Trying to make a big change but struggling mentally.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SilentJay313, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    I've been struggling with keeping a consistent streak for a while since I've been here, and I'm just not sure about what to do. Hopefully this post doesn't confuse anyone, and I hope I have made it clear to understand I've been trying to break some bad habits, mostly related to being around people and not panicking when I approach someone and try to talk to them/when someone approaches me at the university. I tried approaching some random people and tried starting conversations with them, but It usually doesn't turn out well.. Either they find me boring or I just get shrugged off. I have been making changes to my appearance (new clothes), but I'm not sure about what else could be done. Although I haven't really approached many people in the past month, recently people have been walking to me when I'm on campus. I unfortunately usually am completely caught off guard by this and tend to freeze up and walking away from the person out of fear. I was just wondering if there was any advice on how to keep myself calm in these situations. Also, what are some other things to try as far as self-esteem /confidence?

    Another issue is that i can't keep myself from certain thoughts that put me to the point of where I am about to relapse. Mostly it's feelings of loneliness and longing to be with someone, along with any stress from my sister fighting with my parents and over thinking about stressful moments/bad interactions with people. I do use porn blockers, but I have still struggle with fantasies. It's when this hits me, i usually am at that point and I can't help but start to fantasize about "being with a woman" and pretty much relapse. Any ideas on how to stop myself from doing this? I have been cruising around on my skateboard to relieve some stress if it isn't dark outside, but it's been raining here for about a week so I'm just looking for some other solutions. Maybe if I got an accountability partner it would be helpful?

    I've also been struggling with studying, but I have been remedying that with studying in the school library since my sister has been disturbing the peace in the house since I broke up a fight between her and my mother.

    Any helpful advice is appreciated.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  2. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hi Silent,

    I see that you are breaking bad habits, which I think is a good thing, but the converse is to be done as well, what are some good habits you’d like for yourself that fit who you really are?

    In regards to the issues you are dealing with, you seem to point out well what disturbs you emotionally, now don’t run from these hard emotions, learn to live and understand them. An action like PMO due to that emotion, is an attempt to cancel it, but one should seek to understand the emotion and let it be. Changing the emotion will not teach you anything and it makes it easier for it to happen again, the more you learn about the emotion and don’t try to force it away the more you will be able to control it.

    As far as the communication problems go as you say, I say learn about yourself and invest in yourself first. Do you take care of yourself? Do you care or understand yourself? You most likely will have to do a lot of this on your own and it will take a while. We are in the world as ourselves, no one can take that away from us and no one truly wants anything else from someone, if they do it says more about them than you. Good books for learning to think and understanding identity could be useful. Try to slow down and focus on little things that you can do for a better life, it will come in time.
  3. IronDog

    IronDog Fapstronaut

    I wish I had some good advice. I have struggled with these things to. I started focusing on improving myself, like learning to play guitar and find things that interest me. Then I got involved in Meetup groups to find people that like similar things. It takes time, but you have to be good to yourself and realize you are worth every second!
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  4. Skillic - Kaiser

    Skillic - Kaiser Fapstronaut

    Hi @SilentJay313 , I would like to say a few things here :

    1. In my opinion, DON'T beat yourself up because you're not able to maintain a streak. The streak should be a BY-PRODUCT and NOT THE FOCUS of your recovery. I already see you're making attempts to talk to people and gain confidence which is GOOD. Hell, you're better off than me (I've been clean for 21 days or so) in that regard. Of course, you WON'T get the results immediately because that's JUST LIFE. But in my opinion, you should keep trying because sooner or later you'll find someone who's willing to talk to you and you can build your confidence from there. I would say it doesn't matter if people reject your attempts initially (though I know it hurts a lot) because you don't know what sort of mood they're in. But, if you don't try you'll never find out.

    2. Since you say you're studying, maybe you can make your academics the FOCUS of your recovery for now. Maybe you could draw up a schedule to study various subjects in a day and try to stick to it. Having screwed up my time at a university, I can say first hand that good grades leads to confidence. In addition to this, maybe you could approach some faculty to author/co-author a research paper. That would be seriously cool. Imagine how your CV would like like if you had a publication with your name on it. Again, this would give you confidence. In case your attempts to talk to people are not bearing immediate fruit, you can always take confidence from the fact that you're spending quality time on your academics.

    3. Regarding porn fantasies, I'm with you. I too have had a tough time with them. But, I've often noticed that I begin fantasizing only after I've been exposed to a trigger (a naughty ad, a naughty photo etc.). Is that the case with you ? Maybe you could avoid such triggers if possible. Maybe when you're having these fantasies, you could turn your attention to your schedule and think of what things need to be done. This urge to fap because of fantasies is temporary (though I admit it is strong) but it will subside after some time. You just have to get through that phase when you're vulnerable by diverting your mind to something else (your schedule for instance).

    Hope this helps. Don't give up.
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  5. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    If i had to pick some good habits, I'd probably would pick to be better at holding conversations, and being a more approachable person(I guess if this is possible). It just seems like when I try to talk to someone most of the time I run out of things to say/ask and then it just gets dead quiet. And of course when I run out of things to say, it's usually because the other person doesn't really have the same interests.

    I wonder what do you mean by "talking care of yourself"? I'm sorry I'm a bit confused about this. Other than that I've been learning a bit more about dealing with my Asperger's syndrome, even though my personal time has been constantly interrupted by my family. It's pretty annoying that I can't even study without my parents bugging me about some nonsense that isn't important as if my studying for school is disturbing everybody day. I still try to read some books about self improvement when I get the chance.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
    moonesque likes this.
  6. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    It's a bit unfortunate that it usually don't have time to attend any clubs/groups. Usually due to my job and school, but if i had a job that didn't had so many toxic people I probably would at least feel a little better. Hopefully I'll be able to find a new job soon, because I really can't stand the assholes and idiots at my job. I'll probably give student clubs another chance, but not until the fall semester.

    It does help a bit. Luckily for me this has been the only semester that has been really bad for me. Even when I was at community college I didn't have a bad semester. Of course I wasn't working and I was a caffeine induced mess that would stay up until around 3:30 - 4:30 am am, and odd enough I was on the dean's list for 2 years straight. Let's just hope that my next semester goes by much better without any major problems.

    But yeah, I should make studying and my academics(and my art) my center of focus. I should probably buy a soundproof door with a lock, and a good set of noise canceling headphones to block out the noise of my family to help keep myself concentrated on studying?

    As far as the trigger goes, I'm not sure what it maybe. Maybe it's because my mind keeps wandering around and I start to think about how nice it would be if I had a nice girl here cheering me on and helping me get through whatever rough situation that Is bothering me. But then again, maybe I do get triggered by ads or something like that, but I'll have to keep an eye out for that. I'm not sure if sound dumb or not.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  7. Same situation bruv.

    I too tried making some changes in my clothing and stuff,and have all the same problems you mentioned (Except the family issues).

    Studying is a problem for me too. I always end up watching a movie or some YouTube videos and wasting time.

    But I can give myself credit for exercising. Hopefully that will bring my mind more discipline eventually.

    As for self esteem:

    Earlier, whenever I would go out, I would always be conscious of how I was looking (my weight, hair, fat stomach, etc).
    I would walk around pulling my stomach inside, trying to hide my faults (you get the point).

    Now when I go out,I say to myself in my mind, "This is me. This is how I am. With my fat stomach, and weird hair, and everything else that may or may not be weird. And I think I'm awesome the way I am".

    That way, I dont feel bad about myself. It isn't much, but it helps in the initial stages of transformation.

    Another thing I started doing was to stop comparing myself with others no matter what.

    Their lives and my life did not start the same way, and most certainly will not end the same way. What's the point in comparing?

    Besides, nobody speaks about all the bad things in their life. People only tell you the good things. There are also people who lie about their lives and life experiences and stuff. No point feeling bad because of these things.

    Good Luck brother, I hope we both make it through. I also hope the problems you have at home get solved quickly.
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  8. SirImprovement

    SirImprovement Fapstronaut

    I was in somewhat of your situation before.

    For your people-talking problem, it's quite odd just starting conversations out of the blue. Though I wouldn't express distaste if some random were to initiate a conversation with me, I'd find it weird that some random is suddenly talking to me all of a sudden. Maybe instead try and approach girls and getting their number; it's more socially acceptable, and not really peculiar because heaps of guys do it.

    I am in the same situation as you, in regards to your PMO problem. It seems like you're not getting out of your room often. I've experienced this heaps of times. The only times I go out is to go to Uni, and/or hang out with my friends. My solution; force myself to go out of my house (productively, of course), either initiate a hang out with friends or read my self-improvement books and/or study my Uni work in a library. This is done to occupy the mind, and; being in public and on the move, doesn't give the opportunity to PMO for us horny time-bombs.

    For your studying one, I haven't fully solved this one either. What's working for me so far is a habit of doing assessment(s), and studying everyday for 30 minutes.

    These are just my ¢2 on the matter though, I mean no harm in what ever I say. Hope you find closure to your issues brother.
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  9. Skillic - Kaiser

    Skillic - Kaiser Fapstronaut

    Hi @SilentJay313, since you say you have a job, can you afford to move out of your parents' house and find a place on your own ? That might solve the domestic issues that are bugging you (just a suggestion). Maybe a couple of your friends could pitch in (if they're willing) and you folks could move into an apartment ? Trust me, living by yourself teaches you a lot. You'll have to look out for yourself eventually so why not start now ? Just food for thought.
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  10. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    Yeah you're right. I definitely need to stop comparing myself to other people. I gotta stop beating myself up when I make mistakes too which is another problem. Hopefully things will start to get better at home, but it just may get a bit worse before that happens.

    I have been looking at a YouTube channel called college info geek that had a few good study tips videos, so that might be worth checking out.

    Other than my job and school, there isn't much that I would be doing. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with riding my skateboard again, so I'm going to start using it for short distance trips instead of driving.

    As far as taking to people, I'll just lay off of it for a while I would try it with people in my class but I got the vibe that most of them don't want to be bothered.

    I thought about this for a while but I don't make enough to living on my own. My best friend brought this proposal to me before, but I wasn't in a good position at the time.