I want this time to be different..

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Issah, Jan 2, 2019.

How old were you when you first fapped?

  1. Younger that 8 years old

    1 vote(s)
  2. Between 8 and 12

    1 vote(s)
  3. Between 13 and 16

    5 vote(s)
  4. Between 17 and 19

    0 vote(s)
  5. 20 - 25

    0 vote(s)
  6. 26 and older

    0 vote(s)
  1. Issah

    Issah Fapstronaut

    So yesterday, i told my self

    "This is going to be the last time.."
    Like i had told myself a few days before,
    And a few days before that too.

    I have such an active and vivid imagination that i dont even need pornography to get me fapping, even a couple cuddling pic on pintrest can get me started and keep me going.

    And its so difficult trusting myself when i feel so debased, when i get triggered by the slightest of things, cos surely this cant be normal. And every time i try and fail i feel even more controled by my own feelings, and even less in control of my own self.

    This area where i lack in self-control and self-discipline affects how i perceive myself and my own abilities immensely.

    Theres so much i need in order to become who i want to be.. focus, discipline, effort, consistancy. All these things i keep lacking in. I feel so consumed by my own short comingings.

    I watched a tedtalk once and the lady was speaking about how she would get into destructive relationships to escape herself, and she would let herself be so enthralled by the other human that she would have no time for anything else.

    And i felt that,
    I felt that on a soul level.

    Because when I'm alone in my bed consumed by my own thoughts and fantasies (insert:- fapping) I dont need to think about my wounds, and goals, and heal and mourn. I just escape.

    But what good is escaping?

    Cos the problems and dreams remain, but the mental fortitude and drive just keeps diminishing, and it just seems like I'll never be able to change.


    I'm a 24 year old creative, working in a technical field, dreaming about being a designer and entrepreneur who volenteers and contributes within her community.

    I'm also a chronic fapper. I have this memory of being so flippen young must have been around age 6 or 7, at my cousins place humping one of those big teddy bears and all i can remember is an aunt seeing me and looking at me like WTH???

    I also remember being about 12/13 and spending my afternoons after school laying in bed daydreaming and fapping till sunset. I loved reading, so I'd google sex stories and while the family is sitting together or driving around. I'd be on my phone reading and imagining pornographic literature.

    So its diffucult for me to stop, i want to. But this is my form of comfort and escapism and this is what i know.

    Anyway. Today, while at work I got triggered and youtubed "stop porn" and nofap motivational videos popped up. I rememberd reading an article once about the rise of nofap, so i googled it and signed up. And now I've written this long a@# article basically trying to say, i want to stop masterbating and constantly thinking about sex and actually do more with my life, but I've been like this for so long, so a part of me lowkey doesnt even think i could ever really stop.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2019
  2. You are in the right place. There are many people who are it were trapped in the same lifestyle. Your brain has been conditioned for years to seek out porn and it takes time to restore your mind. You need to reboot. You need to shut down the fantasies playing in your head. You have to be able to redirect your mind. Basically, you have to reclaim control over your mind and body. This takes time and determination but is worth it. You have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. Imagine what you could accomplish if you start using some of that brainpower you are wasting on a dreams that do not really satisfy toward your goal of being an entrepreneur! Also for me there was a spiritual component. I am Christian and for me it was limiting my spiritual capabilities as well. There are good resources and groups you can join here to fight this battle.
    Issah likes this.
  3. Issah

    Issah Fapstronaut
