So...I MADE IT to 30! BUT...

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Supination, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys Supination's here 21 years old.
    So.. i made it to 30 days in my 2nd try!
    unfortunately I still havent achieved all the benefits i was looking for. i Guess 30 days ain't enough.

    Benefits i achieved so far:
    ~I do have Urges(they'll prolly last forever)but now they're REALLY easy to control.
    ~I Feel Relaxed than ever. I used to get stressed easily by so many things.
    ~I Feel so much funnier, like people use to laugh more of what i say and my jokes. it seems like i get way more attention after NoFap.
    ~Confidence boost, I am shy person but i'm really working on it and Looks like NoFap is really helping me with my confidence. Before NoFap it took me a while to speak to girls or even strangers. now i feel so much better approaching to girls and have a well going conversations with them.
    ~I used to do alot of sports but not frequently. i joined the gym 3 weeks ago and going there like 3\4 times a week.
    ~I Used to spend SOOOO much time on PS4 Gaming and i was actually really angry and pissed off(rage moments) when i was losing and playing. i realized that the only way to stop it is to get it away from me because i knew as long as i still have it i will still be tempted to play it.
    so... I sold my PS4 :)

    Benefits i haven't achieved yet and willing/really want to achieve:
    ~Spend more time with my family.
    ~Take care of my skin.
    ~Stop thinking what people think of me.
    ~Probably find a new job
    ~Commitment to sit and study a few hours a day.
    ~i'm really judgmental and i really have to stop it.
    ~A lot of you guys say that you feel more attracting and you get a lot of stares from girls. that Women are checking you all the time and starting conversations with you before you make contact.. How do you guys do it? How do you keep yourself open and the girls keep coming? it's just seems weird to me.

    So anyways, i decided i'm going for 90 days!
    Wish me luck! and hopefully ill meet you guys in my 90 days thread! :)

    Feel free to ask me any questions
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
  2. Keep it up mate! Good job!
    Supination likes this.
  3. aroinak

    aroinak Fapstronaut

    Keep it up. If you want advice about attracting girls, starting up conversations is the best way to meet someone. Maybe say hi to a bunch of people, and start conversations with more people, guys and girls, wherever you go. Feel good about yourself, and people will be drawn to your positive energy
    Supination likes this.
  4. Much Ado About Nutting

    Much Ado About Nutting Fapstronaut

    Awesome job!

    Hey I used to be really shy around girls and not know what to do. I could get a girlfriend once in awhile and go on dates once and awhile but without any consistency. I changed that after I started to hit on a ton of girls. The key to getting a girlfriend or sex partner is to ask and hit on girls until you get a girlfriend. The guys that sleep with a lot of girls get rejected by a ton of girls, they also sooner or later find a girl who will want to have sex with them.

    So understand that:
    1. You are the man, you have to go up to the girl and talk to her... you have to lead
    2. You are supposed to get rejected by girls when you hit on them
    3. If you keep hitting on girls you will find a girl that likes you and will have sex with you

    When I slept with 3 new girls in one month I hit on 200 girls that month. All my friends were like "wow he is fucking 3 girls" that's what your friends see. No one saw the 197 girls that rejected me. I was like "Wow my sex life is great this is so worth it"

    The guy that taught me how to sleep with girls is named Chris Deoudes. He has an approach anxiety program that I swear by. It worked for me. He has a website called Good Looking Loser (warning it has photos of girls in lingerie and bathing suits so there are possible triggers)

    Last month I slept with 3 new girls as well and it was much easier because I'm a white guy and I live in Thailand. Dating is easy here for me. My problem was that after sex I would go straight to porn and it is a problem and it's compulsive. I need to give up porn. Sex is way better.

    If you want a girlfriend... GO HIT ON GIRLS UNTIL YOU GET A GIRLFRIEND

    Good luck
  5. TenderCrisp

    TenderCrisp Fapstronaut

    Not trying to be rude or offend you, but that sort of promiscuous behavior is nothing to be proud of imo. Especially not on NoFap. Being a sex addict is just as bad as being a porn addict. You need help.
  6. Let the man live his life how he wants for fucks sake.
  7. Much Ado About Nutting

    Much Ado About Nutting Fapstronaut

    This forum is full of guys who NEVER HAVE ANY SEX AT ALL. It is full of guys who can't get laid and can't get a girlfriend. A big reason why guys always relapse on porn is because when you take away the porn they have no sex life at all whatsoever.

    Guys who can't get laid and can't get a girlfriend need help!

    Not trying to be rude either... but when was the last time you had sex? Can you actually get laid? Or do you just watch on the sidelines of life while other guys have sex? Not having sex is not something to be proud of imo.

  8. it takes time man, great journey and work so far
    be proud!!
  9. TenderCrisp

    TenderCrisp Fapstronaut

    The point in giving up PMO is to develop a healthy relationship with one's sexuality and ideally find a partner for life (or at least a long-lasting relationship). The goal is NOT what you are practicing, which is using your NoFap benefits for pubescent, promiscuous, casual sex (aka fucking around), whereby you treat women just as much as mere sex objects as you would if you were indulging in porn (and are just as much a sex addict as you were a porn addict). Unless you're an Indian sage with a polyamorous harem of willing females, I bet each and every one of those girls you fuck thinks they have an actual chance with you. But you're just using them for sex so you can feel better about yourself and come back here bragging.

    P.S.: It is generally advised to refrain from having sex for at least 30 days when doing NoFap. If I understand correctly, you went immediately from No Porn since March 26 to fucking each and every willing female that crosses your path. Doesn't sound much like a reboot to me.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  10. TenderCrisp

    TenderCrisp Fapstronaut

    Not if human beings (aka females) are involved who are being objectified, whose feelings are being hurt and whose hearts are being broken. Apart from ditching porn, NoFap has always been about stopping to objectify women!
  11. Go vegan brah :)

    Congrats, and to another 30 days!
  12. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Can't go vegen lol, Need dem protein and gains bruh :)
    And thank you!
  13. I'm not sure if you're joking or not but google Torre Washington, Jon Venus, Karl Ess or Patrik Baboumian. All vegans with massive gains.

    Also, if your skin really does seriously feel like a problem, then eating a plant based diet will help you. A lot. Maybe give it a try and look at your skin, you'll notice the improvement.
  14. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    I wasnt joking lol im well aware that there are lots of vegan bodybuilders . I'm not going to add extra $ to become vegan.. Vegan food is expensive as fk. besides i love eating meat and fish simply because they're cheap, easy to get and tasty.
    About my skin, My skin is far from terrible, it's actually fine but i'd like to improve it more.
  15. ControlledMind

    ControlledMind Fapstronaut

    @Nadav_co Well done for having a clean month. Don't hesitate to move forward. One day the rock will broke, You just continue to hit it with hammer.
    Supination likes this.
  16. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! it means a lot to me :)
  17. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, you sound like a young guy who is accomplishing a lot in his life and you are on track to do great things and enjoy all the best that life has to offer, including success with women.
    I'm not sure if this will help, but I swear it works although it may not be a teachable tactic for help with the ladies. You need confidence! Ladies can sense when a guy is anxious or desperate to have a relationship with them and it turns them off. The one thing women like more than anything else about a guy is a guy that has confidence. So here is how to get confidence with the ladies: Stop trying to impress them, stop caring about how the perceive you.
    The key to attracting ladies is not to care. Once you act like they are not a big deal, they will want you. Pretend that you are talking to a guy instead of a hot girl. When I moved to a new place and struggled to find a girlfriend because I wanted one so bad, I had horrible luck. As soon as I said this sucks and I don't care anymore, I had women pursuing me. Soon I was dating 5-girls at once. The relationships were not very meaningful, but at least I was never lonely or having a problem getting laid. Finally a new girl told me she wanted an exclusive relationship and I figured why not, if it didn't work out I could always find more women. That new girl then became my wife of 17-years and counting.
    - Good luck, and remember - stop caring so much about finding a girlfriend and they will find you.
    FearMyDiscipline likes this.
  18. The Revenant

    The Revenant Fapstronaut

    Be patient ... you will achieve most of your goals within few months.
  19. aroinak

    aroinak Fapstronaut

    Judging people is never right. You can't tell people what they're doing is wrong and say you're not trying to be rude, because clearly you are. It's time to grow up a little and not say or write everything that comes to your mind. Everyone is going to live differently than you are, worry about your own choices. Being negative is going to invite negativity into your life. Part of nofap is working on bettering your people skills, stick to that for now.
    FearMyDiscipline and Supination like this.
  20. TenderCrisp

    TenderCrisp Fapstronaut

    And your condescending comment was not judgmental? "Stick to bettering your people skills" haha. I have news for you: It is perfectly possible to draw someone's attention to the fact that their behavior might be wrong and in fact just another layer of addiction (since the biggest part of NoFap is overcoming addiction, not buttering someone up) without being rude. I did not use insults, I did not personally attack. All I did was invite the person to examine for himself whether or not what I'm saying is true. You're right of course, everyone lives differently and can do whatever the hell they want. Unless their choices hurt somebody else (i.e., in this case, numbers and numbers of females), then it's simply not ok and calls for some well-needed introspection.

    I think for you it's time to grow up a little and don't chime in on other people's conversations. I was not talking to you and the person I was addressing is old and articulate enough to speak for themself (which, in fact, he already did). Since we're all in this together, I reckon it's never wrong to hold up a mirror to someone and show them what they're doing / what it looks like from the outside. I'm not saying or writing everything that comes to mind either, btw. If I were doing that, I'd be insulting you right now for your self-righteous and completely unnecessary comment.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.