Natural male masturbation?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Messedupguy, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    So it sort of proves that a lot of homosexual behaviour is by choice due to over exposure to porn and the confusion it brings . To save straight men gay porn would probably be better to be made illegal and removed from the internet . Maybe even recriminilise homosexuality to hopefully deter men from being led down that abnormal behavioural route
  2. AlexWillDoIt

    AlexWillDoIt Fapstronaut

    Abnormal bevavior? Homosexuality? That is just insane! And homophobe! EVERYTHING we do is a choice, from drinking too much, to masturbating too much, to watching porn, to have sex with another woman every day. SEX is not the problem, homosexuality is not the problem. It’s mankind’s nature to want MORE what he likes. I was born gay, watched straight porn, even just women masturbating, but NEVER questioned my sexuality. I’d never have sex with a woman (if not out of pure curiousity), so let’s make hetero sex illegal too? Wtf are you taking about? Let’s get back to marry and get stoned if you ever sleep with another person?
  3. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    I meant abnormal behaviour for a straight man not a born gay man . Maybe being exposed to women doesn’t work the same for gay men but there’s lots of chat about straight guys suffering HOCD from being exposed to gay porn
    Maybe I am homophobic but that’s down probably to the totally screwed up persona I now have from exposing myself to evermore extreme kinds of porn which usually are gay themed
  4. I think you could be born gay and be conditioned straight. I think you could be born straight and be conditioned to be gay.
  5. AlexWillDoIt

    AlexWillDoIt Fapstronaut

    Or maybe we act in a way because society made us to. There Are apes that have buttsex with other males for pure pleasure, but are still heterosexual to procreate. Just saying
  6. Haha and there it is.
    An even bigger duh than before. Lol.
    So what is sexuality then, if not simply a means to get pleasure? Because as far as I can tell, being gay just means someone likes to have sex with the same gender. Never figured out what being gay has to do with love. I'm straight and I love guys. Hell, I'd marry some on account of the fact that they make me feel all giddy inside. But in the end, my sex preference is definitely women. Weird.
    AlexWillDoIt likes this.
  7. AlexWillDoIt

    AlexWillDoIt Fapstronaut

    Yep. Weird. ;)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Almost like sex doesn't mean love, and people blow homosexuality way out of proportion.
    AlexWillDoIt likes this.
  9. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    It maybe be because homosexuality is out in the open from tv to film to social media that is attracts more conversation etc
  10. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    R u glad u r a queer ? Or if was a cure when you discovered what u r , do you think you’d have taken it
  11. I think it gets the attention because it is more controversial at this point in time than in the past. I think future people will be like, "Oh you're gay? That's nice." and it won't be special anymore, the same way anything won't be special anymore.
  12. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Yes you could be right or it will go the other way is it has in history before .
  13. Oh yeah huh. Huh. Humans are fucking terrible and weird and cool.
  14. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Some countries progress but others even now have taken an even harder line on male homosexuality eg Brunei
  15. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Wonder why female homosexuality is more accepted ? Do you think it’s because sadly it’s a patriarchal world and because men find women attractive they understand a woman being attracted to a woman but recoil at idea of finding another man appealing sexually ?
    That’s maybe why women are more accepting of gay men as women generally find men appealing so understand a gay man
    Xaviar.marshall likes this.
  16. Yes, yes and yes.
  17. AlexWillDoIt

    AlexWillDoIt Fapstronaut

    Who thinks of a possible cure (which does not exist and those who try come out destroyed) doesn’t it out of a social context. I’m not proud, and I Ronny hate it, I simply am. Are you “proud” to be heterosexual? All this “proud to be gay” is an answer to the discrimination of being homosexual. In media like films homosexuality is getting slowly shown, as the normal and natural thing it is. Thinking just about Butt sex when thinking about gays is a insecure way of thinking when it comes to many straight guys.
  18. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Hi I wasn’t saying you should take a cure even if there was one or asking are you proud . I was just interested if a gay guy would prefer not to be gay . If there was a quicker faster cure for my mixed up state I know I’d take it
    AlexWillDoIt likes this.
  19. Hey I need some help....can I shed some light on this I'm 17 ....this all started 2 months ago....and it feels like I have turned the 2 months i had a girl friend...but it was a long distance I really didn't like it...but that scares me because what if I'll never like a relationship with a a kid I remember when i first saw porn i was young so i was like wtf was the time my step brothers....were older than me I was around 9 so I ddint know what a vigina looked like so I was like eww....then my auntie came over well my mom's friends daughter...and she introduced me to sex...we would kiss and dry hump and she grabbed my penis...and I loved it that's what made me love females....but before the age of 9 I didn't have any sexual desires at all I would just chill...idk what this is man .....i have not even told my mom this it happened when I was 9 and she was 12...I dont know if this is real...I dont even know if my love for females is real...right now idk if porn has desensitized me to the body of a female but I have never had sex...but I want to...but my mind makes me feel like I dont want i wont like it with a first In the beginning of these feelings it was horrible i began to break down...crying all the time...I thought the reason y I couldnt get it up to a sexy female was because of I had my mother take me to the doctor...and I just had an intestine infection....but the thoughts persisted and they still persist....and idk if these feeling are the true me or just due to porn...idk what to do man I dont wanna be gay...i have always liked females as far as i can remember man
  20. First of all, calm down. You won't know what's actually true until it's time to test it, and it can change over time. Only you know what you're interested, so if you think you like girls, then you like girls. PIED (porn induced erectile distinction) is a real thing and affects more than just a sec life.