One girl per day challenge!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Infinite spirit, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    I will start a challenge with myself ..talking to one girl at least every day. It can be anywhere ..the work..etc...the goal is not to date her or get her number..ofcourse that's what you are aiming for after all..but the action of going and talking to her is enough of itself. So..every go find the most beautiful go to here and say
    compliment her and you say that you are attracted to her.. if she says she says doesn't didn't fail..the goal is to go and talk to girl..per day.
    Who's with me??
  2. monkeymode

    monkeymode Fapstronaut

    I agree with the premise but I wouldn't put so much emphasis on it being a pretty girl and saying you are attracted to her. I would focus on just talking to people in general and not let your mind be run by girls. Girls want to be viewed as humans so if you treat them like you view them like other people while keeping a fun flirty vibe, they'll be into it if they like you. merely stating you are attracted to them will only work if you have a LOT of status. Otherwise get to know them a bit and say "I gotta run to (the gym, work, etc.) but let me get your snapchat so we can catch (coffee, lunch, something not too heavy) later" and take out your phone and hold up your snap code. Snapchat works better than a number because it's less pressure. By talking to more people than just girls you'll be more extroverted which will make your interactions with girls go more smoothly and seem more genuine and natural.
    Good luck be with you

  3. Kingllamas

    Kingllamas New Fapstronaut

    I'm with you! Brrr
    Infinite spirit likes this.
  4. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I actually think most women would feel quite uncomfortable if a strange man walked up to them and told them they were attractive. This whole "pick up culture" is not necessarily embraced by females, in fact, it's considered rather creepy. Why not try to make friends first? Work on your happiness, ambition, appearance and health and women will come to you.
  5. monkeymode

    monkeymode Fapstronaut

    For steps on how to do this check out my 10 keys to success I posted in the self improvement form. It's a good starting place to make yourself someone girls want to pursue instead of the other way around.
  6. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Lilla-My is a girl lol
  7. monkeymode

    monkeymode Fapstronaut

    I intended that comment to be an extension to the point she brought up, not a reply. I'm still getting used to this forum
  8. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    Don't be so obsessed man ^^
    LilD likes this.
  9. MonkeyDo

    MonkeyDo Fapstronaut

    How about you do a challenge to talk to one old lady per day instead. These old ladies don't get nearly as much attention as the younger girls. And you can learn a lot from talking to an old person and benefiting from their experience. This will help you understand that a person is defined by more than just how sexually attractive they are.

    You say you don't want to talk to old ladies because they're ugly and old and boring? Then you don't deserve to talk to hot young girls. Because you don't value people as people, rather only by how sexy they are and how much validation it would bring to you to have sex with her.

    Only once you understand this should you start talking to sexually attractive girls. When you can talk to hot young girls and first appreciate their personality (or notice their lacking personality) instead of being blinded by their sexiness, when you can enjoy a conversation with them even if sex is not an option, only then you will find true success with women.
  10. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    I will go out and talk to girls guys just stay home
    Roffelaar and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  11. monkeymode

    monkeymode Fapstronaut

    Coming from a guy who has had a number of relationships and dozens of sexual encounters I can tell you none of them came from walking up to random girls and complimenting them. Asking girls out is fine like I said above but forcing an interaction, stating that you are attracted to them, and complimenting them will decrease your social value and make them less attracted to you.
    Lilla_My and JB333 like this.
  12. By the way, do 'hot girls' exist? Or are we all just people?
  13. Roffelaar

    Roffelaar Fapstronaut

    Don't say that you are attracted to them. Just giving them a compliment is enough. Girls are not stupid.. But make it a nice compliment. Say something about their clothing style or whatever. Don't say shit like: ''Nice leggings, your ass looks amazing in them and I want to put my face in it'' lol

    Don't listen to Lilla_My. She is a girl and girls don't know what they want. If you ask a girl about advice on how to pick up girls, they give the worst advice! Ofcourse being healthy and taking care of your appearance will help. But I am quite happy, sport a lot, take care of my appearance and I don't see girls approaching me lol. NEVER! they are too shy. YOU have to make the step to approach them :)

    I have given tons of girls compliments on the street out of nowhere and most of them were flattered or would compliment me back. After a short time you get used to giving girls compliments and you act kind of relaxed and cool about doing it. and THEN you see the changes. Girls see how relaxed and confident you are and they don't want to leave your presence, so they start asking you questions.

    Theres a reason why Tinder is so popular, because most guys are pussies and are too afraid to talk to girls on the street. When in fact, girls loooove to be approached (as long as you act relaxed and kind).
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    Infinite spirit likes this.
  14. MonkeyDo

    MonkeyDo Fapstronaut

    We are all people, but some people arouse more sexual attraction within you than others do. We are not sexually attracted to everyone else equally. This is natural.

    The idea of a "hot girl" is simply a label your mind creates for a girl who attracts you strongly. Maybe other people will not give her the same label. In the end, labels are just silly things the mind does, and they're not and can never be exact descriptors of the world as it really is.
  15. I support this. Don't listen to any of the naysayers. Who cares if some girls might think what you're doing is creepy. Who cares what they think. Who cares if this is not how most people get girls. That's not the point. The point is that you are doing something to get out of your comfort zone and get better at something. You're focusing on the process, and not the outcome, which is the right approach. I do need to try something like this myself. I've talked about it before but I chickened out. The thing is over the last several months I have gotten indications from girls that they are interested in me, I'm just sick of being so passive, so maybe that will motivate me. I'm also doing much better staying away from PMO. Yeah maybe make it a daily goal, report on my progress in my journal. I hope this works out for you. Good luck!
    Infinite spirit likes this.
  16. nef

    nef Fapstronaut

    Me : Hi
    Her : sorry I have a boyfriend
  17. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Me: no problem !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Hmm, yes we do. As some smart guy here said, it will decrease your social value. A guy that hungrily go after women and tell them they are attractive will be treated as a pariah, unless he is of-the-chart gorgeous. And those guys rarely do it, because they don't have to.

    Start talking about something she does instead. A guy that shows interest in personality or current events is incredibly attractive. Sure, every girl wants compliments. But given randomly, they are just a sign of hunger. Attractive women know they are attractive. Most women, attractive or not, have had desperate guys literally following them on the streets, telling them cringey things ("Your eyes are like stars" and other nonsense). The woman smell the desperation and pity them. Have you ever seen the dream boat guy do this in a romantic movie? No, because it sends chills up the spine for most girls, and we don't consider it alluring.

    High quality men read the situation. They say something witty about it. The woman will secretly think "does he find me attractive?" She will automatically want him to be drawn to her and work towards that. She will feel a little insecure; "why doesn't he comment on my looks like the other 99 percent of fools?" She will wonder if he already is interested in other women and feel slightly jealous. He obviously doesn't need sex from her, he is too confident. Now that sparks interest.

    Most women can have as much sex as they want really, basically at any time. There are tons of men willing to give all kinds of compliments out there to get laid, even if the girl looks like Shrek. So be the gem among all the gravel.
  19. Your future is in policie station with this challenge good luck.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  20. monkeymode

    monkeymode Fapstronaut

    To the people who thought Lilla My didn't know what she is talking about, if you have ever tried cold approach in real life (as I have) you will know this is 100% spot on. Cold approach doesn't work well in the first place, but it works better if you have something to talk about than how attracted you are. If a girl is a "hot girl" she has been approached at least 3 times a day by guys for years so a simple compliment will not only be annoying but will make you seem desperate. Act as an equal and give her a topic of discussion that she wants to talk about. Your interest in her does not cause reciprocation. Attraction is like a magnet. Its a push pull. Going in putting her on a pedestal is not a wise play.
    Lilla_My likes this.