Fuck this shit, I'm out.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 21, 2018.

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  1. Just to be clear, so it doesnt seem like I'm just whining about stuff and not doing anything, these are all messages I have sent to a moderator when this situation went down that went compeltley unanswered:

    Never responded to any of those valid complaints.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Damn. It sucks that your leaving. Goodbye cass.
  3. I'll stick around for a bit, to see how this current report situation pans out. I'm curious to see if this thread will just get deleted or if any actual change will come of this stuff being out in the open, now that I'm not really afraid of getting booted from the site and can actually stand up for myself instead of rolling over and allowing stuff to happen because I cant do anything to change it.

    Idk, maybe I'm being too dramatic and I will stick around. But at the same time, I really really hate continuing to be somewhere where that mod has complete unchecked authority after abusing it like that.
  4. Well, I hope you stick around and I hope you don’t get banned. I’ve never seen you say anything crazy or extreme and I’ve never seen you harass anyone. Like someone posted earlier, these mods could be damaged people too so we don’t know exactly what they’re thinking.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. KillCommunism

    KillCommunism Fapstronaut

    That shit needs to be nipped in the bud. Find that mod and remove his modding privileges. If this place turns into an SJW shitfest, I'm leaving.
  6. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Don't let them get to you. They had a go at me for using the word "cunt" which where I'm from is a popular word and can be used as a term of endearment.
    They said that was misogynistic even though both men and women use it here like its punctuation.
    If anything they're discriminating against my culture.
  7. To be honest Alexander has bigger problems than all this. I say keep him out of it.

    Well, I can't be aware of everything that has happened to you, but to give the mod team some credit, I have always gotten best support from them. They may have been harsh at times, but I soon realized that wasn't directed just specifically on me, coz another idiot had already made some mess and so it was directed towards my issue too in a way... Anyway, it is a private platform, so these people ultimately have the final say. They may not always agree with what you think and that's alright. I don't think ranting off about this will help either way. Once again, try to see it from their point of view, and it being a private concern. Things happen sometimes.

    Hope you see some light at the end of tunnel, and reach a positive conclusion.
    2525 likes this.
  8. KillCommunism

    KillCommunism Fapstronaut

    How would bringing light to an issue not help? That's what tc is doing. And let's not forget that it was through subverting the mod team that neogaf became such a liberal hell hole. It took the admin literally nuking the entire site to return it to being a place where fair discussion could be had. If you go there now and compare it to what it was a couple years ago, (or to resetera, which is where the neogaf communist rats went after their expulsion), and you will see a night and day difference. You can actually have differing opinions now without being banned.
  9. We can make differing opinions without being banned in here, it has never been an issue. And I don't even know whatever you are citing. I don't care too.
    What I have stated is still valid. Big words won't add an iota of more validity to any of our statements.
    What I have said above is that first it is a private site, so clearly certain "freedom of speech" rhetorics won't apply in here. Second, mods are human, and blaming them in outright disrespectful manner ain't gonna help your case with them either way.
    My points are valid, and will remain so, irrespective of whatever happens on a million other websites.
    HereAndThere likes this.
  10. KillCommunism

    KillCommunism Fapstronaut

    Neogaf is a forum like nofap, but for video gaming discussions.

    I'm sure neogaf was a place where disagreements could be had as well in the beginning, and then it turned into soviet russia. The admin had to tear down the wall and now it's good again.

    Same thing could happen here.
  11. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    Fair enough. Goodbye. Anyway, you spend a lot of time in the off topic section getting upset about a lot of things and get into disagreements with others. So the stress of being here is probably preventing you from progressing and rebooting. :(
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  12. Yeah, exactly... I wasnt allowed to bring light to issues in the past, because my thread about this was deleted by a mod for zero reason and he wasnt even punished for it. So I think I have every right to tell the truth.

    Also, yall may not be aware, but I used to be a moderator on this site a few years ago. I literally know EXACTLY what they deal with, more than probably any of you... and I still would never act the way some of them are acting, and i believe it is wrong.

    Seems like its already there, from my perspective. This latest decision is just the straw that broke the camel's back. I've been reported for several things I thought were dumb since that incident with the mod deleting my thread, one of which from that mod and I was pretty dang certain he was just going through old posts of mine to find something to report me for, and I didnt complain AT ALL. I very calmly accepted my punishment in silence, so as not to stir the pot. But I'm done with that, and I think people here deserve to know some of these things that have happened without any resolution. All the messages I sent about that moderator having too much unchecked power and me not feeling comfortable with a mod deleting my perfectly fine thread that didn't break any rules just because he didnt like it, and they did basically nothing. I never even got so much as a reply.

    Listen, I've been on the mod team and I know they are busy, but they're not THAT busy. Trust me. They really are not too busy to be kind and try to understand that we want to know what's going on if we make a formal complaint against a moderator and they used their power in an inappropriate way. They are absolutely not too busy for that. I've tried time and time again to be calm and put myself in their shoes, but I cant understand how some of these things have happened. I know what it's like to be in their shoes, and i know that they are capable of more kindness (by "they," I'm not talking about every mod. I have had some of them be kind, but I'm not talking about those ones.)

    I've literally said these same words many many times, so clearly I understand that. I'm not asking to be able to break rules without punishment. I'm asking that the mods follow their own rules. If I went and deleted somebody's thread because i didnt like it (if I were capable of that), I would get in trouble for it. So why is it okay for a mod to do that with no repercussions? The thread I made did not break any rules. I was simply asking a tech question about how to make an appeal, since the mod I asked about it wouldn't tell me and just wanted to talk about how entitled I am for wanting to make an appeal. I broke no rules that day, and my thread was deleted, and he cited the reason for deletion was that I said the issue had been resolved, which was a bold face lie.

    First off, I realize mods are human. I'm not nitpicking every little thing they've ever said or done. I even typed out a whole message about this one thing that happened that I decided to delete, because it was nitpicky and i thought that was unnecessary. I'm not just whining over dumb crap, these are serious issues that I have already brought to the attention of the moderation team with absolutely no response.

    Secondly, I'm not interested in helping my case with them. I've already done everything I possibly could to address this situation in a healthy and respectful manner, like an adult, and I was completely ignored and not even dignified with so much as a "thanks, we'll look into it" reply. Absolutely nothing. Complete silence. So I'm done now.

    My interest is not in helping my case with mods, my interest right now is in exposing this garbage before I leave. Because I think people deserve to know that theres a mod on the team who treated me completely inappropriately with no consequences. That's a big deal, in my opinion, and it says a lot about the way this site is run. And if people are going to stick around here, or even support this site with their money, I think they have a right to know that.

    You know absolutely nothing about my progress. And yeah, I do spend a lot of time in off topic, mostly because reading a bunch of poor-related threads all the time is triggering and I'm trying to keep my mind busy on other things. It's actually a pretty useful tactic, but sure, go ahead and just judge me and sum me up without knowing a damn thing about me.
  13. Wow, the mod in question literally liked one of these posts I made about not all mods being bad, as if I. Ould possibly be talking about him. What passive aggressive bullshit. I'm totally done.

    Everyone have a nice life and a Merry Christmas.
  14. communication is a bit stilted here on this site.


    DO have a Good Christmas
    And DO have a nice life.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  15. Pastor Preston

    Pastor Preston Fapstronaut

    First thing's first, I would hate to see you go, because I have been reading your comments since I first joined this site! Frankly, I have read several threads just because I saw you post on them.

    Second, it is good to take a stand on these issues. This brings to light a side of this site that I barely knew existed. This serves as a reminder that neither this site nor its moderators are perfect. Well, I'll miss seeing your posts!
  16. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    There was no judgement in my post (above). I simply voiced an observation and suggested that leaving would probably be a positive thing for you. In reply, I get a contentious retort. This is an example of what I was talking about. Why not just say, thank you for your message and I will give some thought to what you have said. Why this cantankerous ire always?
  17. Sorry, I didn't see that you said you took multiple breaks from the site previously, I'm sorry for being repetitive in my suggestion to take a break. If you really do leave, I wish you all the best.
  18. Not that it means much at this point, but I don't think that you should have been warned or sanctioned for the original post. That is going to be overturned. I do not know about the other situations that were mentioned, but understand that running this site is difficult because there are multiple competing interests:

    - Keeping the forum inclusive to all, congregating around an issue of common interest with people of various backgrounds and beliefs.

    - A huge number of things to handle for such a small team, beyond just managing the forum.

    - The porn industry and their friends' desire to label this website as misogynistic / Nazi / etc and their money, publicists, etc to assist them in doing so.

    - Allowing users the freedom to recover in a dynamic environment where they not feel like they are under the watchful eyes of language police at all times.

    Just know that I'm listening even though I do not talk (type) publicly much. I can empathize with your anger and will continue to try to improve the site.
  19. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    @Castielle, I had been gone for almost a year. And it was nice to see that you were still around. All I can say at this point is that I’m sorry to see that things have turned out the way they have around here. Your contribution was huge when I was here. You kept people honest, myself included, and brought a great dynamic and perspective to every important issue.

    I haven’t found much to contribute to around here since I’ve been back, and I’m wondering if it isn’t because of some of these things people are addressing. Anyway, I hope you don’t go but will understand and be sad. I wish you the best of luck.
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  20. Amen, she doesnt put up with anybody's crap lol
    u376 likes this.
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