Going Back on the Right Path

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FindingTheLight, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. FindingTheLight

    FindingTheLight Fapstronaut

    Thank you!
  2. FindingTheLight

    FindingTheLight Fapstronaut

    Day 15:
    I gonna try to not label days as “bad” or “good” anymore as everyday is just such a roller coaster. My mental health has been not very good recently, which I wonder if that has anything to do with this addiction.... Anyway, I got tempted a lot today, went straight to the gym. Got tempted again, and took a cold shower. Today the temptations were much stronger than normal, but it’s encouraging that I was able to flee from them. I went to mass this morning and it was amazing, and like I said everyday is not easy, especially struggling with mental health, but everyday that I abstain from this terrible addiction is somewhat of a win.
  3. Nabaski

    Nabaski Fapstronaut

    The more you think about the problems you think you have (mental health issues) the worse you're doing. Positive thinking is one of the keys to overcome almost every single problem in our life, this one included. Just focus on what you want, think less about the problems you think you have and work on solving them
    FindingTheLight likes this.
  4. FindingTheLight

    FindingTheLight Fapstronaut

    Thank you! This is so true and is most definitely something I need to work on.
  5. FindingTheLight

    FindingTheLight Fapstronaut

    Day 16:
    I’ve been tempted a lot today, in fact right now I’m being tempted, and I think I’m gonna take a cold shower. Anyway, everyday feels like an eternity, I just want to have this addiction broken and healed already. I have to realize though that this is a process, and God is slowly healing me and I truly believe that and see that. I’ve really feared recently about giving in to temptation, all this process would be lost... but that’s also gives me just another motive to break this terrible addiction. Anyway, no matter the battle I have to trust that God is there getting me through it.
  6. Nabaski

    Nabaski Fapstronaut

    I suppose having faith is one way of keeping the addiction at bay (though I don't like thinking they exist, the more I think about them the stronger they get). Every time you get an urge try to understand how you feel. Think about how God is watching over you and waiting for you to do the right thing. That will make you feel like someone is supporting you on those tough moments.

    Note: I'm an agnostic person so neither I tend to speak about God nor the subject makes any difference to me, but I've seen it's something that gives you the strength to keep fighting, so think of God as someone you don't want to disappoint
    FindingTheLight likes this.
  7. FindingTheLight

    FindingTheLight Fapstronaut

    Day 17:
    I’m pretty tired right now. I’ve been tempted a lot recently, and I’ve somehow pushed through it. I need to work on my patience. I need to know this isn’t something that will happen over night, this is a process. I know, and believe God is healing, but it takes time. I need to realize that and trust that. I need to work on my patience. You see, there’s so many things in my head saying “Give up! The process is to long!” It’s amazing how false that is, I will keep going, trusting in God, and trusting that this process is worth it. If God just snapped his finger and healed us.... we wouldn’t gain patience, courage, and wisdom, but in a way he makes us go through this long process so he can not only heal us, but help us to grow in relationship with him, and to grow that trust, wisdom, and patience.
  8. FindingTheLight

    FindingTheLight Fapstronaut

    Guys... I just relapsed. There’s so many emotions right now it’s hard to describe what happened. I’m in disbelief. I’m embarrassed, sad, depressed, and even though it’s not true I feel like God has abandoned me. Today was a terrible day, I felt out of control the entire day, emotions were overwhelming me, and I was tired, tired of fighting. I honestly don’t know what else to say.... 18 days down the drain.... that’s my typical story. I put in so much work.. just to have it end like this. I’m sorry guys, I truly am... I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to control my emotions. I’m lost, and if put in that much work, and still relapsed... I don’t know what to do.. I feel hopeless.