succeed at NoFap. A better question is what are the consequences of PMO?
  7. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    not a clue :) maybe my mental clarity is so bad i cant work that out...
  8. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    so from what i remember from my last time, i wanted to help my ED, it might have but not really, i know more now and id say ED is very mild at worst, and i can work round it normally. I also think that poor bladder control was linked, thats something thats been a problem since the Ed was (i kinda think those things are linked but not due to PMO)

    looking at another site these things definitely apply to me, but if theyre down to PMO im not sure:
    social anxiety
    fatigue, irritability
    lack of motivation, depression, anxiety
    inability to concentrate- brain fog

    do i think i'm a porn addict? no. have i been in the past, yes.
    do i think occasional M is bad? no. do i think excessive M is? probably. have i in the past excessive M? probably.
    do i think occasional O is bad? or sex before marriage is bad? no.
    i dont know, maybe my views on that above will change

    some questions:
    why do my balls still often ache years after doing no PMO? normal? anything to stop it?
    i never really understood the no using internet dating thing while rebooting, is it ok if used in a non sexual way?
    best advice on what to do if theres a situation with a girl or whatever, P is the enemy not O? so should that still be avoided?
  9. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

    I didn't really know how much PMO affected me until now that I'm without it. The fact that I'm letting go of insecurities and learning to feel better about myself is a miracle. PMO kept me trapped in a vicious cycle of self doubt. P is the primary problem but my mental state didn't improve until I gave up M as well. I regularly O with my wife. I plan to be PM free forever.
    Internet dating, and social media are best avoided if you are using them as a substitute for P or are triggered by it. If you are using them responsibly and innocently to meet people or connect with friends it's ok but real life interactions are best.
  10. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    thanks for the reply.
    thought that would be the case for dating etc.
    if you have a wife a life without PM sounds great, but for a long time single guy im not sure thats realistic or a good idea... been a slow few years but i reckon ive been with a girl once in 3 years, and no MO for all of that time for instance seems like a big ask.
  11. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

    If succeed at NoFap I don't think you'll have to wait 3 years to meet someone. If you are PMO free and use your time and effort for self improvement instead of fapping to blinking lights on a screen you will have the confidence and charisma to attract someone special. No matter what please eliminate P forever. It will only cause pain. I only gave up P at first for 6 months before I stopped M. Learning to live without P was good but it didn't change my negative thought patterns because of mental fantasy.
  12. TreeGuy

    TreeGuy Fapstronaut

    thanks for the advice. yeah id like to have a life wihtout the need for P, we'll see.
    im not too sure circumstances in the rest of my life and my mental state will allow me to do as much self improvement as i need to, but ill try.