Not even a glance from females, why do they avoid me ?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by racc00n, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. racc00n

    racc00n Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, i am a chronic PM addict and daily fapper. Sometimes even twice a day.
    Im gonna be 30 y.o in a month plus a few days. Except a few experiences in the past, women do not notice me at all. Ive heard stories from people here about getting glances or even being approached. Well, the exact opposite is happening to me. If i stand next to a woman ( i mean randomly at the bus stop ) she will immediately move away. Once, i was standing close to a girl who eventually went to the same house as i did and she told me that when she saw me she thought i was a pervert who was watching her. What the hell? Why is life so fuckin unfair? No one has ever told me that im ugly. I am 1.76m tall and 100 KG weight. Shaved head. It could be an isolated incident and maybe not all women think like that, but what can i do to get A BIT of attention ? I don't have the time to go to the gym and im not the kind of guy who takes part in fights. I am not even assertive when i say my opinion. Maybe i'm considered somewhat shy. I'm not asking to become alpha. I just don't want to be omega anymore. Is NOFAP really the solution? When i abstain my depression improves a bit and i feel stronger as a character, but anxiety,tension and insomnia go to the roof. Fapping to porn is my anxiolytic, but i will have ativan (lorazepam) in a few days.
    j_pwc_bat and atlas_cz like this.
  2. Oli95

    Oli95 Fapstronaut

    My brother,

    I think than Nofap is the solution for you. If you want than the things change, you need to change.

    Question: Why do you think than this girl said that? What do u think of seeing her at this moment?
    j_pwc_bat and Deleted Account like this.
  3. switex

    switex Fapstronaut

    I highly recommend to workout to look good, ladies like it and its healthier for you too. And yes, nofap will help absolutely, it is helping me already. Stay motivated, always

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  4. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Hi racc00n. I kinda relate to this. I am about 5 foot 10 and 160-170. But I grew my hair out and I have a pretty intense beard. Sometimes I think thats why females might shy away based on my appearance. Also I don't shower... That often... Please don't say anything mean about this as it is due to physical conditions I can't really do anything about. I don't think I stink... But who knows since I am accustomed to my own air around me.

    I sometimes think of forcing myself to shower some how and cutting my hair. I have a nice face and maybe females would start noticing me more. But IDK if I want to give up my beard and long hair, because it kind of "grew on me" so to speak :) I feel like if I cut it... Itd take too long to get back

    Also my clothes and shoes aren't the nicest. As I am low on funds.

    So I can relate!!! Not that I have the answer but I can relate. I always think a female would be annoyed by my beard if she tried to kiss me. It even feels annoying to me sometimes so it would definitely annoy her. So why do I keep it?! I can't afford good razors anyway even if I did shave.
    j_pwc_bat and Deleted Account like this.
  5. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    your at 0days,all of this is normal, nofap is the solution
    j_pwc_bat and Deleted Account like this.
  6. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    One of the things I still dont like about NoFap is that it can be considered "Bro Science" since there are no conclusive studies claiming it works. I say this because female attention and NoFap go hand to hand. Let me explain: people tell me that I am attractive, even though I've always been Holocaust Survivor-skinny, for years until I was 25 I could feel the attention from women. And suddenly, it stopped, at the same time I got fat, lazy and dumb. For a long time I thought that I lost my Mojo (I'm also getting bald).

    Then some day I decided to try NoFap and Holy F*ck, after some months all the attention came back, even when I got skinnier. And you just can't believe it. Sometimes I think that all of this is in my head, that either I'm imagining that women are looking and smiling at me all the time, or that for some reason they can tell, that for some hormonal or whatever reason they can feel that you are havent PMOed for a long time. This is why I said this is like Bro Science. I absolutely despise all "miracle" medicine and treatments, and believe me, NoFap sounds like one of them, but for some reason, at least for a lot of us, it works. Just hang in there, you'll have a burst of energy when you dont PMO, use to work out if you are not doing it at the moment, as a couple of people have mentioned it here, that is just going to help you to look better for them.
  7. Lord of the Ocean

    Lord of the Ocean Fapstronaut

    Right there.
  8. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    Hey @racc00n,

    Doing NoFap, I don't expect that people around me will change their behavior. I want to change myself, not them, so I only expect something happening to me, not to them. Most people don't care about you unless you're popular, rich, or very attractive. That's how this world works. For me, waiting for girls to notice me is a way to stay a virgin for the rest of my life. If I'm interested in them, I need to make a move.

    NoFap doesn't make you more attractive by itself. It's the work you put into improving yourself that leads to some positive changes, which then people around you may notice. And sometimes they don't notice. I started doing workouts at home the same time I started NoFap, in December of 2017, and today I can see some results. I started going to a gym about a month ago. Some people around me also notice that I look better, but there's no magic in it, just a lot of sweat and pain.

    You may not have the time to go to a gym, but you can start working out at home with just your body weight. You may have time later, and you'll be glad you're not starting from scratch.

    As for that story about the girl who thought you're a pervert, I guess you acted in a way which made her think that. Maybe you looked at her creepily or something? It can be some very minor things which make you look unattractive or even dangerous, but with that little information about you, there's no way to tell. If you have some good friends who are willing to help, ask them if they notice something you do wrong.
  9. I'm telling you it's the porn. Porn has warped your brain so much, that you expect women to flock to you like in the videos you watch. You think they move away because they are disgusted with you but it's the porn that put the believe in your head that every woman should come easy. When was the last time you approached a woman at the bus stop and talked to her? If it's a long time ago, why do you expect a random woman to do the same?

    When I was fapping to porn all the time and looking for girls, I always visualized the type of women which I have seen in porn and I would never find them. I was hoping I would stumble across the exact type of girl and she would never come. I was desperate and needy for attention, had perverted thoughts and was impatient. You don't want to have sex with a girl and find out you can't get it up or ejaculate too fast.

    Also if your fapping daily and sometimes twice, I bet you look like a zombie. At least I did when I fapped twice a week. Your losing all kinds of vitamins and proteins and good stuff your body needs and that which makes you look more attractive naturally.

    You say you have no time for going to the gym. Yet your fapping your time away daily probably for 1 or 2 hours which is easily replaced with a good workout or anything other productive.

    NoFap is a solution. It definitely makes you a better man. PMO is self-harm. NoFap is self-love.

    Decide who you want to be and change it. The chronic daily fapper with depression? The needy guy who can't get girls? Or the man who beat his porn addiction and started believing in himself?

    Really ask these questions to yourself. When you are ready, you will know and you will make the decision.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2018
  10. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Honestly yes it is the solution. It's all connected. Everything is interconnected. When you fap and watch P, you lose the essence and power of manhood. You deplete your body of the things it needs to be at max potential and attraction
    slitebg, Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  11. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Why do you believe that people owe you their attention?

    What are you doing that's so valuable to others that strangers should invest their time and effort towards you?

    Even if you got attention from strangers, what would you even do with it?

    Nope. Life isn't fair. What are you going to do about it? Keep escaping your problems and distracting yourself with porn?

    Life and other people owe you nothing.
  12. I used to fap 6, 7 and sometimes 8 times per day. Literally I could feel how my energy was drained. I did exercise and kept a good aparience but, when it came face women I just didn't know what to say or do. I took refuge in PMO and videogames instead of facing reality so I didn't develop any social skill. It will be a long run to recover myself from that and NoFap made me see everything more clearly.

    NoFap is the first step, but if you want to be attractive you have to work on yourself.
  13. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Not only are you physically drained, but when you've conditioned yourself to escape reality so much, you won't have the mental strength to actually live your life, let alone face pain, problems, and negative experiences. So any little thing like some stranger ignoring you can seem like a life altering event that you aren't able to handle which leads you to seek escape within porn even more. It's a downwards spiral where life stays around the same level of difficulty, but you keep getting weaker due to escapism.
  14. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    This is the problem with most people.

    It's not taking responsibility for what's going on in their life.

    They blame or complain about life, society, circumstances, and other people. It's an escape from actually having to do anything about it. It's an excuse to indulge in self pity and do nothing about it.

    Not everything that happens to you is your fault, but it's absolutely your responsibility to choose how you perceive and react towards it.

    When your perception towards any hardship is that it's everyone and everything else's fault and your reaction is to escape to porn, self pity, and blame, then of course your life is going to be shit.

    So no. It's not life or women's fault for your problem. It's your lack of taking responsibility for your life.
  15. I want to thank you for what you've written. This explain a lot about my current situation.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. This. If your needy and desperate, you might lower your standards and attract the bad kind of attention!

    I had a mindset like this too for a long period of time. You know what I encountered with it ?
    Needy friends who we're never happy, girls with no self respect and controlling people who are looking for needy people to abuse.

    It brought me no where.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2018
  17. racc00n

    racc00n Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your replies. You are very supportive guys. You are right. I dont want to admit it but porn indeed programs you on a very wrong way. When i saw that girl, i didn't really do anything weird. I just stood next to her without even looking at her. She was 17 y.o back then, so immaturity might play a role in the thought she made. As a fella said above, yes i think i look like a zombie. I miss pleasure from simple daily things in life. (dopamine depletion). First day of nofap today. Its gonna be like drugs withdrawal. I've been through it, thats why i relapsed. However, this time i'm determined to start my journey into becoming alpha-like, without super-human effort and without being a tough guy
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I am 1.78m tall and weight 71 KG including 14kg of muscle I gained in last 5 years of gym. And I still have about 9% body fat. In your case this number will be much much higher. So I would definitely recommend start visiting gym. You should do it not for the girls, but for yourself, your wellbeing and your health.
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  19. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Well actually it has a lot to do with society. For example a lot of people had traumatic hospital births that went un acknowledged as traumatic due to lack of information. Lots of the women who seem unavailable to you aren't disgusted by you. They probably have some kind of defense mechanism from being harmed. Many women were abused in one way or another when they were younger girls. So it's not always that she was disgusted, but that she projects her trauma out onto others. Again, not her fault, either, but don't take it personally.

    Also, a lot of the stuff about not blaming is really wrong because actually, understanding how society is wrong can help you see that you are not the bad person you think you are. When you see that lots of people are traumatized and dissociated, you won't take things so personally. When you address your own trauma and post traumatic stress, you will start to see how many other people carry these wounds. And you won't take things personal any more.

    Instead of becoming an "alpha" male just work on healing your own trauma from society's dysfunction. become a safe and emotionally healthy man. The "alpha male" concept is just more dominance and false machisimo. And living up to some outside image won't heal you in the inside, where you need it.

    You are not responsible for the way your life turned out. Personal responsibility isn't really existent in a world with so much dysfunction and trauma. Its kind of harsh to say that you are responsible for everything when in fact there are lots of detrimental factors beyond your control.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Fapstronaut

    Exercise is not limited to just physical attributes. You need to exercise your mind and emotions as well. NoFap is all about helping each other exercise our will. When we do, we become stronger people.

    We're conditioned to have short attention spans and instant gratification. It makes us lazy and depletes our incentive to be better. You don't want a girlfriend who mopes around without any energy or drive, I'm sure. Why would you expect her to accept that from you? (no offense intended)