THE LAST JEDI currently has a worst user score than any other Star Wars movies

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 16, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]

    I still avoid spoilers but this is absurd. I just don't understand. A new movie just came out this Thursday night and it seems people on the social media in general hated movie. I mean, I don't get why Star Wars fans are so disappointed with the current SW movies more than the prequel (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith) trilogy. Current Star Wars movies were all considered 'great' by the critics so what's the big deal?

    THE FORCE AWAKENS - Generally not a remake of A New Hope by any means, it's original and refreshing which was a good start to the sequel trilogy.

    ROGUE ONE - Original and refreshing A New Hope prequel movie with Vietnam War theme.

    THE LAST JEDI - I won't wait to see it until Christmas Day and I'm pretty sure it's great.

    Star Wars fans seems to dislike the current SW movies more than the prequel trilogy. What the f is going on?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2017
  2. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    i saw it and i will give my review (without spoilers)

    I thinx it was the best star wars movie i've seen the revengeo f the sith it had amazing plot twisted i am not going to say what it was but it has something to do with turning to the good side or maybe to the dark side?

    The ending was amazing..

    The only thing i didn't like was that the beginning was way to slow and to boring.
  3. Spoiler Free thoughts:
    Episode 8 was more original than most people expected. After Episode 7 being (relatively) similar to episode 4 (a human leaves a desert planet and starts using the force), I would guess that everyone expected Episode 8 to be similar to other movies. Whether it is or not is debatable, but in my opinion Episode 8 is original and good. I think there are die hard Star Wars fans who really, really like episodes 4,5, and 6. If any movies come out that are too different, those people freak out and think the new movies are horrible.

    Basically it all depends on your expectations.
    Former_CD and Taylor25 like this.
  4. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    The ending could be better though you have the feeling how are they going to make a epsiode 9?
  5. Simply happens b/c aggregator sites like Rotten Tomato’s or IMDB can be manipulated. Who cares.
  6. That's fair. The ending was less of a "cliff hanger" than episode 7. I think they could go a few different directions with episode 9, but there's a scene or two that I would be surprised if it/they weren't in the next movie.
  7. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    I think it looks kick ass. I never really pay attention to the RT user score anyways. Sometimes I will read a super reviewer's thoughts but in general I trust critics more than the audience these days. IMDb has been shoddy for me with user reviews lately.
  8. Fuck the IMDb. You can't trust that.
  9. vibemaker likes this.
  10. Day 3 and the disappointments/hates still going? Jesus Christ.....
    pezzer likes this.
  11. I didn't watch any of the new Star Wars movies after Revenge of the Sith. I don't think I'm missing out but, I'll have a look at Force Awakens tonight.
  12. That's because the current movies grab continuity by the neck and stab it. You can enjoy them if you want though. I'm just incapable of turning off my brain.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Thought it was good.
  14. Couldn't agree more and it's not just Star Wars. Just take a look at "Ghostbusters" 2016, straight up disaster.
  15. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    For me it is the best Star Wars movie of them all.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  16. Yeah, but nowadays things are more about representation of "disenfranchised" groups and less about storytelling. People don't like the new trilogy because it had a cohesive plot and a protagonist with flaws and complexities like the OT. They like it because a "strong" woman is the protagonist and a "man of color" is a supporting character. It backfired on Marvel Comics and would on the Star Wars franchise if people actually took time to look at the flaws in the movie instead of "OMFG, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie" or "Fuq the haters" or "The haters will never be satisfied". This is why it is near impossible for someone to give any constructive criticism. See flaws in a movie with a non-hetero relationship, " You're a homophobe/transphobe/lesbophobe,etc". Anhow, I'm done with the rant.
  17. Sunshadow

    Sunshadow Distinguished Fapstronaut

    The Force Awakens was trash, IMHO. :) Total remake of A New Hope, with worse characters and ridiculous upping-the-ante tactics. I mean, they described Starkiller Base as "like the Death Star, but bigger." Whoa, that's original.
    And who the stupid decided Rey was a well-written hero? She's better at lightsabers than the trained Jedi, she's better at piloting than Han Solo, she's better at shooting than the stormtrooper. I don't identify in the least with someone who's good at everything without trying.

    Haven't seen the Last Jedi, but the trailers make it look like New Order Strikes Back. One would think the galaxy had four types of planets: desert, jungle, ice, and city.

    - Sunshadow
    SuperFan and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  18. The prequels had flaws and didn't handle Anakin's character as well as the Clone Wars did but at least you could say he lost a lot despite being the "Chosen One". In The Phantom Menace, he almost died pod-racing. In Attack of the Clones, he lost his arm to Darth Tyranus. In Revenge of The Sith, he got destroyed by Obi-Wan during one of the most memetic scenes of all time. Rey on the other hand somehow beats Kylo Ren who is using the pain from his wound to fuel his connection to the Dark Side, beat Finn( someone who held his own against a trooper trained in melee combat) despite her barely having any skill with her staff( as seen with the scene where she rescues BB-8) let alone a lightsaber which is designed differently. And I haven't even mentioned her fixing the Millennium Falcon's hyperspace drive before Han could figure out what was wrong despite her stating she never left the planet before which means she never would have seen a hyperspace drive before as it is used to exit a planet or her being trusted with Luke Skywalker's location(which is very critical information that took years to acquire) or what she does in The Last Jedi( as I won't spoil for those who haven't watched the movie).
    Gotham Outlaw and Sunshadow like this.
  19. Sunshadow

    Sunshadow Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I'm not a huge fan of the prequels, I do agree with a lot of what you're saying. At least in the prequels they gave themselves a bit of leeway for overpowered Anakin, since he was supposed to be the "Chosen One."
    Yep, Rey is pretty much the definition of a badly written hero. There's literally no reason for anyone else to be in the new movies, she can handle everyone else's specialties better than they can. I half expect her to teach Luke some new Jedi tricks once he starts "training" her. Either that or the writer will suddenly she decided that she actually can't handle a lightsaber, despite The Force Awakens having shown us otherwise.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.