What do people do after they've hit their NoFap goal?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Toby, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Toby

    Toby Fapstronaut

    Just something that crossed my mind. Most people here set their targets for number of days on NoFap, but what happens after this? Should we be continuing NoFap for the rest of our lives? Or would it be fine every now and then (only when you're extremely horny) to masturbate without porn for example? Personally I think masturbation is fine if it's not an every day thing, and without relying on porn. Of course, there's also the risk of going back to porn if you start taking up masturbation again.

    What do you guys think?
  2. SelfHealing

    SelfHealing Fapstronaut

    It varies from person to person.Like,for me,i really want to stop it forever
  3. BukAndrew

    BukAndrew Fapstronaut

    IMO, there shouldn't be any reason to go back to PMO after you have reached you goal because once you start it again on PMO it'll only get harder to stop it completely. If it were me, when I reach my goal I plan on extending that goal in hopes of being PMO-free for life.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I hope that is true, but in your biography you say that masturbation is an 'interest'. That is a bizarre interest for some that wants to stop! :confused:
  5. computerul

    computerul Fapstronaut

    Is it true that sometime masturbating can be healthy?
  6. mjtx

    mjtx Fapstronaut

    Yep, I want to stop PMO for good as well. It's something I've always been ashamed of.

    I try to just focus on the immediate goal. Once I get there, I'll set a more challenging goal. Right now I'd like to go three days. After that, go 30 days. Then 3 months, a year, etc.
  7. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Some people believe so, although I don't.
  8. mjtx

    mjtx Fapstronaut

    I think that masturbation could perhaps be okay in some cases, if it's done without porn, and it's done just to "scratch the itch" rather than entertainment because you're bored/lonely/whatever.

    At least for me, I aspire to have all my sexual needs met by a living breathing female (namely, my wife). If she's unavailable, then hopefully I can learn to do without. That's my goal for now.

    To be honest I'm so new to quitting that I haven't made up my mind yet about long-term goals. I can definitely see the damage that porn has done to my brain and my sex life, and I want porn gone forever. I cannot say one way or another that I'll never quickly MO in the shower ever again, using only my imagination and fantasies.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
  9. fapadonna

    fapadonna Fapstronaut

    I extended my goal once I reached my original one. I suppose thats the best way
  10. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Depends on your goals. My goal is indefinite. So I really have no goal. I just have the rest of my life.
  11. Sonu1983

    Sonu1983 Fapstronaut

    According to ayurveda masturbatio is the main cause of pe and loose erections. it describes like whenever on earth anything get empty simultaneously it get filled by air. so whenever we fap our semen gets ejected and the empty space get filled by air which weakens our viens. by regular practice it starts weakning the whole body. that what i read. So fap os harmful in every manner. only real sex is healthy but there is also a limit excessive sex is also harmful.
  12. goa

    goa Fapstronaut

    To the OP: my "NoFap" goal is just a small part of the bigger goal to change my life. So once I've hit my 30 days, I'll be extending the goal, but it runs alongside other lifestyle changes too, so I'm constantly doing something.
  13. mjtx

    mjtx Fapstronaut

    I have been doing a lot of reading, and according to one book, it might take 18 months to make a FULL recovery from porn. Once I am there, why would I ever go back?

    My goal is to eliminate MO as recreation. I want sex to be something that involves a living breathing female (my wife). I haven't made up my mind about MO w/out porn for release yet, but for now I am not partaking.
  14. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    I would imagine most peoples goal is to carry on being PM free for life. However, I would understand if people went back to masturbation without porn. I've noticed that it's porn that people are trying hardest to give up, not masturbation, so if people want to carry on masturbation without porn, that's fine.
    Other people are on NoFap as a test of willpower, just to see if they CAN go a month/90 days without PMO, and they plan on returning to PMO after their challenge is complete. Which is completely fine, each to their own..

    Personally? I'm aiming for a complete porn/masturbation free life.