
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. I was told the papers were signed for me to be aborted but my father talked my mother out of it and into marrying him I really detest abortion because it would have denied me my life and I really value life I know people talk about the women’s right to choose but what about the babys right to live, it’s sad for me to think of all those who were never givin a chance to live if you don’t want the baby put it up for adoption I think everyone deserves a chance to live
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  2. People who talk about the women's right to choose have blinded themselves to reality and jumped on a feminist band wagon that they don't understand. Women already have several choices. Abstinence is a choice, and there are soooo many different forms of birth control out there, and most of them are completely affordable and easy to access. Those are their choices. They don't get to choose to take someone else's life away. That's not within the realm of "women's rights."
  3. Ah, too right. I could go on a pretty big rant about how society and politics is just two sides now. And people feel instinctively like they have to have all the positions of the side they've chosen. Abortion can be wrong, but Black Lives Matter good. Guns can be a fundamental right, but Trump bad. Immigration can be bad, but socialised healthcare a good thing. That's a random selection of things I agree and disagree with by the way, lest anyone feel the need to argue with one of those points.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. i am not technically a christian but i have read alot about christianity and i do agree with/like the basic principles. however i do not think that all the biblical stories should be taken literally. that's just my opinion, so please dont get offended.
    i personally know two people who are both christians and studying molecular biology. both are of the opinion that abortion should be banned. their argument is that a fertilized egg is almost certainly alive and should be considered a human being.
    they do not talk about conscience or sentience ( which i do ) and counter my argument by saying that a potential for sentience ( which a fertilized egg certainly has ) is sacred itself.
    so that is what my religious biologist buddies think. hope it calrified some of your doubts.
    i see you are 7 days in. good job man.
    good luck with the reboot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2018
  5. This thread has been cleaned up, the off topic posts have been deleted. Reminder to all users to be excellent to each other and remain on topic.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Personally, I am pro-life and the reason I am is because I believe life begins at conception. Yes, I am a Christian, but all those specific reasons aside, I believe like begins at conception because there is no defining point at which we could say that it is now a life between conception and birth. No, there are clearly no feelings, opinions, preferences, or favorites of the baby at conception, but conception means to be conceived, which is to be formed. What is formed is not life? I believe that if it isn't life that is created at conception, then it would never become a life. Sperm itself never becomes life, so I don't believe that to be life. Its only life after conception, which means it isn't just sperm anymore. And if it isn't just sperm, and it isn't just an egg, what is it? To me personally, it is now life.

    Just my two cents.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
  7. didn't know about this referendum in Ireland. never been there but Ireland is a Catholic country. they even fought about the British people in history because they are Catholics and the British ones are Anglicans

    I am Catholic and I am strongly against abortion. once or twice i thought i was pregnant and even if i would have been left by the guy coz it wasn't a committed relationship and that would have been hard to be single mom but i would have kept my baby

    that is a life of a human being with a soul we are dealing with and your own blood. only God can give and take away life. We can't play being God. that is murder

    at least even if the mom or dad don't want to keep the baby they can allow the baby to be adopted by a couple that struggles to conceive a baby

    Below a video where Pope Francis met Alfie Evan's parents. a 2 year old baby that a hospital in the UK wants to stop the machine that helps him to being alive and his parents are asking the Pope to help them to take their baby in a hospital in Italy where he would be kept alive and get treatment. his parents says he is improving and deserves to keep living. it is not about abortion this tragedy but it is still about the precious gift of life. I defend the right to live ALWAYS
    Knighthawk likes this.
  8. Wait... wouldn't that make you pro life?
    Joe1023 likes this.
  9. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Oops, that's what I meant. Thanks, I'll fix that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Pope Francis is interesting. While he isn't pro choice he's done and said things that should make people wonder. He gave an award to an abortion campaigner and said the church should stop obsessing over abortion and that taking care of the poor is just as important as opposing abortion.
  11. you are entitled to have your opinion. i don't agree with it. i want to keep my profile on nofap positive with my current status coz it makes me feel good.
  12. I don't usually argue either way, but I will say that you began as a zygote, the first time you had the same DNA you have now. Before that it didn't exist. Your DNA is the code that produces your physical and mental morphology.

    Zygotes are human (are of the human species), have fully formed human DNA, and are alive. Many of them die before they develop much further and the host mother is not aware of them. This has been an argument in favour of them not being given person status.

    Another argument about zygotes is that they don't look like humans. Many humans don't look like other humans. You can't kill them for that.

    There's the argument about sentience. As you say, they will become sentient. You were once not sentient but as unique with your current DNA. You were going to become sentient though. That's how the process starts. Should we be able to kill people when they're in part of their sleep cycle that dreams and thoughts are low, or when they're anaesthetised? They're not sentient then.

    I say they still are individual humans.

    Whether we abort them or not is another argument to have. But that argument shouldn't have the constantly changing goalposts that it has. Both sides, including pro-choice, should acknowledge that they are advocating killing people.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Fazetension

    Fazetension Fapstronaut

    Like you said the grey area in the middle is extremely difficult. So at what point does the fetus become a life? You say at the end of the pregnancy for sure. Well what standard would you use for determine life? This becomes a difficult question as any standard applied to the fetus could be applied to living adults and would lead to some unethical implications. Since I have never heard any standard which doesn’t apply to other humans, one keeps backtracking and must accept that life begins at conception.
  14. Fazetension

    Fazetension Fapstronaut

    Usually I would say the government should stay out of people business but If you accept my last argument, that life begins at conception, then the government should step in as its fundemnetal duty is to protect life. The mother Has lots choices though:
    Murder is not an option.
  15. When it gets its own unique DNA. That's when you became a unique separate person. Nothing arbitrary about it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. It is hardly an opinion, it's what it's what been reported. But okay.
  17. Fazetension

    Fazetension Fapstronaut

    Well then you would be agreeing with me, as when the sperm and egg meet, it is called a zygote which contains all the DNA needed to become a baby. So by your standard, when sperm meets egg (conception) life begins.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. That's when an individual life has begun, yes. Scientifically.
    Deleted Account and Fazetension like this.
  19. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Fapstronaut

    As far as I'm concerned, regardless of how you feel about it, it needs to be legal. It's going to happen regardless of its legality and I would rather ensure that it can be safely done than not. Church and State are supposed to be separate. The government is supposed to be secular and speak for the rights of the people regardless of religious belief. Making it illegal infringes on the rights and opinions of others, while making it illegal does not, as an individual you have the right to not engage.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Fazetension

    Fazetension Fapstronaut

    Well like I have said above. It has nothing to do with religion. Scientifically, life begins at conception. It’s the government role to protect life, therefore it must protect the life of a fetus. Nothing to do with the Church.