I can't do it

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by alias123, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. alias123

    alias123 Fapstronaut

    So basically I managed to go on a 50 day streak! I was so proud of myself as I usually can't last a few days with out PMO.
    A about a week a go i relapsed!!!
    Since the relapse have PMO'ed around 4 times in the space of 5 or 6 days! I am starting to lose hope i dont know if I'll be able to start another streak since I've got holidays from uni so I'll be at home for 4 months. Please give me some advice.

    Thank you
    Air0 likes this.
  2. jeremiah960

    jeremiah960 Fapstronaut

    It's important to not beat yourself up! You went 50 days!...decide that you want to start again and focus on 1 day clean, mark it on a calendar and wake up and do that again...continue this....One day at a time and you will hit a couple weeks and feel strong and happy with yourself. Just make the decision to move away from it asap and begin again. ( you may be saying I've already relapsed ...it doesn't matter. ) You can do this!!! ( you already have been able to . )
    alias123 and Air0 like this.
  3. Air0

    Air0 Fapstronaut

    Wow 50 days is definitely something to be proud of. I agree with jeremiah, it's very dissapointing to relapse. One small slip and you fall all the way down. MAKE sure you keep the little stuff in check. One thing that I do is to bring something upstairs to bed, like a book, with me instead of my phone. Also enjoy your holiday! You got this stay strong!
    alias123 likes this.
  4. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    you dont have to do it alone. we're here for each other. this forum is a support group so we're all there for each other.
    like an ant colony.
    alias123 likes this.
  5. RingoRules

    RingoRules Fapstronaut

    You've gone longer than I have, so don't beat yourself up. I look up to your success as inspiration. Use those 50 days as your own inspiration and don't bog your mind down because of the relapse. It's hard but you accomplished something great and you can do it again.
    alias123 likes this.
  6. switex

    switex Fapstronaut

    You were on 50 day streak that's great. Don't give up your ratio is big you can easily get up to 20 days without doubt. Try again nobody say'd that its EASY to quit pmo.
    alias123 and RingoRules like this.
  7. So over the past 55 days, you've fapped an average of once every 11 days? Compare that to where you were six months ago. Do you see overall progress? If so, you are definitely getting better.

    This recovery is not always forward. Sometimes we drop backwards for a bit. But that serves to remind us that it will be a life-long battle. It also reminds us how good feeling healthy can be (when we compare it to our setbacks).

    And remember that after 50 days, you've learned some things and reprogrammed your brain a bit. Those things will stick in the long run. You haven't reset things all the way back to where you were at the start of the 50, but just a bit. So get back on the horse and build on that foundation you've provided for yourself.
    alias123 and RingoRules like this.
  8. 50 Days is no joke at all . My question is what got you to 50 days what where your thoughts? and activitys something was working right. Now think about your thoughts and activities that caused you to relapse write them down on a separte paper now look at them side to side .The answers are in those to charts if you can do 50days you can do a hell of a lot more I know this to be true.
    alias123 likes this.
  9. performerbf

    performerbf Fapstronaut

    Please share with us what led you to relapse. I am under the impression that if you make it to 30 days, you pretty much free. Now I am confused.
    alias123 likes this.
  10. saarecovery

    saarecovery Fapstronaut

    Way to go on your 50 days...that is awesome! I had a year and half before and lost my "sobriety" as it is called in SAA. Lost it a few month's ago and have experienced what you were talking about. I too have been having trouble regaining any length of sobriety. As one person mentioned, it is a day at a time, sometimes a moment at a time. Focus on good things and think about things other than PM. Also for me it is about what fantasy I allow myself to think on...I just have to be careful that my head is in the right place at all times.
    alias123 likes this.
  11. Abetterbrain

    Abetterbrain Fapstronaut

    Mate 50 days is well impressive! I'd be very pleased with a streak that long.
    alias123 likes this.
  12. alias123

    alias123 Fapstronaut

    I think I managed 50 because I was on placement as part of the degree which I am kn. That kept me really busy and tired so I didn't really have the time and eneyen for PMO. But now I will have lots of spare time and I'm more sure if I can keep my streak.
  13. alias123

    alias123 Fapstronaut

    I just finished my uni exams so I had all that stress on me. I've realised that I tend to relapse when I fell a strong rush of emotions such as excitement, happiness, sadness or stress. On top of that I had lots of spare time so one thing lead to another and I relapsed.
  14. For any hope of long term recovery, 90 days (3 months) is a good starting point, it takes that amount of time for the brain to stop obsessing about the addiction and then you have to continue working on yourself, life plan etc what things are you going to replace porn with, how are you going to live your life differently? what support will you recieve and who else is invested in your recovery? If you have had real compulsive/addictive behaviour problems with porn or anything else it would be naive to think after 30 days you would be cured. Life is a constant work in progress but it doesn't have to be an uphill struggle, the first few months are hard but it gets easier.
  15. User3475682

    User3475682 Fapstronaut

    I was in a comparable situation, I recommend to start again on a defined day.