Are you American? Are you circumcized? Here is a video to watch.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by KillCommunism, Jul 27, 2018.

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  1. This not political at all, this aspect is about HIV prevention and medical facts. If you are too ignorant and stupid to differentiate that, good luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2018
  2. Bigguy4u

    Bigguy4u Fapstronaut

    Oy vey goy, why wouldn't you want to have your dick chopped? Are you some kind of antisemitic Nazi?
    In all seriousness, circumcision is a backwards tradition, but far from the worst practice on earth, you'd better off raging at something else.
    ClaudeDuval likes this.
  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Hahahaaahaha. Really, mark yourself as a slave. Go ahead.

    Experimental design issues notwithstanding, it is tempting to think that the 60% figure that’s being thrown around in media reports is just too large a percentage to ignore–even if the studies had some flaws. But do you know what the “60%” statistic is actually referring to? Boyle and Hill explain:

    What does the frequently cited “60% relative reduction” in HIV infections actually mean? Across all three female-to-male trials, of the 5,411 men subjected to male circumcision, 64 (1.18%) became HIV-positive. Among the 5,497 controls, 137 (2.49%) became HIV-positive, so the absolute decrease in HIV infection was only 1.31%.

    That’s right: 60% is the relative reduction in infection rates, comparing two very small percentages: a bit of arithmetic that generates a big-seeming number, yet one which–without also reporting the absolute risk reduction alongside–arguably misrepresents the results of the study. The absolute decrease in HIV infection between the treatment and control groups in these experiments was just 1.31%, which is likely to have no appreciable effect at the demographic level."

    Just the beginning.
    Why dont you read what i have been sending you. Circumcision doesnt prevent HIV. Doesnt prevent anything. Only makes you.. behhh
  4. WTF, Boy are you on weed or something?

    I won´t discuss your further bullshit anymore, just reminding you your first reply "LOL, why don´t you show me those studies then!".
    Or you denial of what you have just written before yourself, compared with the obvious unability to concentrate enough to understand and read a reply.
    "Where have I written that DingDong?"
    Dunno, if that really works with your idiot peers, but I have no time for that crap.
    You have probably not read any line yourself of the links I have given to you, or are totally lacking the brain ressources to grasp them.
    Then you have googled around to find just anything, to criticize the studies and of course you have also found something in your conspiracy "New World Order is coming" mind. (they all want to make us their "slaves!" the body snatchers are coming to rob us from our prescious juices and our foreskins and our masculinity!)

    Nobody here ever said that circumcisions are a 100% prevention against HIV. But because the virus needs contact of the mucous membranes or body liquids transfer to enter from one organism into another, an uncircumsized penis has a much bigger portal to offer than the circumcized ones, who lack those mucous membranes on the surface of the penis. You do not even need any study, to recognize that simple thing, if you would just be informed a little about HIV at all.

    Nope, sorry to destroy your illusion, but that´s the end of our "conversation". People, who are interested can read the links and what you will do or not, I honestly don´t give a shit.

    You have answered that question yourself. Because you are an ignorant idiot, who prefers to proof only his biased beliefs, but not to accept any truth.
  5. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    If even one boy in a thousand gets to suffer from the consequences of circumcision, that is enough to stop this shit all together. Especially because all these reasons why circumcision is good for you are bullshit. And complications happen even in USA, see DAVID REIMER(i salute you, you poor fuck...), despite the "precaution" of good rabbi sucking child dicks after the procedure. Imagine the percentage of botched circumcisions in some shithole in Africa... Its just not worth it. But alas, i agree that taking away the right from the parents to mutilate their toddlers genitals is not feasible cause of the importance of religion and such so this whole situation just comes up as sad, there is nothing to do about it.
  6. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    As a circumcised man of 52 I really don't understand what the fuss is about... mine is clean, it works and it looks ok.
  7. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    I’m not an activist about this, but I certainly would not circumcise my sons if I had it to do over again. I am circumcised (and wonder about how sex might be different if I were not). My dad was not. Two of my three sons are. When they were born, the thought of not doing it never entered my mind. Son #3 was adopted, so it wasn’t a choice we had to make. Now I think it is ludicrous to put an infant through that (to say nothing of the expense) for no real reason at all. That’s the way we’re born; why change it? I think Mr. Klopper has bigger issues than his circumcision, but that doesn’t invalidate all of his arguments. It is akin to FGM. I see no real difference. It should not be the norm in 21st century America.
    ClaudeDuval likes this.
  8. Incorrect, ⅔ of males in the world have a normal penis.
  9. DarkwingDuck

    DarkwingDuck Fapstronaut

    Cite your source please.
  10. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    Most men around the world are intact(Europe, Latin America, etc). If it was so beneficial European doctors would be recommending it but they don't, places in Scandinavia were even trying to ban it all together. It's a huge money maker in the US and it's history is very sick... Religious fanatics like Dr Kellogg promoted such disgusting acts to try and prevent children from masturbating(he wanted to mutilate the clitoris as well for young girls). If we stop and think about this logically... what are we talking about? Were talking about strapping down a baby infant and cutting part of his genitals off. If that doesn't sound sick and twisted in your mind then you probably need a psych evaluation. I would invite all of you who claim that this is normal to watch a video of it being done... It's fu**ing horrifying and makes me sick to my stomach. It's important for us men who were "cut" and damaged to put our egos aside and instead of saying "Well it happened to me so I will defend it! It's good!" let's admit we were betrayed by an ignorant parent and a corrupt medical system and let's make sure our future sons aren't genitally mutilated. Put the insecurities and egos down for one second and stop pretending since we were victims that being a victim is better. It reminds me of the portion of sexual assault victims who grow up only to commit sexual assault on someone else. "It happened to me so it makes it right" sometimes the mind rationalizes things this way because we don't want to feel different or weird or harmed.

    Those saying "We can't remember it!" well if that's the case then I guess we can rape women when they are passed out after a night of drinking, afterall she won't remember a thing. There's no logic there... It's even worse because were talking about a small infant who has no say in what happens to his body. Those using body shaming language like "turtle neck hue hue hue" and whatever other silly terms need to grow up, act like an adult, and realize we are born the way we are for a reason(even women have foreskin to protect their clitoris, it's called the clitoral hood). This reminds me of young immature school boys making jokes about a woman's "meat curtains" and shaming women for being born a certain way. It's immature, stupid, and down right dopey. I am sure we have all heard this "I want my son to have a nice penis!" Could you imagine a father telling a plastic surgeon to perform a labiaplasty on his infant daughter because "I want my daughter to have a nice clean pussy!" Do you know how creepy, disturbing, and borderline pedo that sounds? That's like something an incestual rapist would say.

    "YOUR SON WILL THANK YOU LATER!" Will he? Will he thank you for the pain it might cause his future GF/wife(no moving skin like shoving a broom stick in someone), will he thank you for now having to constantly buy lube to have sex or masturbate? Will he thank you for the loss of feeling and possible ED issues later in life? I was "cut" and I wish I wasn't yet I had no say in the matter. How about we let the owner of the penis decide what he wants to do with his own body? Everyone needs to grow up and think about this rationally. Just because your penis has a massive scar doesn't mean it's normal, it's abnormal. You turned a religious quack sacrifice into a medical procedure due to all the early religious fanatics in the US. What is normal is the way we are born... cutting off part of an infants penis is NOT normal or sane behavior, period end of story.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
    Fix_It_Mate and Deleted Account like this.
  11. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    Circumcision does NOT prevent HIV or STDs, Condoms do and good hygiene practices(much more effective and we dont have to cut up infants)... and even if it did, should we remove the breast buds in little girls because they might have breast cancer? That logic is so stupid and isn't rooted in any facts. Many studies have came out disproving the "it will prevent HIV" bullshit, they have done the studies in kenya and elsewhere hence why Europeans doctors think it's BS(Scandinavian countries were trying to ban it). "ITS CLEANER!" Yes, a massive bloody wound in a shitty pissy diaper is very clean and safe(that's why you idiots cover your sons cut up penis with vaseline). lol You people are idiotic, you're all getting defensive only because it happened to you and you won't put your ego and pride aside and admit to the truth. It takes a bigger man to admit that it's wrong... Women have 4,000 cleaning products, sanitizers, wipes, ointments, etc. why? To help keep their down stairs clean... but apparently we need to hack off parts of a babies penis because he won't know how to clean himself when he's 25 years old Lol We all brush our teeth(or at least I hope), we all wash our asses, we all wash our hair, but 30 seconds to clean a penis with soap and water.... NOPE TOO MUCH!!!! CUT IT OFF! TOO COMPLICATED! lmao How stupid! "IT LOOKS BETTER!" That really is a testament to how addicted the US is to PORN because in porn all we see are cut penises... Good job, glad the porn brainwashing worked. Next we can push for breast implants and say that natural hanging breasts are nasty and get too sweaty and dirty.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
    Fix_It_Mate likes this.
  12. The entirety of your posts above, eloquently denounce the Male Genital Mutilation lobby that supports infant circumcision.
  13. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    I realized this when I was very young and my nephew was getting his diaper changed and his penis was completely bloody but partially scabbed over, it blew my mind that my sister had not only let it happen but told them to do it to him(he was just an infant), I knew he was in pain, it was obvious. It was traumatizing... I realized the same happened to me and I had a massive scar... That's when I basically became part of the "intactivist" crowd, the more I researched the more disturbing things seemed to surface. I talked it over with my GF(soon to be wife) and I sent her a video of it being done and she said "Don't ever send that to me ever again, that will never happen to our son" :) She's hispanic so it's sort of scary and foreign to her. Needless to say, all of my children will be intact... Lol
  14. Here are three sources acknowledging that ⅔ of males in the world have a normal penis...

    "Approximately 30% of males are estimated to be circumcised globally."
    Male circumcision: global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability. World Health Organization. 2007 (PDF, page 6).

    "Approximately one in three men are circumcised globally."
    Complications of circumcision in male neonates, infants and children: a systematic review. 2010 (Abstract: Background).

    "Approximately one in three males worldwide are circumcised."
    Neonatal and child male circumcision: a global review. World Health Organization. 2010 (PDF, page 7).
    DarkwingDuck and ClaudeDuval like this.
  15. Sweet. Not only do I not have a sensitivity issue with my circumcised penis but I also have the joy of never having my forskin pinched by my zipper. Oh and the women I’ve known all prefer the look of a circumcised penis. Win, win, and win for me.
  16. KillCommunism

    KillCommunism Fapstronaut

    But you do have a sensitivity issue. You have much less sensitivity than a dude with a normal dick, and women who prefer mutilates penises, do so only bease that's what they're used to.
  17. If my dick was any more sensitive I would have to name it Nicholas Sparks. If other guys have a more sensitive penis then good for them. I’m still not seeing why you think increased sensitivity is some out of this world benefit?

    Whatever helps you sleep at night.
  18. Because that is naturally what we should all have and benefit from. If someone now said they wanted to do a procedure on your dick that was unnecessary and would reduce your sensitivity, would you accept it? No, of course not. And had you had a choice at 18 instead of it being imposed on you, I doubt you would have had it done then either. Think about it @Chris.
  19. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    Women in the US might say it looks better but try going outside of your countries bubble.... US women (and men) are brainwashed by US porn where most of the men are mutilated. Sex is more pleasurable for women if their man is intact, the penis has room to glide and its not like shoving a broom stick in someone. Sometimes my gf is in pain so we have to have lube most of the time. Multiple women have told me this... anyone saying it looks better are immature, like a young boy talking about "eeew gross meat curtains" like a moron.
  20. It really depends. If I was suffering from premature ejaculation I just might opt for less sensitivity. For some men circumcision has helped their sex life and relationships.

    You’re more than welcome to continue being narrow minded though.

    Ah the “everyone who disagrees with my position is either stupid or brainwashed” argument. I’ve met a lot of women from other countries who’ve preferred circumcised so what about that? Women can’t have a preference? Oh sorry if they have a preference other than what you believe then it’s because of “porn brainwashing”. Copy that.
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