No urge November

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Nov 30, 2018.

Are you a slave to your senses and thoughts?

  1. Yes

  2. no

  3. I'm trying to free myself

  4. I'M the master of my senses

  1. Here is the link you need to read if you never want to get an urge on nofap. You can read my story if you want to. (Trust me I'm not on a flatline)

    This post will be separated to three parts. My story, benefits, and the way to achieve sobriety and greatness. (Video and article links at the end)

    My pmo addiction started in 7th grade at age 11 where everything took a downward spiral. My grades went from A's to F's in months (Mistakenly diagnosed with ADHD).My athletic performance deteriorating, and I went from an outgoing popular guy to the shy awkward kid with social anxiety.

    I lost all motivation to do anything. All I wanted to do was pmo from 7th-9th grade. This addiction ruined my life and most importantly my families life. There is a quote that says "Addiction is a special kind of hell, it takes the soul of the addict and breaks the hearts of everyone who loves them". The thing was I didn't know I was addicted till I was a sophomore in high school. I was living in hell disguised as heaven from 7th to 9th grade. My biggest passion is playing basketball and I went from reading all the Harry Potter books in 3rd and 4th grade to can't even making grades for the high school basketball team 3 years in a row. I am now in my junior year and I have completed 30 days of sobriety. I found out about nofap last year in my sophomore year. It took me 1 year of suicidal thoughts, depression,relapses to make it here today.My high school and middle school days are gone. I could've achieved so many things. But I started looking at things in a positive way even though this took my soul, brain, honor to my family, and who I was supposed to be. You have to look at yourself as a small house that has been burned, and you have to rebuild it as a beautiful mansion.

    Quick story of why God put us in this place:

    Hanuman is my savior so this story relates exactly to what we are going through." Now Lord Hanuman is the son of the wind God Vayu, and he has the head of a monkey and the body of a man. Now Lord Hanuman was born with very special super powers, and is one of the strongest Gods in Indian folklore. He is known as “The protector” in Hindu mythology, but as a child he abused those powers, and so to prevent him from hurting himself and others, the great sages of this time put a spell on him so that he would forget that he had these great powers, and from that moment he would live his life as a normal human, and only in times of great need would Lord Hanuman be reminded of his powers so that he could fulfill his destiny as the great protector". See this is why we have superpowers.

    I am now going to enlist in a branch in the military as either a Seal, Ranger, or PJ. As well as being an entrepreneur with my product.

    So much attraction, but it doesn't matter right now because of my purpose

    I'm so driven

    My athletic ability is out of this world. I can even dunk on 10 ft now.

    Clear skin

    So much stamina when doing endurance activities. (5 minute miles)

    Overcame social anxiety through Hanuman Chalisa

    I have infinite willpower now that I preserve and use my sexual energy. (Brahmacharya)

    I feel on top of the world with supreme confidence, infinite energy, and my magnetic personality that has been unleashed through Brahmacharya.

    I am just overall better than ever and I am only going up from here. It feels so good now.
    I also grew 3 inches taller in 1 1/2 month(idk if it has anything to do with this)

    And a ton of other benefits that I got but I'm not going to waste your time.

    Achieving sobriety and greatness: In order to achieve sobriety some of us need to understand that we do pmo because we hate our lifestyles, run away from our problems, or try to satisfy our thoughts. My problem is that I did pmo to satisfy my thoughts. Now that I am aware of this and I changed my life to be on the path of the Ultimate, I don't get urges anymore(I'm not on a flatline). "Instead of focusing on the old you should focus on the new". Remember look at yourself as a house that has been burned, and you need to rebuild yourself as a beautiful mansion.Thank you all for the support. I wish all of you reading this the best in life. Please share my story. We can help make other people's' lives better. Jai Hanuman!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2018
  2. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    congrats on 30 days ,keep it going
  3. Son of shiva

    Son of shiva Fapstronaut

    Congrats man
    Your post was very inspiring
    Hank Pym and Cool_Bro like this.
  4. whatrichme

    whatrichme Fapstronaut

    How do u grow taller? Anything specific to do?
  5. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, we don't have any control over growing tall. It's all pre-determined, it's a part of our genetics and depends on how tall our parents and close family in general are. You can increase up to 2-4 cms by doing pull-ups and improving your posture and stature in general.
    Cool_Bro and Asgardian36 like this.
  6. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    That guy is 16, he is just growing up...
  7. I think it has to do with the nutrients that are in your semen and when you are not wasting it it helps your muscles grow and make your bones stronger. I used to worry about my height before and when I started doing nofap I stopped caring. Just like the link says the body just holds your soul don't get too attached to it.Also I did a lot of back extensions in the weight room so that could be it too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2018
    Hank Pym likes this.
  8. Thanks man. Swami Vivekananda inspires me a lot too.
    Hank Pym and Son of shiva like this.
  9. Thanks man
  10. That's true also and I am eating real healthy now too
  11. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Boy, you are 16 an growing up, it has nothing to do with semen retention. People grow up at your age. Not masturbating doesn't grow you taller.
  12. 100% agree
  13. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, I wish I had your success at your age.
  14. Thanks. It doesn't matter how old you are you can accomplish your huge goals and visions too. "Your never too young to start an empire and never too old to start a new dream."
  15. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

    Yes it has everything to do with it. I'm from mumbai, when I was 10 yr old, I was shorter kid in my class. Most of the other kids were really tall and strong. Then they started fapping, but I didn't(till age 17). At end of the teenage, I'm taller and more active than them. All thanks to the semen retention. So kid, use this all new power to grow strong, tall and smart! (No need of Horlicks/Complan)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  16. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    It has nothing to do with that. Nofap doesn't grow you taller, stop spreading false information.

    You are young and growing up, that's it, it has nothing to do with nofap. When i was 15 i grew up 10 cm in 4 months, and i was doing a lot of pmo.
  17. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

    Then why did I grow faster than the other fapper kids? And I'm literally 4-5 inches taller than my dad, more than 1 feet taller than my mom.

    This isn't false information! Semen contains lots of vitamins, minerals, proteins in order to create new life. When we don't waste it, its clearly going to use for more body, mucsles growth and whatever a man needs.
  18. Ameeet

    Ameeet Fapstronaut

    This post inspired me, thank you man
  19. I'm glad it did. Stay sober:)