Day 2 reboot... Strong anxiety... help!!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by maserati23, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. maserati23

    maserati23 Fapstronaut

    Feeling a strong chaser effect. It's only day 2 after a week binge... I am feeling irritable... anxious... and I was in a good mood earlier.
    I really want to hit a 30 day mark.... it's only day2 and i feel like this. I feel i am not gonna make it...
    I_always_try_again and JJackson like this.
  2. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Ive been there tons of times man. You just gotta keep in mind that these feelings will pass, they're 100% temporary. Secondly understand that right now your anxiety is even worse tham normal because your brain is trying to do whatever it takes to get porn, so the feelings aren't real. Your mind is essentially a spoiled child throwing a tantrum in order to get what it wants. Just hold strong and it'll pass.

    At the same time I gotta be honest with u and say it might also get worse at times, it has for me. But again you always have to remember that the way u feel in these moments is bullshit and isn't real, It'll pass eventually and its just your mind freaking out so it can get porn.

    It'll be a lot of ups and downs but just always keep pushing and it does get better. It might end up getting bad again, but on the other side of that is more good. Also keep in mind that the only thing relapsing will do is make u have to deal with this again in the future so just push through it.

    Good luck and stay strong man!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018

    JSCHINA Fapstronaut

    I really recommend finding out the "why" to your anxiety. I didn't realize that I suffered from an anxiety problem of being good-looking until I relapsed the last time. Ask yourself, what really leads me to anxiety! And always tell your mind that whatever that makes you unsatisfied, it is eventually going to fade away!
    maserati23 likes this.
  4. Bruskimp

    Bruskimp New Fapstronaut

    Hey, after relapsing for the third time this year I finally got on this website. I have started on my new streak (only 4 days so far) and I have come to realize that every morning it helps to say to myself that when I feel tempted I have to do exactly what I don’t want to do. For instance, tonight I felt urges I couldn’t control, but I remembered what I told myself this morning (do the opposite of what I am thinking to do) so I ran downstairs and started talking to some of friends, and I felt so much better. I plan on using this method in order to get to my goal (one year).
    Not sure if that is your cure-all, but having a plan for emergencies is what everybody needs.
    Hope this helps!
    maserati23 likes this.
  5. maserati23

    maserati23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's always ups and downs after falling back down so many bbn times I just try to realize that this behavior and addiction is pointless. It doesn't make me feel better it just in the end makes me feel worse
    JJackson likes this.
  6. maserati23

    maserati23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah it helps to be prepared I don't know if it's just. Me. But I feel every relapse is something new I learn
    JJackson likes this.
  7. çağla kumeı

    çağla kumeı Fapstronaut

  8. I_always_try_again

    I_always_try_again Fapstronaut

    I am also feeling so much anxious on the day 2.
  9. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    IT IS A VERYYY LONG JOURNEY. Day 2 is nothing. Stay the course & get out of Nofap groups and go out with family & friends.
    mentorr likes this.