Extreme brain fog after relapsing

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Wolves, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    Okay, so last night I relapsed, after edging for about an hour looking for a video to download. I watched porn for about 5 minutes and ejaculated very quickly and had the most intense organism I have ever had, I started shaking and It felt like I was having a seizure for about 5 seconds. I also quickly looked at porn this morning and masturbated and ejaculated in 2 minutes.

    I believe my streak was about 35 days. Today, I have extreme brain fog, I am unable to concentrate on reading articles on the computer and can't even concentrate on watching a tv show, it feels like my eyes can't focus. I also have an intense ringing in my head, which is very profound when in quiet. Also throughout the 35 days, my brainfog never fully went away. I still had the cloudness and ringing in my head, it was just less then it is today.

    Before my 35 day relapse, I went 22 days and around 12 days twice before that and before that I went fucking 7 months. After relapsing after 7 months I had a 5 day binge. I just feel like such a screw up and don't know what to do. I also still had brain fog throughout the 7 months. I don't know whyy its lasting so long. I have been masturbating to porn since I was 11 and have just turned 18. I have been trying to quit since I was 16 and I've felt very ecstatic while doing nofap, especially during the 7 month period, but I still always felt like I was out of it and always feel foggy and can't learn anything. I cant express myself either, it makes conversations a lot harder and I always slur my words. Seriously how can I get rid of this brain fog? Also since relapsing after 7 months, I've had bad HYPERsomnia and I will sleep 9 hours and won't wake up at all during the night and will feel absolutly exhausted the whole day. I overslept yesterday heaps and it helped cause the relapse. I need 7 hours and feel perfect on 7 hours, I feel alright on 7.5 and even 8 I can cope with, but as I get towards 9 hours I feel like shit and my whole day feels ruined. Usually I wake up after I've had a full 7 hours, but my brains just so tired and I fall back asleep, cause I wake up extrremely sleep. Advice please
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    dboy18 likes this.
  2. Yurushite

    Yurushite Fapstronaut

    First of all, congratulations on your 7 months!

    This doesn't sound like your problem is relapse related at all. It sounds to me like you are under heavy stress and/or anxiety, and the relapse just made it worse because you beat yourself up over it. My advice would be to go see a doctor and explain your symptoms without bringing up PMO at all. He will probably give you something to help you sleep and that will probably be the end of that. It wouldn't surprise me if the root of 75% of your problems was your lack of sleep, regardless of what caused it.
  3. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    I don't have lack of sleep though. I'm always asleep within 10 minutes and always have a full night sleep and never wake up in the middle of the night. I also still have erectile dysfunction, so I still have porn issues
  4. Yurushite

    Yurushite Fapstronaut

    I thought you said 'insomnia', which means a lack of sleep. Anyway, explain everything in detail to your doctor, cutting out the PMO related stuff because doctors tend to say that masturbating is a healthy thing.
  5. 7 months is great. However, brain fog can take time to eradicate and lift.

    Anyhow, did you notice any improvements in terms of brainfog in your streak? And what does brain fog feel for you? Is it lack of memory, concentration etc?
  6. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    Cloudness in my head, which I can hear if I'm in a quiet room. A lot harder to concentration, my eyes just can't focus. It feels like there is a cloud between me and when someone talks to me, I'll hear it, but won't register entirely what they said. Sometimes it makes peoples stories seem boring as fuck. Also terrible short term memory and an inabillity to learn new things, which isn't good as i start university in 16 days.
  7. Brain fog will decrease for you. Just stick to nofap and keep yourself busy with other activities such as: gym, reading, studying etc. Make sure you drink enough water, sleep properly, eat fruit and a well balanced diet.

    Brain fog will go away but it doesn't disappear over night. It fades away slowly. Then one day you will realise you no longer have it. Try not to think about it to much, good luck. ;)
  8. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    I keep over sleeping and don't know how to fix it. I just wake up so tired and find it easy as to get back to sleep. It's also very hard to study as I can't concentrate probably, reading also hurts my neck. But I have been working out heaps and hanging with friends, which helps a lot.
  9. I must change

    I must change Fapstronaut

    First congrats on your different streaks, Why don't you call your doctor and get a physical and tell him what going on with the extreme exhaustion .It might be something else . You should be proud of yourself at such a young age to realize that porn is bad for you. I have to say your a lot wiser then you age. I have learned we always no matter how hard we try we can only live the "now" it's the only time we have power to change anything or accomplish goals. I would keep trying to stay away from porn. try taking a cold shower It works for me it curves my urges . it might work for you. One thought I always pose to myself " do I want to have sex with myself ? or a girl cuz in general terms that what masturbation is. That question creates an awareness that shifts my thoughts on watching porn . best of luck I hope this helps.
  10. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    What are you willing to try consistently? I have ideas but I doubt I can get anyone on here to stick with them long enough to see results. It's nothing that hasn't been mentioned in other threads but you do have to do multiple things consistently and experiment a little.
  11. RecoveryOn

    RecoveryOn Fapstronaut

    How are things now my friend ?
    FX-05 likes this.
  12. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    Going good. I'm confident this is my last streak. My streak is a little over a week compared to what it says in my badge. I changed my badge late. Before this streak though, I did fuck up another month streak and felt like I had set myself back to day 1. I felt like absolute shit for a week and couldn't concentrate at all, but after a week I started getting better and I've been very social this streak and felt like stuff has been improving. I'd still like to get back to 7 months though, as I felt at my prime then and could socialise very well with new people.
  13. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I would thought the erectile dysfunction went away by that time ...
  14. I wouldn’t worry about the oversleeping at least you can sleep some of us toss and turn and can’t get nothing. Sleep is when your body repairs it is an absolute godsend. Brain fog will go away when you stop relapsing! Stick with it and don’t give in mate!
  15. Qujing Shen

    Qujing Shen Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I relapsed today after a 25-day streak - my longest thus far - and I'm utterly gobsmacked by how weak and tired I feel as a result. It really clarifies just how much we cut ourselves short when we release our spermage with regularity.

    I was also stunned by the quantity of the spermage - enough to accommodate the Titanic! And it was actually a little bit painful upon eruption. I guess when it's not spurting out every day it becomes more sensitive.

    Anyway, back to abstinence!