blocks dont work - help on approach

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by jobbyj, May 18, 2018.

  1. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    For me its not about agreeing or disagreeing really.
    For myself personally Id like a healthier attitude towards sex and in my case the opposite sex, I don't desire a healthier attitude towards porn use, I don't see any positives in me using porn. For me porn is a drug I'm addicted to, I cant reorganise my porn use,it just leads me back into full addiction everytime and then into whatever the consequences of that turns out to be.

    For me my attraction and instinct to the opposite sex is initially natural however my following expectations, fantasies and behaviours have been warped due to porn and my sex addict behaviours.

    As I perceive it I just no longer want to continue to hurt myself or others by using porn or promoting its themes.

    The expectations I developed from my addiction never accounted for anyone else when I indulge in my addictions, and I'm moved from genre to genre within my addiction, there's no doubt my porn of choice got harder in nature overtime and I just carried on and convinced myself its all ok as long as its not this or that type of porn... Not a great attitude really.

    So for me I know longer wish to be that sort of person, so I'm physically making some changes and also working a programme to hopefully enable further changes within.

    So far working a programme I've found allows me to openly discuss things very honestly,person to person, face to face and its allowing me to help myself and others who are having varying sex addiction issues.

    NoFap for me is science based in approach, and sort of promotes a relapse/abstain programme, which can be an improvement, but for me it doesn't quite offer enough as it stands.

    I find the programme I've begun is more person centred, I believe the person centred approach has begun to take care of the science side without me having to really consider it so much, however I do enjoy science as well so its always great to read about the changes in brain chemistry and how that works scientifically over periods of time.

    I don't wish to say one way is the way, but for me I know I'm seeing improvement from working a programme and I don't wish to have my cake and eat it any longer.
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
    jobbyj and el10 like this.
  2. agreed, its just when the urge comes, it takes me 3 hours but i can break down the walls
    clearly addicted
    so i need these walls but need better management also

    thank you
  3. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    Walls can always be broken down.
    But at least they help you to avoid instant right away contact with porn.
    It is mindset and self control that is more important.
    Keep your focus on recovery.
    Get huge amount of time intervals between relapses.
  4. Johnhello

    Johnhello Fapstronaut


    Hi, k9 has a category for blocking vpns and proxy avoidance tools. as for the tor browser you can open a guest account on windows and put a password on the admin account so you can't download the tor browser. and for the porn website in other languages that k9 doesn't detect, you can build a list of websites on cold turkey and block this way. hope this helps : )
  5. joarev85

    joarev85 Fapstronaut

    It is indeed quite hard to abstain. I am single, 33year of age, man, and have never had sex with another person. It is very hard. I sometimes cry. I think I will cry now. I will not have p in my life but it seems sometimes that it is just too much. But I will fight the hardest. What do you men by controlling and minimizing?
  6. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    I think its referring to a suggestion to try and control and minimize how much you use porn, I personally cant do this, its all or nothing in many respects for my addiction.
    But it may work for you.

    From what you say I would suggest you look into some therapy and join an addiction group as it could prove very helpful in your understanding yourself and your addiction.
    jobbyj likes this.
  7. joarev85

    joarev85 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much. For me too is all or nothing. If I start watching I go on a binge for many days and nights. Why is that? Because addiction will hold the high long as possible. When you o is all over. Right?
    jobbyj likes this.
  8. thank you, and agreed
  9. you can do it brother
    keep it up man, glad you are here
  10. el10

    el10 Fapstronaut

    Of course not, I said the opposite. I think we should quit P forever, as we are addicts, and we will be addicts forever, I agree with you on that, we just can learn how to avoid consuming. What I said is that you can MO sometimes if you are single (without P), MO may be healthy, but P is not, I’m sure of that, and I’m also sure that is possible to live a life without P, just like our ancestors did.
  11. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    Do you know there are some people who never masturbated, it is habit formed by ourself.
  12. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    I wonder if cavemen sat in their cave all through the night masturbating over cave paintings and fantasizing about bondage scenarios?

    It pretty obvious sex fuelled the porn industry and now the porn industry fuels sex..
    Porn replaced the sex education videos.

    Its all pretty convenient, and a great way to earn a fantastic amount of money.
  13. true
    shame it is, wish it wasnt so
  14. given this discussion, is it still worth putting up blocks?

    think the answer is yes
    my issue is i see it as a challenge
  15. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    I disagree.
    Filters in fact make recovery more troublesome due to the fact, we are trying to control the habit, instead of healing ourself and fixing our inner self.
  16. so what is your approach?
    i am quite confused, as i think they serve a purpose, but also think itss pointless as they never work long term, so it needs to be a mental shift
  17. glitchblaster19

    glitchblaster19 Fapstronaut

    Blockers is not even the right way. You should have right intentions. Having a blocker is basically giving an excuse to yourself subconsciously that you are going to watch porn in the future.
    jobbyj likes this.
  18. el10

    el10 Fapstronaut

    Blocks can work in making it harder to PMO, if you think that there is not an easy option. But if you are thinking of methods to avoid blocks, and spend that much time and efforts in doing it, you can actually use that time in re-think about what are you doing, in time to avoid it before you jump blocks.
  19. agreed, need to deal with the behaviour
    el10 likes this.
  20. after all this, i have taken down my blocks and made a mental commitment to work on the psychological side

    its working, and i have been very tired (trigger), lacking sleep (trigger) and had some emotional discord (trigger) as well

    i think whats working is i am really focusing on life away from pmo, once you do that, rather than spend lots of time focusing on fighting urges, it seems to get easier, for me anyway.

    good luck guys
    el10 likes this.