Objectification of women - how does it work?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by HereAndThere, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. As a woman, I get hurt when I see my gender objectified by men , but I get more hurt when I see women doing it purposely
  2. What I find most annoying about this topic is that sexual objectification is used by feminists to paint a picture of one gender oppressing the other.

    The reality is that more often than not the woman in question is not a victim at all but a purposeful orchestrator. To put it bluntly, if you made sure that your tits and ass stick out, you did that to turn me into a panting dog and have no right to complain when it actually happens.

    The peak ridiculousness is reached when the same women who exploited their "talent" and benefitted greatly from being seen as sex objects join the campaign to kill patriarchy. The dictionary definition of hypocrisy should just point to that as the best example.
  3. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Dude. Do we really have to use T&A here?
    moonesque likes this.
  4. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I stopped buying into feminist rants when I witnessed an organization of porn actresses claiming to be feminist.

    I am all about gender equality but some people take it too far. I mean I love the ideas of girl power and women's empowerment.

    However some people get it twisted for sure.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  5. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    The epitome of dehumanization.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  6. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    The minds of many pornographers are sinister and deviant and damaged on a level I won't even go into here. They often do things to people for their own ends that have nothing to do with "sexual entertainment" being sold online/on video in stores. However it all comes down to lust for possession of another soul. They ruin souls and get off on it.



    Sorry got carried away. I hate talking about porn. See ya elsewhere.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  7. I look at it this way; porn isn’t the cause but rather a symptom caused by a society of people who either disbelieve, or have lost the belief in, the existence of a soul that has inherent worth despite material or physical attributes/talents. People who doubt their own self-worth then gravitate to other things which also do not reverence self-worth. Things like porn. A lot of this can be seen when it comes to intimacy. People who lack self-worth lack intimacy, so such people will also gravitate toward porn because it also lacks intimacy because it lacks personality/personhood.

    Food isn’t always about intimacy. Sex, however, in its pure form includes love which includes intimacy. We all want to be loved but we don’t all love ourselves.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2018
  8. I'm not denying that there are women who voluntarily want to be sexually objectified (the reasons can be really complex), but just because someone is wanting you to do something, that doesn't make it right for you to do it. I could hand you a gun and give you permission to kill me because I want you to, but you most likely wouldn't want to kill another innocent human being, because it would be wrong. (insert you are already dead-meme)
  9. Awesome point, everyone is accountable. I like it.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  10. I think this is a very accurate explanation. I think this problem is also reflected in society by the male generations who have grown up/are growing up watching internet porn, who have been/are exposed to porn during their most impressionable years in terms of learning about sexuality and adult relationships. They don't feel like they have to actually get to know women anymore, to explore real sex and sexual attraction and in the process get to know them as real people, but they get to learn everything that there seemingly is to know about women from porn.
  11. By the way, i read that back and it sounded sarcastic, i just want to clarify that i really did like it.
  12. It didn't sound sarcastic to me at all, so no problemo!
  13. Good, i didn't want you to think i was being a jerk and it kind of sounded that way to me lol. By the way i like your other post too, you're hitting the nail on the head and making some very valid points.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  14. Mr. Stark

    Mr. Stark Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    You an spoken quite many right things.
    You are completely right in saying that porn has by large taught men quite mcuh to objectify women. It's a potential source.
    Why would men take an waiter as a whole person and not just an object and why would the same men take the beautiful attractive woman as object?

    Because women are like commodities to men. Because they get the world's best thing from them.. "Sex". They love. Why care about the person or her needs when you easily get from her what you want... ? Too much of obsession of men towards sexual stimulation makes them want, sex, (what their body craves) more than the individuality and humanly like features of fellow women. It's bad.

    You see a woman down the street you see her ass. You turn around to see her face. Well not a very beautiful face maybe. You look away. If it were a beautiful face. You would be smitten.

    Who would think yeah that's a normal girl or woman just passing by. Nothing else. She is just one of the many feminine creature of homo-sapiens category.

    You would see her bodily features as of they are gold or diamond.

    You would crave for her view and her assets even if you are smitten with the opposite sex for once no matter even if she was another average looking girl.
    It's all fatal attraction.

    Someday when you see her in the street you would look at her as a other beautiful hot woman and not a precious social acquaintance.

    Now two things would happen.

    1)You would flirt with her for the sake of sexual tension between you and her and you might get hookup. But that would be objectifying woman for me. You got into that human being for her looks. And then May be you would get to know her and extend your relation with her as a friend or something. That even when you find her of your behaviour type.

    2) Or you would see her as social acquaintance and look out to talk to her just to increase your networking. Be with her for the sake of knowing her and then forget her and be like okay. Yeah you would know she is a sexually attractive woman and is beautiful.
    But so what she is a human being and I will talk to her like I talk to other friends or acquaintance. That would be not objectifying.

    So at the very basic level of my view of objectification in daily life I would say it like this.
    Tell me about this... If anyone has any views.. please...
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  15. I completely agree, but it's annoying that that has to come at the expense of all women and all womens issues. Plenty of us women never asked feminists to start screeching at everybody and trying to censor the crap out of the entire world. And its really annoying to not be able to talk about any female issues without people already automatically rolling their eyes before you even finish talking. I've been guilty of that myself, in the past, with being too "anti-feminist," but I've come around to realizing that not everything they say is dumb and I should listen more before writing it off.

    Yeah, I think it comes down to being honest with yourself. Because I have actually started at a girls butt before and thought "wow, she has an amazing butt. I wonder what kind of work outs she does?" And I have also started at muscular men and thought the same thing, without those thoughts turning sexual.

    True. And as I said, sexual objectification is definitely talked about a lot more, but it's not the definition of objectification.

    That's exactly the point... those people are nothing but pixels to you. That is pure and simple objectification, whether you consciously think of it that way or not.

    Yeah, I've heard that too and it's incredibly dumb and drives me crazy. The whole "boys will be boys" mindset is offensive and problematic for literally everybody. Its problematic for women because when men do stupid crap that hurts them, people dont take it seriously, and its problematic for men because our society apparently has such a low opinion of your gender that they dont think you're capable of incredibly basic forms of self control and responsibility. Its ridiculous. Men are not boys, and even boys should know better. If young women are expected to act like ladies, then yiung men should be expected to act like gentlemen.

    I'm not sure what specific "response" you're referring to. The desire for sex? Attraction to women? Those are obviously biologically ingrained and cant (and shouldnt) be stifled or changed, in my opinion. But acting on it in an inappropriate manner can be control. And "acting" includes your conscious thoughts. You dont necessarily choose to see someone and think "damn, look at her," but you DO choose to continue that train of thought further.

    Could you elaborate on that?
  16. Yeah, I dont think working for someone and getting paid for an exchange of services or goods is objectification.

    Well, in that case, I would say there can be good and bad forms of objectification. Because obviously we arent going to be best friends with our plumber or something so we dont feel bad for "objectifying" him.

    The thing about the whole "but the women in porn are getting paid and are happy to do it" argument that bothers me is that to me, its completely missing the point. YOU are still objectifying them in your heart, which isnt right, even if they say they're fine with it. But honestly, that really comes down to an issue of who you believe you are answering to, at the end of the day. If you believe it's okay to do anything to a person as long as they consent, then you shouldnt have a problem. Personally, I believe in a God who commands me not to disrespect people and objectify them, so it doesnt matter to me if someone tells me it's okay to do to them. They arent the one who has the right to grant me that permission.

    I mean, think of it this way (if you dont want to get into religion). If someone asks you to kill them, would you do it, because they told you it was okay? Probably not, because the law says it isnt okay, and they dont get to trump that and tell you it is. And you also, probably, have moral standards that would prevent you from killing someone or punching them in the face or whatever, even if they did they wanted it.
  17. I somewhat agree, but at the same time, you are responsible for yourself and your own actions. If someone is being really aggressive and annoying I could say "that guy was practically begging for me to punch him in the face." But at the end of the day, it was still my choice to punch him regardless of how much of a dick he is, so I'm still responsible for that.
  18. Lol I just read this and I totally repeated your point here like twice. So I guess we are on the same page.
  19. Hey! I do plumbing (among other things) you would just use me for my services and not be my best friend?....No, i'm just kidding. I see what you mean, but as i said in one of my other posts, it doesn't hurt to still treat them as human beings also. Sometimes we see people who offer services only as a means to an end and we don't treat them quite as well as we should. In the end though, i think i'm just splitting hairs, i know what you're getting at and what i'm talking about is a very mild and widely accepted form of objectification.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  20. I completely agree, I think this is connected to what I said about men first learning about a woman's "value" through porn when they grow up and are the most impressionable, which is how they end up living under the illusion that sex is all the value a woman has to offer. As children, most boys will probably have socialized with other boys (and vice versa with girls, although childhood social interactions are not really comparable to adult social interactions either way) and then when they start to hit puberty, they become aware of their sexual attraction to the female gender and discover porn as a sexual outlet as well as a source of knowledge of the opposite gender. That way they won't feel motivated enough to actually explore the opposite gender beyond satisfying a primal natural instinct, and they won't really get to learn about women's value as actual people, which will make future social interactions very limited based on that unrealistic porn-knowledge and lead to further sexual objectification of women outside of porn.
    R.o.B likes this.