That's my last time... for the hundredth time !

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by I'll never be the same, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. I'll never be the same

    I'll never be the same Fapstronaut

    What's that, I can't control my brain ? My body ? Masturbation made me his slave ! I begun five years ago, and since the first time I wanted to stop, but guess what ? Here I am, adult, and unable to do what I want to, what I need to ! I'm done to feel guilty, to feel angry, to have a poor self-esteem... Finally that's just what I deserve !
  2. BackcountryCamping

    BackcountryCamping Fapstronaut

    There are several of us in here that would love to be at 5 years. Just keep fighting. Fighting. Fighting.
  3. ss91

    ss91 Fapstronaut

    whenever youre about to relapse, imagine how crappy you would feel after you finished PMO'ing. that helps. ive had to restart many times myself, and this is the last time im doing it.
  4. I'll never be the same

    I'll never be the same Fapstronaut

    Yes you might have right but I try to think how i would be if I do, but you know it's kind of : yeah just one last time, and after I stop !" but no, I want to have control, I want to be free, any advices guys ?
  5. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    It's so, so easy to say 'Right, one more time, and that's IT! I'm done!' But this method never ever works. We need to stop rationalizing and encounter our urges head on, when we feel the urge, remind yourself that there is no 'Final Fap' and that your last reset has already been and gone. We're either in this or not, and if we decide to have 'One last fap' then we are no better than when we PMO all the time. We've all had hundreds of resets, it's just a case of keeping up the fight, never giving in and supporting each other :)
  6. Vikmeister

    Vikmeister Fapstronaut

    I face the same issue. And it's terrible. I'm struggling as well.
  7. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    To achieve your life-changing goals you have to:
    1. Have the vision of your new life.
    2. Get the best tools and strategy.
    3. Remove your inner conflicts.
    Asses the level you are at each one of these points.

    1. Have you a clear and compelling vision that pulls you to achieve your new life without P?
    Take your time to think about it and surround yourself with stuff, pictures, videos, etc. that remind you of it. Don't "live" in the pictures, use them to propel your actions.

    2. Do you have the best tools? Are your surroundings, your HABITS, the things you use and do every day dragging you to porn? Is it hard or easy to consume?
    I also recommend you read page 6 of my journal.

    3. Are you sure you don't have any inner conflicts?
    Stuff like "if I quit P I'll never be with girls as hot as Pstars". Or "what's the point, I'm ugly and fat so P is only my real escape". I'm just using examples of course. Identify your (possible) inner conflicts, share them, find out why they are nonsense, and slash them.
  8. immanuel.iitd

    immanuel.iitd Fapstronaut

  9. ###

    ### Fapstronaut

    For a person like me, willpower is no use against PMO. For me not to PMO is like holding back a sneeze: if I succeed, it feels horrible and no matter how hard I try, it's only a matter of time before a sneeze is going to get through anyway.

    I came to this conclusion after 14 years of trying every way I knew how to control the addiction. I joined a 12 step group for sex addiction and learned that I am enslaved to my drug in a way I can not break free from on my own. I need the power of a group and a force greater than myself to give me a success that I have never been able to find alone.

    Everyone has to find his or her own way, but this is what has worked for me.
  10. Vikmeister

    Vikmeister Fapstronaut

    And PStars aren't even that hot. It's just a lot of make up, camera angles and plastic surgery.
    Anyone seen the PStars before and after make up? Ridiculous. They're making fools of us.
  11. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It is true that not all people have the same experiences, feelings, and even cognitive biases to filter reality.

    In any case, I firmly believe that with determination, everyone can find his/her way as you say.
  12. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    This is SO true. No offence to the PStars, but I was like 'UGH!' When I saw them without make up. Just goes to prove that porn is a BIG LIE and they're indeed making fools of us.