Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Real_OGH, Sep 18, 2015.

when does everyone want to start the reboot?

  1. 21th September

  2. 1th October

  3. ASAP

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  1. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 70, yesterday was a good day with the exception of my mood swings because of the medications that I'm coming off of that's the only thing I can attribute them towards. So nofap is actually helping me break other compulsive behaviors to I don't want to be angry upset super emotional or anything like that I'm facing emotions that I've never had to deal with or felt before me and my wife are doing hardmode pmo, light kissing no nudity hugs, hand holding, I missed the skin to skin contact. Would be so wrong my wife would you tease me a little bit or just to remind me that I am attractive that I am desirable? Anybody could give me an answer I'd appreciate
  2. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Imaginary-real contract, FedEx will come by to pickup my PENIS, to be delivered on 22 July 2018, it won't be opened for my use only my wifes
    Lapirata48 likes this.
  3. john wheel

    john wheel Fapstronaut

    Day 2 completed. All good.
  4. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 71 and it's the 1st of June of an unknown number. I came to an agreement with God and my wife yesterday when he's ready and she's ready is when will be ready to assume our sexual role in our marriage. If I keep on putting end date on it it seems like it gets harder not easier. Progress is a process not a number.
  5. Crunchy leaves

    Crunchy leaves Fapstronaut

    Need help, i'm on day 17 and i'm on brink of relapse. It's been 5 days I'm experiencing this chaser effect-like (craving for pmo)
  6. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Imaginary-real contract, FedEx will come by to pickup my PENIS, to be delivered on 22 July 2018, it won't be opened for my use only my wifes
    Today is Day 72 out of an unknown number I did run into a guy that has a hundred twenty days out of 150 thinking about started just start counting the days 10 days at a time from this point forward so that it seems like a smaller. Of time one day at a time of course is how I'm living my life what's nice is I don't even think about porn I don't even think about masturbation the only thing I think about is intimacy with my wife and what that will turn out like it's my OneDrive right now but it's also about getting in touch with yourself and I'm tired of looking at the past I'm going to look at today and helps you live each day as it should be o d a t God bless
    Lazok Ciprian likes this.
  7. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    It's day 73 and sometimes as men we only worry about me. By the grace of God we will make this to hardmode pmo limited Touch light kisses hands holding no nudity with my wife. We will go to whatever number that God and my wife chooses eventually reach a point in this challenge where numbers don't mean anything you don't have the desire to have sex I don't want to look at porn ever and have no desire to I don't want to masturbate and don't have any desire to I just strive to have religious intimate relations with my wife by the grace of God
    Lazok Ciprian likes this.
  8. Tahoe86

    Tahoe86 Fapstronaut

    It’s time for a forever change and to end this addiction for good! Have quit many times for a week and even 2 months but something always happens and I give in when the urge is strong. Love the affects I have when I don’t pmo, it’s time to fight hard to forever give it up. Currently on the start of day 3 to this change.

    Day 1: No real urges, felt a little down.

    Day 2: no urges but felt very depressed. Thought about drowning it out with porn, but that’s the whole reason I feel like this now. Have to continue to fight!!
  9. Crunchy leaves

    Crunchy leaves Fapstronaut


    Feel depressed at the beginning but for the rest of day feel really motivated
  10. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Day 74 feeling great HARDMODE pmo with my wife is working no porn no masturbation no orgasm light kisses no nudity hand holding
  11. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    It's day 75 I feel alive it's just a number and I'm thinking the stop looking at them trying to look at them every 10 days but I have a calendar and Mark every day from the start marking it every 10 days God will guide us to the rest and my wife always knows the best
  12. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Day 76 of no longer counting, then log on here and see relapses.....then I realize everyone's different some weak most are here.
    Think about this relapsers of fapland and, the name of site is "nofap" chew on these words commitment, perseverance, why your here (dramedy) or self improvement? Will power, self discipline, delayed gratification, more reasons to nofap than fap.
    So sprinkle that on your dumb puppet dicks that own you, think about it that tiny thing controls you and it is a choice. I am here to support not watch a parade if failures like a bunch minion dicks walking off a cliff. Get your shittogether and pull your pants upnot down.
  13. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    See I'm wondering if I shouldn't go for a bigger number than 90 I'm not sure I think I could do it I'm doing well so really I know I can do it I think that's where you get to you know mentally there's a more can there is I will
  14. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Day 77 is here of an unknown number
  15. Lazok Ciprian

    Lazok Ciprian Fapstronaut

    Day 0 , Today i wanna start this challenge to stop fapping once for all i know it will be hard idk if i made it but i know if i share with someone or write how i fell it will be more easy for me to overcome this addiction.
    Ps. Wish me luck ! :emoji_innocent:
  16. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    hey sweetheart good morning, I believe God spoke to me this morning about our abstinence contract at the same time I've always been a guy that wants to fix things and I feel it has things fixed. Along with that train of thought if it's working in your heart not mine then why not wrap it up a little more I'll make it better. I want to ensure that I have a continuous stream of clean thoughts of love and not bust 2 hour intimacy. Maybe by me doing what I did to the contract it's a way of mesurrendering again to God and to knew you. You decide and let me know that's where we're at and that's where we'll go I love you sweetheart

    Extended our contract waiting on her approval to 22 September 2018, dates are 23 march- 22 Sept goes above and beyond 180 days god shine his light on her decision.
  17. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 78 out of 184 me and my wife sign the new abstinence contract extension it is all after all just a number right? Could you do that? Hardmode pmo. sporting wood all the time now....challenge accepted. no action taken
    Lazok Ciprian likes this.
  18. Lazok Ciprian

    Lazok Ciprian Fapstronaut

    Day 1 , It was an easy day ok this were predictable :) because it is the first day, and the first 1-2 days are always easy for me because i relapsed a lot, The challenge really begins after this days .:cool:
  19. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    day 79 of 184, read scripture and prayed to reaffirm my belief. its God's choice and my wife's decision when sexual intimacy return. here's some of it.
    In 7:1b, Paul cites a line from the Corinthians’ letter (“it is good for a man not to touch a woman”), which he intends to qualify and correct.2The phrase, “it is good for a man not to touch awoman,”3 has nothing to do with a hug, a handshake, or any other manifestation of fellowship or friendship. To “touch a woman”4is a euphemism for sexual intercourse
    Lazok Ciprian likes this.
  20. john wheel

    john wheel Fapstronaut

    Day 6 completed. Good.