Why do I want to see through his eyes.. danger!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by BetrayedMermaid, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    I’m an SO... for other SO’s. Is it normal to want to see what your PA was looking at? I’ve looked at porn out of curiosity- 3 times now since DDay Feb 5th because I wanted to see what this “drug” is that turns him on... and I’m sickened yet I keep looking. I don’t have an urge to M but I better quit looking... also my PA got on some “hook up sites” although he says he “can’t remember” what the sites were called other than craigslist...so I actually joined two of them as a “Man looking for a women” so I could see what he would have been exposed to... what’s wrong with me? I hate porn so bad!!! But I don’t want to be in the dark! I want to know what we’re dealing with. But I know I shouldn’t because I could get addicted too! Wouldn’t THAT be lovely!- why do I keep looking and risking? Is anyone else tempted to do this? Or should I start putting myself in the PA groups, ugh!!!
    SpouseofPA likes this.
  2. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I want to look, but I don't. I have no fear at all at being addicted. I've seen a little of what he's looked at. But seeing it disgusts me, it makes me sick. Like being stabbed in the chest every image. It brings back all the pain, hurt, anger and lies of 15 years. I don't know why I keep some of the history. I should just get rid of it. The pull to look at it was much worse in the beginning. I'm finding those thoughts hardly coming up anymore. You're only hurting yourself looking at the things he looked at. Seeing those things won't help you heal, or at least they don't for me. The images I've seen are forever burnt into my mind, even ones from the very beginning. It's not healthy or healing to keep hurting yourself with it.
  3. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    Thanks Numb. I’ll try not to look, I know it’s not good for me. I just hate being in the dark. Also I keep harassing him to tell me this and that. He’s taking it well, and answers my questions and doesn’t get defensive but I feel like if I don’t ask him specific questions, he wouldn’t volunteer the information. I’ve got to stop doing that too, it’s not helping either of us heal. It’s spins me into anger and turmoil. Sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy. Today I’ll do better.
    TryingHard2Change and Numb like this.
  4. SpouseofPA

    SpouseofPA Fapstronaut

    You are not alone. I have prolly spent several hours in total since D-Day looking up what he has. I wanted to know what was so great about them and not me.
    a therapist has told me its not uncommon for women of Betrayal Trauma to do this. in my opinion i do not think youll become addicted. I also think the reason we do this, is because we were in the dark for so long, we just want to shed some light on what the heck was going on. Personally i felt it would make me understand my husband better, and in some ways it did. In others it disgusted me and made me question myself.
    but truly i think that it was a whole chunk of my husband that i didnt know and i just wanted to learn as much as i could since i now had the information.
    BetrayedMermaid likes this.
  5. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I know it's really hard not knowing. We've had a lot of talks. What I started doing is writing down my questions then waiting a day or two. Any questions I am still wondering about/thinking about or still bothered by I will ask him. The ones that I no longer feel are important I cross off my list and forget about. But if something keeps popping into my mind I ask. Sometimes I write the questions down and then think, will knowing this really help me/us? But you have to be honest with yourself. I too feel I'm going crazy. Some days I feel it is all too much. But day by day it does, not get better really. But isn't as bad I guess. Have you talked to a therapist? They can help some people.
  6. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I went through a stage of wanting to see as well. I didn't do it, and the reason is that I didn't want to see those images in my head all the time when I thought of him or when we were intimate, etc. I'm glad I didn't, but I understand why you'd want to. It's a personal choice, but just remember, you can't unsee it.

    About the specific questions, yes! This was a big problem with us. I felt like I had to ask him the exact right specific question for him to answer it and be honest about the gist of what I was asking. We had discussions about this a little way in to his recovery and he finally got what I was saying about it and agreed not to do that. He now answers in the spirit of what I am asking and will even expand on what I'm asking sometimes. I think for him it was all part of that fog/secrecy mentality that he had going on. Only give the smallest bit of information possible as to not upset me even more. I think he has finally learned that the FULL truth may upset me in the moment but in the long run it is so much better.
    Numb, BetrayedMermaid and SpouseofPA like this.
  7. SpouseofPA

    SpouseofPA Fapstronaut

    thats a good idea but i am not sure if i could wait lol
  8. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    Yes I’m talking to a mental crisis counselor And he has therapy with a sex addict specialist. Thanks for the good advice. I think I will write down my questions and then cross them off after analyzing them. I’m glad to know I’m not alone in this. I feel disgusted at myself when I look at porn and I feel just ugly after watching because I can’t help but compare. Definitely not good for my self-esteem.
    Numb and SpouseofPA like this.
  9. SpouseofPA

    SpouseofPA Fapstronaut

    i agree with the self esteem. but you also have to ask your self, why did he choose this? Do those things seem so fake? Is the reason he loves you because you are real?
    I know how fake most these people are. Or the diseases they have contracted, or the fact that they have been raped, beaten, drugged, etc inorder to make these videos etc.
    those are some of the things i have also looked up.
    my husband cannot believe how horrible the industry is to these people.
    The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography
    Is a great book to help explain alot about that.

    Just don't shame yourself too much. You are an authentic women. Not a fake porn star, with tons of plastic surgery, and pounds of make up on.
    kropo82 likes this.
  10. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I did this too quite a bit, one point it was curiosity but after he cheated it more about lack of trust and the lies. For me it was not wanting to feel naive, stupid or feeling like I was being treated as stupid. I think some of it was arming myself against the gaslighting. All it did was make angry that he was using all this, it was such dark deprivation.
    The more I looked the angrier I became, I started to become resentful of it all. The sick stuff I found on the internet turned me inside out. It was a challenge to get through but it does pass. Now I ask questions and he answers to the best of his ability but it was at its worst when I didn’t feel like I was getting any honest answers.
  11. Amazing isn’t it how similar you are to an addict? It’s because anyone can become one with enough curiosity, lack of impulse control, and doubt about your self-worth. You keep looking at this stuff because you still think what he’s looking at has something to do with you or with what you “lack” when it’s not about that. It’s. Not. About. You. He’s been looking at P before you showed up so think about that.

    He uses P to avoid himself, his feelings, his pain, his trauma if he has any, his self-hate, his lack of trust, and his issues with self-worth. P provides him with a reward without having to be intimate. Intimacy deals with self-worth, in order to be intimate you have to believe you’re worthy of being loved.
    Gooding and BetrayedMermaid like this.
  12. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    Thanks Harold. It’s so hard when it’s a porn addiction to realize it has nothing to do with me. I told him I’d rather he was an alcoholic because at least I would feel like I was sexually attractive still. It feels like he replaced me with other women- I’m struggling with believing that I was good enough- I was insecure before I met him. He made me feel secure with my body- the first man that could... so I know everyone tells me it’s not about me- but he was fucking other women in his head- that’s where he’d go... not to me. I’m not there yet- more counseling needed. I appreciated everyone’s input.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. It’s completely natural to feel that way, so don’t think I have some view that your behavior is irrational. It’s not. Sex is suppose to be loving and intimate, so when the act is done outside of your relationship then it’s a betrayal. Yet in order for you to heal you will have to challenge those thoughts for your own health. You’ll have to remind yourself that even if he was in a relationship with one of the types of women he views in his P he would have also betrayed them too in search of something or someone that doesn’t require intimacy or for him to be vulnerable.
    Gooding, Jennica and BetrayedMermaid like this.
  14. Be very careful. This is literally EXACTLY how I ended up here, as an addict myself. I never had any desire to look at porn, and until I was 19 and engaged to him, I had never looked at porn or even masturbated. Now, 6 years later, I've been an addict and been on this site for several years.

    Also, some people here are saying they are disgusted by porn and aren't afraid of being addicted, but let me tell you, I was disgusted by it too. So don't let that fool you and trick you into thinking you won't end up in the same trap your man is in. Please be very careful with this and walk away while you still can.
    Kenzi, Gooding, kropo82 and 4 others like this.
  15. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    Ok, I'll heed the warning, thank you. I'll resist the urge to watch more, the scenes I've seen are already etched in my mind and they pop in there sometimes, I hope I haven't ruined myself. I can see how it can numb and distract from reality, and my life, my reality is so messed up right now, I'm constantly looking for a way to numb the pain I'm in from the heartbreak of what my PA has done. Haven't turned to alcohol, haven't turned to drugs. I exercise a lot for stress relief and I take baths to calm myself. I'm trying to deal with this in a healthy way. I had a dream that my intestines were hanging out of stomach and I was trying to pick them up, had blood all over my hands hunched over and trying to get to a hospital... this is symbolic for how I feel right now, a month and a week after Dday.
  16. I'm sorry you're going through this :/ I wish there was something I could say to help, but I don't have much wisdom or experience in that department. The Partner Support threads might be good for you, though!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    I'm getting a lot of support from the SO threads, thanks!
  18. Damn! I had no idea that is how you got drawn into this horrible addiction. That is a sobering story which makes me sad.
    Kenzi, kropo82, vxlccm and 1 other person like this.
  19. Yeah, it's tough because it honestly really did help me to understand my husband's addiction better and to stop feeling like shit about myself and our relationship. So in that sense, it's hard to say if I regret it or not. But I'm sure there are other ways I could have come to that place of understanding as well, although they would have been more difficult. I took the easy route, which often gets you in trouble. But that's okay. No sense worrying about past mistakes. I'm just moving on into, hopefully, a better future.
    Gooding, kropo82 and vxlccm like this.
  20. RedeemedIowan

    RedeemedIowan Fapstronaut

    Mermaid, thank you for sharing. I’m a recovering PA with more than 14 months clean by the grace of my savior Jesus Christ. I started dating my gf about 13 months ago. I love her SO MUCH. Reading your post about how dday made you feel makes me realize how i NEVER want to do that to my SO. So thank you for sharing and inspiring.
    BetrayedMermaid likes this.