Virgin @ 27

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Bemybest, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    You must be insane or very young... perhaps because it's illegal and it will only leave you with a welling pit of sadness and regret that you will carry for years...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2018
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  2. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman


    Please remain on topic and treat each other with respect.

    The Moderation Team
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  3. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Lol it's not illegal. Kids as young as 13 are thought that it's a demand from people and so there'll be supply(the prostitutes). This prostitutes have no intend to harm others but to fulfil people's carnage desires. Nor will they harm anyone actually unlike drugs. Personally, i'm not supportive of it, like you said, people can regret doing this. I wouldn't like to give my virginity to someone who's virginity is already taken. In vulgar terms, i don't want to place my dick inside a vagina that has already been rammed by another man's dick. But if one should have his thought to consider about getting a prostitute as his first sex. Then he should think twice, can he accept having sex with a woman that is no longer virgin?
    Bemybest likes this.
  4. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    Of course it's illegal.. If you get caught paying for any sexual act in the United States of America then you will be charged and put in jail until you can make bail.. Clearly you are very young and/or you do not know what you're talking about..
  5. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Well sorry, i don't live in america. In my country, prostitutes are legal. But they are under the watch of the government. Those who are diagnosed with aids or hiv, they will not be allowed to be prostitutes. Also, they will be given a license and a specific place to work. Those without an official license will be found guilty.
  6. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    That's disgusting..
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  7. Towards Redemption

    Towards Redemption Fapstronaut

    Let's be honest, male virginity is heavily stigmatised, maybe it shouldn't be but it is. If you are not strong enough to hold your head above the stigma then you're going to be reclusive and lonely, even afraid. But I agree with the statement, it doesn't necessarily make you less of a man, only if you let it.
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  8. Towards Redemption

    Towards Redemption Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the vulgar interpretaion. But if that's the standard, that rules out most available women.
  9. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Well it's reality. People want to satisfy their filthy desires. At the very least, this might keep them from raping women illegally. And they are do it safely (having sex without aids and hiv)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
  10. Wrong. There is no federal law against prostitution. Some states allow it and some punish only the solicitor. Here in Europe it's legal in some countries and semi-legal in others (you can ho but you can't pimp).
  11. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    Prostitution is illegal in the vast majority of the United States as a result of state laws rather than federal laws. You're not quite sure what you're talking about. It doesn't matter if there's a federal law or not, most states have their own laws against prostitution and in my state as well as all the surrounding states, it is ILLEGAL and that's the way it should be.
  12. You claimed paying for sex gets you in jail in the US which made it seem that you're talking about the whole country. Your use of boldface is hilarious.
    No it shouldn't.
  13. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    Yes it should be illegal. Legal prostitution is a horrible thing to let into civilized society. It will start erode the deep meaningfulness sex can create in personal relationships between men and women. These relationships hold together the fabric of our society. They are its core building blocks, and anything that works to compromise the family unit compromises the structural integrity of our society.
    pornlessgeneral likes this.
  14. Prostitution is what it is. It is present in society no matter how hard the authorities try to get rid of it. It's called the oldest profession for that reason. If it really "compromised the structural integrity of society" in a profound way, humanity wouldn't have made it to 2018.
    Rafaldini likes this.
  15. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    That's an inane comment that you have no way of substantiating. Empires rise and fall for reasons like accepting practices like legal prostitution. Something that's wrong is wrong whether people have been doing it since the beginning of time or since last Tuesday.

    Allow me to add lib the nonsensical sentence you just wrote:

    Murder is what it is. It is present in society no matter how hard the authorities try to get rid of it. If it really "compromised the structural integrity of society" in a profound way, humanity wouldn't have made it to 2018.

    See how weak that line of reasoning is
    pornlessgeneral likes this.
  16. You plugged a different word in a sentence I posted to make it false and that's supposed to prove your point somehow? I could use that argument because (unlike with murder) there's nothing objectively wrong with consensual exchange of sex for money. Punishing victimless crimes is a waste of resources and often does more harm than good.
  17. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I am am Indian btw. Here, prostitution is not legal but it is complicated law. Here, one can have paid sex but prostitution is illegal.
  18. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    It seems like your current problem/issue is obsessing too much about girls and being needy which is a quite unattractive quality to most women. Your feelings of insufficiency, sadness, disappointment, and stagnation in life won't go away like if you find yourself a girlfriend tomorrow, they will most likely persist as you haven't done anything to change them.
    I would suggest to improve yourself first so you can feel content, happy, and proud about yourself as that will radiate good energies that attract a lot of people towards you (men and women alike). In order to find a good girlfriend, you have to be grounded and at peace with yourself first because if you are not, that sentiment of uneasiness will follow you into that relationship as well.

    Spend time developing yourself through your hobbies or something else that interest you and as you get better at it, you will gain confidence with time. NoFap is definitely going to help you pursuing your interests to 100% but if you just sit on the couch and wait for the benefits to come, not much will happen but a miserable flatline.
    Keep in mind that in order to be truly happy, you don't need another person's approval for fulfillment.
    Bemybest likes this.
  19. There's no need for me to Google anything because my question wasn't a question for myself. The question isn't a question for the sake of knowledge but it's a question for the sake of wonder. The question didn't need to answered, it just needed to be wondered about.

    So why do we think certain looks are attractive and certain looks aren't?
  20. Man, I'm a virgin guy just like you, same age as well. I considered many times to look for a escort to lose my virginity. The truth is I don't want to lose my virginity like that, I want it to be spontaneous with a girl that loves me. Sometimes I really feel lonely, specially after the pmo, but then I remember my decision to fix me up before starting a relationship and I focus on the others aspects of my life. There's no shame to be a virgin. Improve yourself, work hard to bring the best version of yourself. Don't worry man, there's nothing wrong to wait for the right girl.