Non-Ejaculatory Orgasms, How To Practice?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by TheCrazyThingIs, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    You are right.
    F*ck NoFap. I should learn this kind of sorcery as soon as possible.
    DIYAS1 likes this.
  2. DIYAS1

    DIYAS1 Fapstronaut

    Really? For me it just moves to a different phase. From sexual intimacy to non-sexual cuddling, kissing, stroking without sexual intent. There is still very much a connection there. Provided of course that there is an intimate connection to start with.
    Jonny123 likes this.
  3. Jonny123

    Jonny123 Fapstronaut

    DIYAS1 likes this.
  4. Fabian021

    Fabian021 New Fapstronaut

    DIYAS1 likes this.
  5. No, as the original post says and the title of the thread suggests, I am talking about non-ejaculatory orgasm. It takes a lot of energy to produce semen, and when you lose it, you are giving a away a lot of energy (hence the tiredness, muscle weakness, etc).

    I do agree with what DIYAS1 said:

    That is nice, and when you ejaculate, it can be very relaxing to spend that non-sexual intimacy with your partner in a tired, relaxed sense.
    But the benefits of semen retention are more important to me for me; namely better skin (I have severe eczema and notice it regress after about five days of semen retention), heightened attractiveness and my current most important goal; more energy.

    I am not saying I want to give up orgasm, I am just saying I want to learn how to orgasm without ejaculation, so I can still receive the benefits of prolonged intimate connection with a partner, and retain the benefits of semen not being ejaculated.

    Deleted Account, ned123 and DIYAS1 like this.
  6. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    107 days how does this work have another 275 to go hardmode pmo
  7. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Remember my friend the word you just said sorcery? I've looked at semen retention unfortunately there's no science, there's no Biblical reference, so really it's just some guys that are cooking it up so to say. I would like to be able to orgasm without ejaculation the only thing is there is out there it says some Chinese Kama Hindu, Indian, techniques that show you how to do it but they're not very clear it's interesting but I'm here also to improve my overall life and my relationship with God if I could find a way knowing that that would improve my relationship with God I would do it but I'm not sure if it would or not?
  8. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    Don't take it literally. It's not sorcery. You are just supposed to learn how to focus and train some muscles. I am willing to learn it, but only with a partner. Not alone.
  9. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Why wouldn't they show the method on how to do it instead of just yakking about it? I find it a fascinating subject and 108 days of not ejaculating and prior to that ejaculated three to five times a week for 33 years I can tell you I'm almost afraid to have sex with ejaculation so yeah I'm interested but concerned show me the science and the methods
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    It's always vague, that's why I asked our friends to confirm it. I could have looked it up back in the P days, but that's not an option anymore. There are some books written about it I guess. Most of these books are not that great.
  11. I don't think there is any scientific research done on this. At least not that I am aware of. But method is very simple. There are tons of tutorials on internet. I replied this to another thread a while ago:

    " (I do not think this website is triggering, but click the link on your own discretion).

    This tutorial is essentially all you need. No need for any complicated Tantric methods of moving your Chi energy through your Chakras and what not. Sure, it might help and make things easier, but it's not necessary. All you have to have is strong PC muscle and some basic breathing methods. Locating PC muscle properly can be tricky (make sure you do not mistaken it for BC muscle, many people do). Exercising your PC muscle to make is strong enough takes time and patience. Other than that it is very easy. Some people naturally have strong PC, in which case you might be able to succeed from the first try.

    Do not use the want to try this as an excuse to relapse. You will highly likely lose semen from the first try of this. You might need months of training to succeed (simply because your PC will be probably too weak, I recommend not to even bother until you have exercised it for at least 3 months). If your goal is to not MO then I recommend trying during sex only. Then look in your condom and see whether anything came out. The idea that one should practice solo before doing it with a partner is absolute garbage."

    This stuff's so simple man it's ridiculous...
    TheCrazyThingIs likes this.
  12. Why everything we do have to be about God? Do you brush your teeth, drink a beer and watch Netflix for God too? Why can't we just do some things for our own benefit and our own enjoyment?

    There might be no science but trust me try it and you will feel difference in energy if you do not drain yourself with ejaculation. Who needs scientific studies if we can just have direct experience?

    And you will be able to keep erection after orgasm. And possibly to have multiple orgasms in a row. And last for long time in bed. All that stuff is fun by itself. Even if there would be no "semen retention" benefits other than that is that not enough? You hate pleasure or something? :D
    TheCrazyThingIs likes this.
  13. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    No actually I just found a decent book that will let me attempt to apply those principles but not yet because we're going to have to do it as a married couple I'm in 108 days no porn no masturbation no orgasms no sex of any kind limited nudity hand holding light kisses and hugs mild snuggling doing everything I can to prevent boners but when a boner does it is there I am using the breathing exercises and they go away so yes I like pleasure I'm not edging we're definitely looking at moving into something new I just want to be able to tie it in with the Bible because I am much more spiritual now and our relationship with God is much better it's gotten us through a lot of other things also it's not about everything being about God it's because everything is about God I'm not one to be selfish anymore I'm with you and agree help me find the scripture and then I can pass it on to my wife when we want to assume actual sex again okay. It's part of our healing
  14. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Leviticus 15 16-18

    16“ ‘When a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his whole body with water, and he will be unclean till evening. 17Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed with water, and it will be unclean till evening. 18When a man has sexual relations with a woman and there is an emission of semen, both of them must bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.
  15. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I had tried the non-ejaculatory orgasm by accident (that itself can be a long story), but to my surprise, it worked and it's.....different.... my energy wasn't drained at all. I actually was MORE alert and MORE energized.

    Ejaculatory orgasm is incredibly SO draining on my body. Every single time I ejaculate, the next day I'm just exhausted and trying to recover.

    So what does this mean?

    This tells me that ejaculating semen is not healthy. It's not. I have experienced it. It's a tremendous loss of energy even in a single ejaculation. So my plan is to try to do it only when I want to reproduce. That's the theory I want to follow.

    Non-ejaculatory orgasm actually help sex better because that means we can last longer during sex and HELP the women achieve MORE orgasms. Typically in ejaculatory orgasms, sex is short and not many women have the chance to have the time to achieve an orgasm.

    It's definitely different. My concern is that the non-ejaculatory orgasm also release the same chemical: Dopamine and we are all trying to heal from the overload of dopamine so I plan not to do the non-ejaculatory orgasm and plan to do it only during sex with my future wife.

    So right now no, but definitely in the future with my wife.
  16. Jelarnik

    Jelarnik Fapstronaut

    You gotta build your pc muscles above the reqiured minimum limit of squeezing seconds which is ten. I can squeeze my pc muscles for longer than 20 seconds so it is a non-risky way for me to have fun which leaves me craving for more.
  17. Yakisoba Oishii

    Yakisoba Oishii New Fapstronaut


    I know this thread is long over due but have to ask this.
    I have been practicing this for the past few days and did manage to not ejaculate in any of my practice, but im still not sure if i'm doing it right. I still feel drained and tired even if I dont ejaculate using the pc muscle method, maybe not as much as when I did ejaculate but still felt a little light headed afterwards and sleepy.
    Is this normal or am I missing something?
    Do you feel the same afterwards or the opposite?
  18. Elzapadelagente

    Elzapadelagente Fapstronaut

    Hola el método karezza para mí no es muy bueno. Ya que retenes toda la energía sexual y queda en los órganos sexuales. Deberías transmutar la energía sexual a través de las técnicas del Tao sexual.
    Sugiero el Tao sexual para separar la eyaculación del orgasmo.
    Yo practique las dos cosas.
    Hace 6 meses q práctico el Tao.
    Jake n Bake likes this.
  19. Jake n Bake

    Jake n Bake Fapstronaut

    I have been able to accomplish this both solo and with my wife. It takes a lot of time and effort but I feel it is worth it.
  20. toberal

    toberal New Fapstronaut

    There is an interesting book that explains how to achieve non ejaculatory orgasms.
    "Love satisfies" (Keepitup Johnson)
    I yet did not try it but the book explains it in an easy way.