It's difficult to find beautiful girl(s) to have sex

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. First of all, I have never asked a single beautiful chick near my age or a milf to have sex. Secondly, I have never go on the dating websites (cam sites does not count) to check out women for sex. Thirdly, I never had sex and it's time for me to settle.

    Nearly two years being in the NoFap community and I still feel like wanting to have sex with a hot girl for a year now. I mean, in my opinion, I would like to have sex instead of a relationship or date just to end my PMO addiction and that's how I feel about. The town I'm living in sucks. Brothels are never a good idea and they are expensive as heck so I would rather have a cammodel or sex seeker myself. In my experience, there's hardly any beautiful girl (age 23-31) want to have sex with me or anybody in this town because it's the f**ked up place I've never been living in. Many of them already got a boyfriend and get married or rarely want to have sex. Who knows?

    When I was in high school and in my early 20, I never had a thought about having sex and all I cared was beautiful women with good-looking body. Now I'm having a difficult time to quit PMO for almost two years and it is hard to deal with but that how it goes. Maybe sex can put an end to my addiction? Let me know what you think!

    Sorry for my English.
  2. Somebody mixed your medicine, you don't know what you're on. :)
    Thought I'd ease you a bit first.
    I'm 28 and still no boyfriend in sight.
    Taylor, have you thought of it this way? How can you tell what sex could bring into your life at first? Maybe it will be unfulfilling and you'll still crave PMO. I had several sex experiences and they were empty and self-abusive. There was no love and since I'm longing for a relationship, they were kind of a waste of time. Just to share my experience with you.
    And you like Jason. You're scaring me. I fear lakes because of Jason.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. PSC94

    PSC94 Fapstronaut

    Having sex with a girl won’t cure your PMO addiction.

    Sex is great, and if that’s the only thing you want, lower your expectations.

    The women you’re describing generally garner a lot of attention, and won’t sleep with any random guy just because.
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  4. ThePeacocksTale

    ThePeacocksTale Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree with @PSC94, as a guy that's spent thousands of dollars on sex, it isn't really the answer to any of your problems man. Sex is a basal desire for human beings, it isn't something to aspire to because in reality: sex is a fun thing to do but ultimately it means nothing. It's another simple action like walking or eating breakfast. What the media has done is try to convince you that sex and a naked woman are something extraordinary that you should desire all the time, and it's magic, and it'll cure all your problems, you'll never be sick again, you'll be happy forever, and it'll answer all of your questions!

    Unfortunately, that's simply not true. There are no easy ways to be happy, healthy, or find true knowledge. It takes hard work and a lot of experimentation.

    If you find this hard to believe try remembering that we were all naked at one point in time. A naked girl is a normal thing to see in the wild. It doesn't really mean anything to our ancestors or to ourselves. Sex is a lie sold to us by the media to make us buy more things. I'm not trying to blame them I'm just stating a fact.

    You desire sex because you think it'll fix all of your problems. I want to say that sex is nothing, and your problems are much bigger. You're looking for a simple solution to a very very complex issue. If you want to know where to start, start anywhere. Do anything! Start a journal, write a few posts, cook some pasta, go for a walk and do that for a week. Do anything man, and you'll be closer than you were yesterday trying to fix this problem. Then do something every day and it will slowly add up.
    ShowY, Defytheodds, Eleanor and 4 others like this.
  5. I understand what you guys were saying. Of course, I've never experienced sex and I'm sure it is fun but touching/squeezing boobs is the only thing I care about in my head for a while. I know, it's strange but I couldn't help it.

    When do I need to end my virginity? :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2018
  6. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Your going about this all wrong. Take it from someone who used to have the same mindset. I used to be obsessed with sex and beautiful women but there's not enough solace in that short term pleasure. There is nothing as fleeting as form; you need to make a real lasting connection to feel good. Obviously easier said than done, but it's the best route imo. Im working towards finding love and having a long term relationship. It's been an extremely deliberate effort and nothing has happened on it's own and I'm still far from being in a fully established relationship. But my advice is to find someone you care about more than just looks and not be worried or insecure about being a virgin. That's what I have done and it feels like I have purpose and am working towards something. Plus it's a noble an honorable aspiration that's going to bring me happiness.
    ShowY, Hitto and vibemaker like this.
  7. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    If sex could end the porn addiction, there would be no married men on these forums, no boyfriends, no people having one night stands participating in these discussions.

    But all of those people are here, so what does that tell you?
  8. culion

    culion Fapstronaut

    Apart from being expensive, why you think brothels are not a good idea?. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, so the working conditions for sex workers must be good.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
  9. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    Nothing strange about wanting to touch breasts! Just, go for the real thing - it's much more rewarding to touch the breasts of a woman who wants you to touch her breasts and feels comfortable with you doing so. No second-guessing if she's only into it because you paid her. Having a girlfriend or wife is so much more than breasts. The boob-touching is the icing on the cake, don't get me wrong, but there is so much more to discover and enjoy about having a partner that a sex worker cannot give. Don't take shortcuts and enjoy the journey!
    Dude...have you seen sex workers? Is it possible for their working conditions to be good? I walked through a portion of the red light district in Amsterdam, and the thing that struck me was how incredibly mundane it all was, how bored the women were. Makes sex look about as exciting as a shitty telemarketing job, not the warm, rich, laughter-filled thing it can be.
  10. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Stop thinking about it like this. You're a virgin? No one cares, I mean literally, no one cares. You think women or people will think of you as better if you're not a virgin? No. They don't give a fuck. And so what if you do lose your virginity, huh? What happens then? Have you ever stopped and thought about what you want from life beyond having sex with a beautiful girl?
    There's so much more to living than sexual pleasure. Don't waste more time chasing after stupid primal desires. You're a human, not an animal. Go out there and live like a person.
    Eleanor and vibemaker like this.
  11. Temujin

    Temujin Fapstronaut

    Virginity is literally nothing.

    Loosing my virginity did not make me feel any different about anything. Life was exactly the same.
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  12. culion

    culion Fapstronaut

    I have consumed prostitution. I live in a country in a same legal status like Netherlands, I think this model is not the best one but is better than a model in which prostitution is illegal or the john is punished for buying sex. I think New Zealand has the best model.
    I didn't said their working conditions were wonderful in Nevada, of course sex workers have to deal with stigmatization, prejudice, sexism. Probably the sex workers that offer an affordable service for everyone wont be rich, but every person even with a minimum wage job can afford payed sex.
  13. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    Lost my virginity to my mates girlfriend and had a string of one night stands. Didn't have a proper relationship for 7 years and I blamed it to rushing intonsex and not a relationship. Not always a good thing to rush, some of the best people I know didn't lose their virginity for years after the "norm"
  14. Theultimatefighter_21

    Theultimatefighter_21 Fapstronaut

    I have a tip: Just don't. Just don't look for women for sex, look for romance with them, slow down a bit, build intimacy with her, brick after brick, you are rushing, my friend, this way you'll never get anything.

    Losing virginity will not change anything on you.
  15. This nailed it.
  16. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    So you're looking for a hot chic huh? Aren't most guys, lol.
  17. Theultimatefighter_21

    Theultimatefighter_21 Fapstronaut

  18. Timeon

    Timeon Fapstronaut

    Having a hot chick by your side is not the answer. Realize that models are the most insecure people because they are always comparing themselves.
    Marrying a hot chick thinking you have unlimited supply of sex is not the answer because sex only constitute a small percentage of your activity together. Marriage is hard working but can also be very rewarding if one is not selfish. You have to be able to connect in many ways because eventually that beauty will fade as they get older.
    Romance and sex is not the same. Losing your virginity does not make you any better.
  19. Theultimatefighter_21

    Theultimatefighter_21 Fapstronaut

    Everything i said, but 9999 times better.
    Eleanor and Truegamer007 like this.
  20. This post is excellent. It took me a while, but I realized guys who go after trophy wives will be the unhappiest people....oh well.