If you’re on this website, you should feel proud

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ac1909, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    This is more of a motivational post, if you will, to everyone on this site.

    I was talking to a guy at the gym whos 17, and i started talking about how im a recovering porn addict. Anyways he openly said he watches porn and its normal for him to PMO. This was me probably. year ago. He started talking about a sexual encounterr he had with a girl and i wont get into detail, and thats when i started talking to him about my journey, and told him i rather not hear details about his stuff because it could be triggering

    Anyways, he said “well how do you know youre addicted?” He justified his porn use because he has sex when he doesnt use porn, so i told him “try wuitting everything and see what happens”.

    What i was talking about was the withdrawal he would feel should he quit. I personally went through a time where i stopped watching porn because i was regularly having sex with a girl who was basically wverything i saw in porn (very ashamed of the actions i did but thats another story). And when that relationship went to crap, i went right back to PMO.

    So from then we started talking ahout somethig else because he has no interest in wuitting.

    What im trying to get at is: most guys nowadays watch porn. its literally normal for guys to watch porn and masturbate, its freaking everywhere. but what makes YOU different than the others is we REALIZE its a problem. i tried telling this guy the damage it does to your brain and he sorta knew what i was talking about but didnt se e it as a problem. i felt sorry for the guy honestly. He doesnt know what hes in and maybe later he will realize it. But WE DO GUYS.

    We are on this site because weve realized the problem and although we may relapse, although we fall, WERE RECOVERING. Hrough failure comes success. It doesnt mattter if yiu went cold turkey and now youre 500+ days without PMO or you are currently binging. Hey we all screw up BIG tome in our reboot, but we learn and are always learning always fighting to be that better person. The other guys out there are not. They could be so much better, but theyre ok with where they are and dont think they need it.

    So pat yourself on the back evn if you just relapsed, youre not giving up. At the end of the day thats what matters.
  2. Great post. I also came to the conclusion recently that despite my many failures at stopping PMO, the fact that I had even gone just 1 day was a BIG step... Because I couldn't remember the last time I did that. Then stopping multiple days in a week etc... These are MUCH bigger victories than many realize, and the best thing is that they are compound victories... You stop for 3 days one week, relapse, stop for 3 days another... Overall you have still dodged 6 days. Obviously better if done in a streak, but still a good victory all the same.
  3. Mark65

    Mark65 Fapstronaut

    Any time off PMO is time you can spend positively: on love, creativity, relaxing and enjoying yourself. And that's a victory, every glorious moment.
  4. Peyton1995

    Peyton1995 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this. I’m just starting out and was having urges so I came here to stay strong and just seeing the headline put me at ease
  5. Some people just 'can't see the wood for the trees' i spent so long in my addiction i don't blame people for thinking it's harmless because when you are in that mind set the changes over time are so gradual and barely noticeable. I agree that people don't realise the problem until they actually try to quit, you would think since viewing porn is not necessary to survive that it would be as simple as i don't know, not going to the cinema for a year? but the reality is that it can become the bane of many peoples lives and when it does come to quitting time they have a lifetime of learned behaviour to undo. It's only a problem when it's a problem if that makes sense. The guy knocking one out to a playboy centrefold in the restroom to relieve a bit of boredom is on a different level to the guy who spends 10 hours viewing the most degrading and inhumane content on a porn site, at one point in time the later example would have most likely started out like the first, but life throws different problems at us, some deal with it successfuly and others end up going further down the rabit hole. I think the message that is important for people to understand is desensitisation does happen, escalation to different content is common and people do end up starting out with curiosity and can end up in a whole world of hurt because of the choices they make. I would challenge any one who views porn regularly who says they don't have a problem to stop compleltely for a whole year. It will either make you or break you.
  6. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    I agree with everything you say, well put
  7. SuperLulox

    SuperLulox Fapstronaut

    I fucking loved this post, thank you :)
    CaptainFranklin and ac1909 like this.
  8. Damn its jason bourne who is this guy hes motivational as fuck everybody give him some respect this is awesome and very motivational, we are weird but its a good thing that we are not normal every body it is beautiful and it needs to be this way we will be the succeeding generation no doubt.
    CaptainFranklin and SuperLulox like this.
  9. Cons to PMO


    • Lonliness and solitude...
    • Emptiness
    • Erictile dysfuntion
    • No exciting energy to talk to other people
    • Panic attacks and anxiety
    • Not having a real relationship or feeling distant if you do not have one
    • Selfish and guilt
    • Wanting to end it all and kill myself
    • Lonliness...
    Pros to NoFap
    Stay clean buddy!
    • Phermone boost
    • Discipline (self love)
    • Testosterone boost
    • Muscle
    • Happiness
    • Freedom
    • Well-being
    • Athletic energy
    • Confidence
    • Humour
    • Energy
    • Healthy lifestyle
    • Energy talking
    • Wish to make more improvement
    • Harder worker
    • Eye contact
    • More freedom
    • I chose for my self
    • More attention
    • More people reapect you

    Make sure you flood you brain with rebooting material, constant repitition of rebooting material until our brains are completly filled the harmlessness theory is a bad, evil way of brain wash that is why its is good to stay dilligant in our studies look no further than the rebooting material supplied.

  10. good post
    most people dont change their lives or circumstances
    i find it hard to fathom that most dont want to improve
    i may get depressed, have made many weak choices, but i see now that pmo has made me weaker, i owe myself the space to get away from it, and then see what life offers

    keep posting
    good luck
    CaptainFranklin and ac1909 like this.
  11. Devrim Aydemir

    Devrim Aydemir Fapstronaut

    I'm trying no pmo just for 6 days and even with that i have more confidence. I can speak with person i don't know. I can eye contact with other girls more. It is just in the mind guys...
    ac1909 likes this.
  12. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    Its an interesting thing, in society we accept that we are influenced by many things, medial, politics, etc.
    But we turn a blind eye when sex is brought up, and we walk away when we hear the words porn and accept it right in our culture. We are a society so afraid to offend anyone that we miss how horribly we are offending ourselves. I don't care what the world is doing or what flavor of the week " Rights" one thinks they are entitled to we ignore that we alone are stripping intimacy from ourselves, and we are delusional if we think fapping and porn are not harming society because we are one bite a time. When we are not at peace, we judge, blame and redirect anything that tells us what we are doing is wrong and unhealthy. In fact Porn users and Fappers are among some of the biggest con- men and women on the planet as we just don't fool the ones we care about we fool ourselves big time.

    But all that said, Nofaps website has created a system of honestly and recovery that can be done by ones own hands ( pun intended ). But seriously this place serve a purpose of mental health that is needed badly on this planet. There is no mental health really when it comes porn and wanking it. It like a taboo topic no one wants to talk about. I don't think the founder knew how badly this was needed. Glad its here as I was doing pretty good at getting my first 92 days in 45 years... but this site made me feel unity in my suffering and empowered,
    Thank You For That !
    CaptainFranklin, RobbyGo36 and ac1909 like this.
  13. Shapirous

    Shapirous Fapstronaut

  14. well done dude, i had my longest streak of 14 days recently, and had that surge happen also....its empowering

    keep it up
    Devrim Aydemir likes this.
  15. Devrim Aydemir

    Devrim Aydemir Fapstronaut

    Having friends with the same problem makes us strong together, thank you for kind words...
    jobbyj and ac1909 like this.
  16. I wonder how technology has affected p addiction. Has it made more addicts out of everyone? When I was a kid, dirty magazines were kept high up on newsstand shelves, or behind counters where you had to ask for them. More often than not, in brown paper sleeves. Same with adult videos and other media. Times Square was the exception to this rule, everything was out in the open for sale, much like P is on the internet now.

    When I was a teen I managed to get my hands on a dirty mag through a friend. I remember watching a really bad low-budget P on VHS with the same friend and being disgusted by the actor's bodies. I had the internet, but there wasn't much P available at that time. The bandwith was slow and web pages crashed often. When high-speed cable internet replaced dial-up and people saw there was money to be made, suddenly there were hundreds of images rapidly available in every home at a mouse click. I didn't need anybody to get me P and I could consume copious amounts of it passively and alone for hours. Growing more infatuated with it as time went on, shaping my tastes and desires to the point that if I had watched that same low-grade VHS P that disgusted me just a few years later, I probably would have been arroused by it.

    Maybe sex and porn addiction have been with us since the dawn of time, but I feel like with the internet, all of us are on the cusp of something new. High-speed P is like a rapid-delivery system for dopamine. As SaltedPeter stated, there's very little in the way of resources out there to deal with this. As a society we've gone from an analog culture to a digital culture carrying a lot of hang-ups about sex that are antiquated and unhelpful. Even Sex Addicts Anonymous is so recent that its based largely on the model of Alcoholics Anonymous. In fact we even use some of their texts. (By the way I am in no way disparaging them for this, it works and they saved my life).

    I feel blessed I got out when I did, (and keep that way) but I pray a greater awareness comes to the culture at large about this stuff. Its like a slow game of russian roulette.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
    jobbyj and SaltedPeter like this.
  17. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    Nice post @RobbyGo36

    Very similar backgrounds too I started in 1972 at 10, but still very similar path as things progressed
    in technology so did the depth of the addiction follow close behind.
    About 10 years ago I came across and old hardrive that had material 2001 off the internet at the time I had downloaded them
    it was like hitting the jack pot, but in 2008 I deleted about 10,000 photos without a thought thats the hook porn has.
    I have had at any giving point 5000 movies or more all rotated as I got bored and at time would also progress my look at porn.

    Great post.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  18. Went I first join NoFap,People's bully me for changing my "hobby" and think this is a tragic, laugh toward me.
  19. that is so true bro
    ac1909 likes this.
  20. I'm very sorry to hear you went through this.

    The bullies will find out for themselves, sooner or later.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.