The 2019 X90 Hard Mode High Accountability Elimination Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. Great job dude!
  2. Awesome dude, way to go!
  3. lolman123

    lolman123 Fapstronaut

    Checking in Day 20, Still going strong No PMO. Keep it up everyone, one day at a time.
    biokat and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Awesome dude, great job!!
  5. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut

    I fucked up. I feel horrible about myself. Want to fucking kill myself. I was weak. I was thinking about my ex and I missed her. She is with somebody else. She is married. Not going to be with her again. FUcking bastard I am.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut

    I am restarting my clock from today. Fuck this shit.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Sorry to hear that, that sucks.
    This is not weakness, this is strength!! You are strong, no matter how you feel.

    You are strong for stopping and not quitting.
    You are strong for wanting to do this.
    You are strong for coming here and posting this.
    You are strong for starting this journey.
    You are strong for fighting this.

    You are much stronger than you'll ever know.

    Regardless of what you think and feel, you are doing awesome.

    Your ex is gone, now is the time to say NEXT!!!!!
    Because there will be a next I promise you that and itll be so much better than what you had. Trust me on this.

    Now is the time to reapply yourself, look at this analytically, what went wrong, how can we do this differently? What needs to change so we are not here 20 days from now?

    Lastly, you are feeling bad because in your mind you were taught that when this happens, I must feel bad.

    This is a learned behavior. It's time to unlearn that because it serves you no purpose and actually harms you.

    Step outside of those thoughts, look at them as a thing. A thing that you can take out of your head and put on the table. See everything as, I am me and those are thoughts and feelings . I am separate from them and I can choose whether to believe them or not. You can make that decision.
    biokat likes this.
  8. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    Setbacks does not mean to just seatback. We make mistakes, and the best thing we can do about them is to learn from them. Dissect what happened. And learn from it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    By the way, congratulations on not giving up. :)
  10. biokat

    biokat Fapstronaut

    Checking in. It was a clean and tiring day full of airports and flights. Just came home now and about to sleep.

    Stay clean and strong all.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I fucked up too. Was sooo hungover today which just led me down the wrong path. And this happens sometimes to me when I lose momentum and am on a short streak. I barely even tried to stop myself.

    But now I'm fully picking myself back up and I'll be using blockers on my phone to get momentum back up. And I'm also going to spend as little time at home as possible - both my last relapses happened at times when I was home alone for pretty much a whole day.
  12. Sorry to hear that but am glad you're back.

    What blockers are you using?

    Definitely keep track of your time or keep a schedule. Schedule some down time too but make it a safe downtime.

    Take care
    Daniel1 likes this.
  13. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    Day 19 Check In, No PMO
  14. Checking in Day 40 no PMO. As promised will start my own reboot journal in women's section here.
    In the end of this morning's meditation when I was just noting my thoughts and letting them go a very - very! - indecent thought just appeared and stuck there! hrrrr but I somehow managed to turn my attention to my breath or body or something else, I don't actually remember. My crotch was like on fire while walking to work, fertile days.. it's gonna be a hard week.
    Stay strong everybody! I'm gonna just dive into work to stay focused.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    On my computer I'm using FocusMe and on my phone I'm using an app called Flipd. It allows to you lock yourself out of your phone for x number of hours, during which you can only use certain basic apps like phone calls, alarm, calendar, google maps etc. I've used it with great success in the past by "flipping off" (i.e. locking phone with Flipd) before coming home each night. This has worked well for me since I'm usually only home in the mornings and late evenings and I don't need my phone in the evenings anyway. So I'll be getting back into that.

    Combined with a strategy to do more of my tasks out of home it's a great plan.
    lolman123 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

    Day 10 still going strong thanks to you all.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut

    Starting my restart today. As rightly pointed out to me, I needed to keep out triggers out of my purview as it would to relapses. I am going full hard mode and will eliminate Instagram, Youtube, Sanpchat and all social media. My relapse occurred due to a pretty girl in Insta's story and then getting tipsy and cribbing about my ex. This led me to think to fuck this shit'' I am wanking' to Youtube kinky stuff and slob, a thick gush of man-juice.

    Just on the lighter note, how does your cum look like after a relapse? Did anybody shoot a thick one over a distance like in Scary Movie 2 (cold storage scene) :) I have been yanking since 14-15 and I never had a really long distance shot. One more reason to restart the NoFap. To win the pea shooting competition somewhere sometime after my 90/180/360 day challenge :)

    My Day 1 Check in went smoothly. Not much challenge expected today in any case as I released the tension yesterday I will not mess up this round.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    glnb8 and Deleted Account like this.
  18. Social media detox is really helping a lot during NoFap, so kudos to that decision and stay strong.
  19. Alright, lets do this thing!!

    Staying off social media is tough as that is an addiction itself. I have trouble with that myself. What I've been doing lately, is focusing (thinking) about the things I really want to be doing and realizing how much time I'm not spending on that because I'm perusing social media. As good as it feels it is a tremendous waste of time.

    What goals are you working in your life that you'd rather be doing?