Does an addict ever come to the point of hating porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Here's a question that came to mind as I ate breakfast this morning:

    Does an addict ever come to the point where they hate porn, not just the consequences, but porn itself?

    For example, I hate anything that has to do with the occult. I don't want anything to do with it. It's never been and never will be a temptation. Any sign of it around and I want to be separated from it. Tarot cards, Ouija boards, Seance, etc, all detestable to me. (Not going to get into any discussions about why).

    Will porn be that way for me someday?

    I love porn, love watching the scenes, and love how it makes me feel when watching. That's why I'm an addict!

    But I HATE the aftermath. The depression, the wasted time, wasted money, destructive behaviors that come from it, and how it's twisted my mind. Hate how I've become an angry person. Hate how it's put violent ideas towards women in my head since it's desensitized me towards sexual violence. And for that reason I want to quit it permanently. Stop hurting myself and stop before I hurt other people. (I've actually already emotionally hurt an ex-fiancee and I don't want that to ever happen again).

    Or do we just get so busy with the important things in life and the final result is, "Hey, I don't have time for that. Not going to bother wasting time watching porn. I've more important things to do!" Or a third alternative of being able to ignore it and wonder WTH attracted me to it in the first place.

    (Guess there are other alternatives I suppose).

    What do you all think? Does an addict ever come to the point of hating porn?

    Hope this post makes sense!!!
    soberhenry and Youssif like this.
  2. It's a good question. Objectively, I don't know that I will ever hate porn or the feelings it gives me, but I believe over time I'll associate porn with the aftermath as you call it. Eventually when I think about porn, the feelings about the negatives will overpower the "positives" every single time.

    I think the addict is truly healed when they no longer love OR hate it, because either way they're still pouring energy at it. The opposite of love is apathy. If the addict reaches a point where porn isn't even worth the energy of hating it they're probably healed.
  3. Ahhh yes!!!!! Well put! I saw clearly in my last counseling session that this is where my therapist is leading me. I need to get busy doing the important things. Eventually I won't be interested in spending energy/time/money on porn, I won't care about it anymore. He never talks about hating porn like pervious counselors at churches from years past. He talks about doing things that are constructive and make me a better person. Get focused on those things and make them a regular habit. Thanks for your input.
    Jen@8675309 likes this.
  4. Sandsii

    Sandsii Fapstronaut

    I can only speak from experience but I have definitely become less "in love" with porn. Its not at a point where I hate it yet but scenes and pornstars that I used to like now doesn't attract me. It feels wrong and unnatural.
    That doesn't mean I will grow to always hate it, i'm sure if I got back watching it right now I would fall back in love but with time, and strong beliefs about wanting to achieve your goals, then I think you can definitely grow to hate porn.

    I don't think it'll ever be a true hatred. Alcoholics never recover to truly "hate" alcohol but they hate the idea of themselves drinking it and the effect it has and I think it will be the same with porn.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Great input, thanks Sandsii!
    Sandsii likes this.
  6. john27

    john27 Fapstronaut

    I hate porn until I go 4-5 days without it and my dick starts to disagree.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I kinda hate porn already honestly.
  8. BoxyGirl

    BoxyGirl Fapstronaut

    Well, at least in my experience, it’s possible to end up despising some of the more sick and twisted fetishes and works that you may have ended up turning to in pursuit of getting high. It seems that, like with drugs, P can also be a gateway drug of sorts, going from vanilla to more exotic and at times even twisted and wrong things in pursuit of feeling the rush you used to feel with the previous kind once again. And if you let it get out of control enough you may even be at risk of turning to real drugs instead or as well.

    Chances are you won’t hate everything you ever looked at, but you may grow disgusted with some of the things once you’ve realized what exactly it was you were getting off to.

    Then again that might just apply to me seeing as how all my problems seem to have spawned from my own ignorance and obliviousness ^^;
  9. SenecaX

    SenecaX Fapstronaut

    I hate it. I really hate it. I hate the people who make it, too. They want my time and my health, which is my life. They are happy to destroy me and my family.
  10. BoxyGirl

    BoxyGirl Fapstronaut

    To be brutally honest I doubt they give a shit about you at all, they’re trying to support their life and their families. But I’m sure the last thing they ever wanted is for people to get hurt by their creations, so for your sake and theirs try to forget about it entirely and move on to better things
  11. Thanks again for everyone's inputs.

    This observation here is certainly true for me. I'm disgusted with the violent stuff that I was watching. It's one of the factors that got me to call a therapist. I was thinking: "WTF, I would never want to do that stuff to anyone and I don't want it to ever happen to anyone yet here I am FAPing to it. Time to get help!" So yes I'm already disgusted with a portion of what I used to watch. Thanks again for your observation.
    BoxyGirl and Kris456 like this.
  12. daveintexas

    daveintexas Fapstronaut

    Ditto. 11+ years without alcohol and I don’t hate it (yet) but I can and do recognize the effect a drink would have on me (thinking the drink all the way through “we” say) and I can only assume (and hope) at some point it will be the same with porn.
    Kris456 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    I do understand this question. I do sometimes ask this question (albeit with different words). I do kind of long for an answer to this question. At the same time, I personally have to stay away from this question.

    One of the biggest and most recurrent stumbling blocks for me in recovery is thinking too far into the future. More specifically, thinking too far into a future in which all that I dislike about this addiction is gone. I seem to get hooked by such thoughts - and then terribly let down when they are not true. We can probably guess what I do and where I go with this disappointment...

    They say 'One day at a time' in recovery circles. Again, myself personally - I can understand why.

    Best to all,
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Shapirous

    Shapirous Fapstronaut

    Depends on the day, sometimes I hate for all bad things that shit caused in my life, I'm became a super violent person and I used to be a good guy, when I catch myself thinking about that i start to have my moments of hate, has been very painful but I need go through that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    I do hate porn, particularly for ensnaring me when I was young and for destroying what should have been a normal teen life. I've only realised how wonderful it is to be in the company of women AFTER I stopped porn. Before I saw them less as human and more as things.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    I think maybe between hating and don't give a crap about it is the "this shit is so f-ing stupid" perspective..
    Deleted Account and Truegamer007 like this.
  17. I think anyone who is trying to get rid of porn hates it in someway, Regarding the hate for porn , I think when you start having control over yourself and you are no longer dictated by your addiction , You start thinking rationally and are not tempted to watch it to get dopamine rush , you just think about the consequences ,not the temporary enjoyment and this rational thinking prevents you from loving porn and going for it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Gota

    Gota Fapstronaut

    I can't say I hate porn, but after I abstained from porn I started to fear it. I blame porn for all bad things what happened to me in this life. And my situation is a little different because I spent almost 15 years in porn business running adult websites. My job was watching porn movies all day long, reviewing them, searching for new videos and models, building and promoting websites, etc. I ended hating being porn webmaster. I was very happy when I left porn business. So I don't hate porn itself, but I hate porn business.

    As for porn I always considered it as a 'safe' thing, not good, but nothing bad with it. Just one from many entertainment forms. And I hid my own addiction under the business I was in. It took me years until I finally admitted I'm porn addict. The damage I made for myself is still unclear for me. After 7 months hardmode I'm still in a deep and hopeless flatline, depression and to say truth sometimes I already start to loose faith in the whole 'nofap process'. What keeps me back from relapse is a fear.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018