Rate the last book you've read

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. Inspired by @Taylor25's similar thread for movies, I decided to make one for rating books. I'll start us off.

    Last book I read...

    Amy & Roger's Epic Detour -- Morgan Matson 9/10

    I would say this book was really great for what it was, especially now that I'm currently reading another YA romance that is way way worse in comparison. Kind of makes me realize even more how well-done this book was. It's a good, fun, easy YA romance with some depth and a bit of sadness as well. Made me cry a couple times. I enjoyed it quite a lot.
  2. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    "NarcoLand" by Anabel Hernandez. 10/10 After her father was murdered by sicarios and the police refused to investigate without a bribe, she started doubling down on her journalism covering human trafficking, cartels, sexual exploitation, etc. In the book she covers the much of the war on drugs, corruption in Mexico, and goes into details about drug trafficking organizations like the Sinaloa Federation. She was under constant threats and was forced to hire full time security/body guards... Very eye opening, gained a lot of respect for the author.
  3. Jane Eyre (i like the classics) 9/10, one of my favorites. I've read it before a few years ago, but i recently reread it and still thought it was great.
  4. I'd like to read this at some point. And Emma is another classic I've been wanting to read.
  5. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    One of the few 'girly' classics I've read, although this was mainly cos the girl in my office goes on about it like mad. I thought it was decent, some of the dialogue is a tad tedious, if I'm being honest - but the message of finding 'love' from a non visual POV is quite powerful. I'd recommend it definitely to anyone who wants to start reading a classic.

    The Catcher in the Rye - 10/10
    I've read this book, countless times, the first time I read it cover to cover inside a weekend. It is a very odd book in that most people will find it very difficult to relate to the protagonist, unless they are a loner or sociopath. Full of dark humour, and a story documenting a college boy who gives up on the establishment who finds the world full of 'Phonies' except for his sister 'Phoebe.'
  6. Emma is a good one too, but jane austen books tend to be almost word for word with the movies, so if you've seen those it can be a little deja vu lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    I'm watching this thread. :D
  8. I haven't seen the movie, so that's good. I think the only one I've seen is Colin Firth's Pride and Prejudice, but that was after I read the book anyway.
  9. Oh okay, the you're good to go. I've seen a bunch of jane austen movies. 2 versions of pride and prejudice, 2 versions of emma, 2 versions of sense and sensibility, 2 versions of persuasion, northanger abbey, love and friendship and mansfield park. Wow, i didn't even realize how many until i started writing them lol. Anyway...the book is a good read.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    South of the Border, West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami (9/10).
    I enjoyed the book a lot, but the ending was mildly disappointing... I like the way he represents the way of thinking of his main characters and the mental struggles they face.
    Brain-Police and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Jaykob

    Jaykob Banned

    I do not remember it...
  12. Ratmancampidori

    Ratmancampidori Fapstronaut

  13. To All the Boys I've Loved Before 2/10

    I so do not get the hype for this book, within the YA community. It's so bad. The writing is terrible. If I were a Creative Writing teacher, I would have my students read this book to see what NOT to do.

    By the end, I did mildly enjoy the story. Enough that it was no longer a chore to keep reading the book. But still, it was just really poorly written. I felt nothing for any of the characters, the author constantly wanted to TELL us everything instead of SHOWING it, and the dialogue was so terribly unbelievable and not what normal people would say. The main character also came across as pretty shallow to me, and the love interest was a pretty rude, arrogant guy with not a lot of redeeming qualities.

    Just all around a pretty bad book. Idk why so many people love it.
  14. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    Me personally, I've been wanting to read more books. It's something I don't do enough. No such thing as reading too many books!

    Last book was a reread of Duff McKagan's autobiography, "It's So Easy; And Other Lies." Great, great book! Then again, I'm a huuuuuge fan!

    I'm reading Iggy Pop's one of many biographies, "Open Up and Bleed."
    8/10 so far!

    Not exactly books people would expect, but books nonetheless.
  15. I'm sad this got moved to sandbox :/ the one for movies has been in off topic for forever. Its annoying to not be able to like any comments.
  16. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Is it just me but why does 'Flat Earth' get allowed to stay in general forums yet something like this gets moved to the sandbox. Very odd if you ask me.

    Book of Five rings 10/10
    This is my absolute favourite by Japanese author Myiatso. It is a very old book detailing the way of the Samurai - Honour and defeat in war. Full of great stories and how to conduct yourself in sword fights. Not quite relevant today but still my all time favourite.
    marsha124 likes this.
  17. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    I noticed that. That sucks
  18. Yeah, I agree. It makes no sense. Especially when the rating movies thread was in off topic for months. Its really annoying to not be able to like y'alls comments :/
  19. Death on the nile (Poirot) 8.5/10

    In my opinion, one of the better Poirot mysteries i have read.