The Women I Deal With

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by AUTiger7222, Nov 11, 2018.

  1. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Why is it that women always pick the guys that treat them like pure shit over the guys that spoil them and treat them like a princess? Then they want to cry that they're single and no good guys want them? Yeah, we do, you're just too stuck up and stubborn to give us a chance.
    Deleted Account, 4DCreator and Bread1 like this.
  2. Bread1

    Bread1 Fapstronaut

    Yeah its something hard to deal with I know . Trust me im here with you but the best advice I would give to you is to start working out and stop masturbating. I was a person who bitches about everything. It had this girl who I liked very much but she didnt like me back to decided to fap so much to numb the pain but didnt know it was ruining me and made me even sadder. But now having my testorone im least likely to complain and blame everyone about everything. Organize your life and try to get rid of the addiction im telling you im about 11 days and its feels great. And now I think that same girl likes me now :)
  3. fapstronaut64

    fapstronaut64 Fapstronaut

    Maybe, to women in your life, shitty guys are a better choice than you are. The way you complain about them and how you never even mention even a hint that you yourself could be a factor does give the impression that you're a shitty guy yourself
    Shivam Mishra, torrace and Gresh11990 like this.
  4. Bread1

    Bread1 Fapstronaut

    Hey you shouldnt say something like that the guy might be very sad so dont wanna make him feel even worse. We come upbuild not destroy
  5. torrace

    torrace Fapstronaut

    Hi @AUTiger7222

    I also thought like you and actually wanted to be a shitty guy who treat women like shit just to get a girlfriend. But then I realised that it wasn't the ladies that was the problem, it was me!

    I was always blaming others, indecisive, unaccountable for my actions, emotional, whiny, blaming my looks and lack of wealth, etc. I then decided that I need to change and improve myself, not just to impress women but to be someone who could truly help others.

    It was a long and painful journey (and still is). Learning to be humble (listening to others unpopular opinions, not arguing back for the sake of), accepting my flaws and strength, working out (to be fitter), trying new activities (climbing, abseiling, diving to boost confidence levels, and also hobbies help you get great stories and experience to share with others).

    Eventually I decided to also put myself out there (trying tinder and speed dates, had ALOT of rejections but getting rejection made me think: the worse that could happen is she says no, at least I know the answer now). It took more than a year of blind dates, tinder and random meetup events before I met my wife.

    Definitely still a long and difficult road to improve, but it takes a first step and never wanting to look back. Stay strong @AUTiger7222
  6. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot dude. I already wanted to kill myself but thanks for making it even more desirable.
  7. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    You can turn that around and say the same thing about you.

    Why do you focus on women who don't appreciate what you do over women who would appreciate it?

    Why would you want to be with someone that doesn't respect themselves enough to choose someone that's good for them?

    You're generalizing an entire gender with what you're saying and you say "we" and "us" like you're speaking for all the good men in the world. When really this is just about you and your inability to choose the right women.
  8. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    So agreeing with him for the sake of not hurting his feelings is the way to build him up as a person?

    If he's truly sad and suicidal then he needs to talk to a professional or call a 1-800 number. Not talk to random people on a forum to soothe his feelings.
    fapstronaut64 likes this.
  9. Because women are sexually attracted to men who push their buttons, and not the "nice guys". It's a fact of nature. It has nothing to do with fairness, or justice, or morality. On the nice guy-jerk spectrum, you need to move yourself more toward the jerk end of the spectrum, instead of doubling-down on nice. Referring to yourself as a good guy is just a form of self-flattery. At the end of the day, you are hoping that being a nice guy will get you in to girls' pants just as much as the jerk hopes that being a jerk will get him in to girls' pants. Except your strategy isn't working, and their's is. So you're no better than the jerks, you're just a guy like every other guy, and that's OK. So accept that and start employing more effective strategies. Learn from the jerks
  10. hope2overcome_

    hope2overcome_ Fapstronaut

    Damn to all the guys who tell you to stop complaining have this machismo bullshit going on. It is just socially acceptable to put down a guy for complaining than it is for women and these pussies on this forum maintain that norm.

    AS for the OP, I have found that that statement is not necessarily always true. 1.) It depends on the girl. 2.) It may just seem that way to you

    Women like strong men, strength is everything to them. Between a guy who is nice and a guy who is a jerk, they perceive strength from the latter. However, in my personal life I have been a jerk to women because of reading forum posts from people like you and it has gotten me nowhere at all. If I was nicer it would have gotten me far. If a girl already likes you, treating her like shit will make her distance herself from you and to some make her feel like she isn't good enough for you. It took me a long time to realize just how high and mighty I am towards women, and no wonder women feel intimidated near me and perceive me differently.

    My advice is to be strong. Show strength in your words and actions. They want altruism and "effective" men. More importantly, that's who you are. Let it out.
    AUTiger7222 and Simgeezy39 like this.
  11. nef

    nef Fapstronaut

    well nice guys finish last
  12. YeetBoi21

    YeetBoi21 Fapstronaut

  13. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    That's not the right attitude, none of us are entitled to any woman's favor or affection - and they have the right to associate with whomever they please. You may be repelling them with your outlook towards them in general.
    Gresh11990, Knighthawk and torrace like this.
  14. Nice I love how you had the courage to step up and man up look at the results! Is your wife hot?
    torrace likes this.
  15. torrace

    torrace Fapstronaut

    In my eyes, she is. And that's all that matters!

    It's never easy to take a step back to self examine oneself. But it must be done in order to see things from a different perspective. Honestly, if I was girl, I wouldn't date the crappy whiny me of 6 years ago.

    Hearing the criticism of others is never easy. Sometimes, it's unhelpful and insulting. But if there's a friend who is gives honest criticism as well as solutions to improve, that friend is GOLD.
  16. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Are you admitting youre one of those guys that would spoil them and treat them like a Princess? Then you dont deserve any pussy.
  17. bleong1234

    bleong1234 Fapstronaut

    To say nice guys finish last is a little much. Here's what I'm noticing there are nice guys but there are also overly nice guys. I believe a lot of the "nice" guys fall into this description and I was there too. It's the constant attempt to try to win other's approval, women can sense that and it is not a turn on, it's cute but definitely not something that's endearing since it shows you have confidence issues.

    You don't have to be a jerk to get girls, but you do need to be confident about who you are and girls are receptive to that, you have to take initiative and can't expect things to fall into your lap. Also on a side note I've been friends with two guys that are "alpha" males that are jerks who have probably had 25+ partners before 30, and trust me they aren't really happy. They're constantly overcompensating and sex is just an object to them, sometimes they even have a hard time with ED. They're pretty empty and burn a lot of bridges with other people and in a lot of denial. So just saying, just because you get a lot of ass doesn't mean you're happy.
    Knighthawk, koolpal and torrace like this.
  18. YeetBoi21

    YeetBoi21 Fapstronaut

    Isn’t it something like jerk guys are more dominant and since we are animals it’s natural instinct to go for the dominant one
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Yes I think that plays a part
  20. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    There is a very basic psychology behind it :)) I could talk about it for months. Not many people understand this but it is so easy to understand.

    Girls they pick the prick had a childhood emotional trauma from their early childhood with their own father. Their father was toxic, that's why they pick a toxic and aggressive guy because unconsciously they are very attracted to it. A nice guy is boring for them even though he is really a great partner for life. These girls can heal this sick pattern in their head but they need to first experience huge pain from a toxic relationship in order to find out about their underlying issue from childhood. Not many girls are able to get into such a stage. And such a healing usually takes 3-5 years of deep self-work.

    Trust me, emotionally healthy girls will love nice guys, but they do not look so physically attractive. When you see a very physically attractive woman with loads of makeup on trust me - 95 percent of these very attractive women are not good partners for life and they are toxic, even they can pretend for months to be someone else. They will discard you very quickly in 20 seconds and will forget your name in 25.

    Also, sex with these super attractive women can be highly addictive for your brain (when you have addictive personality type) and trust me, when you have a woman like that in your life you will be healing from sexual addiction to that woman instead of nofap and not using porn. And that's a killer. I am trying to heal already 2 years and no success at all.

    The same pattern works the opposite way. (gender-wise)
    AUTiger7222, koolpal and Simgeezy39 like this.