Sex doesn't ACTUALLY feel that good !!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Infinite spirit, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Not worth it my friend, the kid is really angry and needs to look inside to find out why he's so angry. And it's a lot more complex than, "because vigina is more loose than my hand."
    VictorYs and HugoBoss like this.
  2. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Fapstronaut

  3. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    There is no such expression in English "get the fuck off!". Go learn English first before posting.
  4. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    I can be dirty with you all I want ..It's effortless right?
    Grow up .
  5. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Sex (and pmo) leads to short term pleasure and long term misery .please god..when are they going to fucking understand ?!!
    PS: I it's called "misery" not "mysery".
  6. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Yes. Thank you for your understanding.
  7. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Again I'm just wondering why your so pissed? You have a LOT of living to do my friend, I still have plenty to grow up about but from what I'm readying you have a lot of cuts that need to turn to scars. I get your anger in many ways, I have scars up and down my body from many years self mutilation, I was pissed off much like you and I did not take it out on strangers on the internet, I heated a chunk of metal red hot, pressed it to my skin and when it got cold I removed the metal. The pain from this act was unreal and I'm not sure now how I did this act then. The physical scars I created will never heal, never disappear and every time of my daughters ask me about them I am still unable to tell them the truth of the mutilation I caused myself. I was angry at a lot, sex, parents, others, myself and found lots of creative ways to deal with that anger. But nothing eased my anger like meeting someone I now love, intend to marry and adopt 2 amazing little girls.

    So yes, sex without investing emotion is probably not as good as PMO. I have never had sex with someone I did not have an emotional investment in and don't intend to. The high I get from the sex i have now with my fiancee can last for days and does not leave me with a high that needs to be chased like PMO. Find that for yourself and dont be angry.

    Have a fantastic day my friend.
    Eleanor, VictorYs and need4realchg like this.
  8. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    It's perfectly clear to me now.. you are just projecting what has been suppressed in your psyche on me!. The truth not angry and I can't relate at all to what you said.
    Btw.. why did you make those scars?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  9. WhoCares101

    WhoCares101 Fapstronaut

    Oh kids now days. I can only hope my daughters are never as angry as you. I made my scars for the same reason your lashing at people offering help, I was pissed off. Good luck in life little boy if you cant read the whole message and reject the help/advice that is given.
    need4realchg likes this.
  10. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Sorry but you need to see a doctor. You scar yourself because you are pissed off?!.
    No wonder you are "trying "to offened me for no reason. Sorry I don't have time to waste. Seek help quickly .
    How can i take the advice of someone who scars himself when he is angry !??
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  11. HaydenK95

    HaydenK95 Fapstronaut

    Dang fam, I get married to my girlfriend of 4 1/2 years next month. We've both never had sex because we have always chose to wait. I'm hella excited lol! No way can I ever see PMO better than sex.
    Eleanor, VictorYs and hardowner like this.
  12. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    You are for a great disappointment.
    Good look anyways.
  13. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Looks like someone is having some reaaaaaaallly shitty sex!
    Infinite spirit likes this.
  14. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Hello my dear friend ..i said it's weird he is too late:D
  15. This thread is interesting because there is some truth in each viewpoint expressed here but I find it a bit sad that some of the posts have become dismissive and borderline abusive, which is unusual on NoFap. What I have liked so far about NoFap when compared to other forums is that folks here try to be respectful of other opinions and generally helpful to everyone. OP please take note of the latter point: on threads other than one’s own journal it is in the interest of the greater good to help oneself and others, not *just* express opinions. The OP has expressed a viewpoint in the first post that is well established in many world faiths and philosophies about sex (among other pleasures of the flesh) being fundamentally unsatisfying and desire having no end, and this is an ascetic perspective that is absolutely correct but not for everyone. That such dispassion can arise in one so young is not to be derided, although it probably has not been fully informed by the entire gamut of sexual and other experience in this life. The comparison with pmo is just to exaggerate the point the OP is trying to make and not to be taken too seriously. Others posting in this thread have made valid points from their perspective also, which are not untrue- these being legitimate non-ascetic perspectives to engage in the world and find life’s meaning therein.

    I would only say to OP that you have to convert your theoretical insights into a philosophy that is lived every day- armchair philosophy is useless. Unless these insights actually make you an ascetic, you are being hypocritical. Age is not in your favor here because the conquest of human desire is a long and arduous journey where even many with strong and noble intentions fall by the wayside. Therefore the non-ascetic path through marriage and family life as a householder is recommended for the majority. That is not easy either!

    What is common to both is that pmo is not helpful in either trajectory, so we all can agree on that (even if yes, physically it can give more reliable pleasure than just sex with a partner, not counting intimacy). However, it is physical intimacy that is non-sexual (hugging your partner or friend or family member) that seems to give the deepest satisfaction to human beings, even more than the pleasure of physical sexual intercourse. In a loving sexual relationship these get associated with one another and become hard to distinguish. Pmo separates the two and promises high level of physical non-intimate pleasure which leaves us feeling hollow, depleted and craving for more. It is non-sexual intimacy that provides the satisfaction of human connection (sometimes even beyond human, which is why people hug their dogs and cats). These lead us to think of higher forms of connection with others beyond just physical sexual intercourse, even though as humans we are driven towards this from the need to procreate. The intention behind this biological drive is that it forces us out into the world to engage with it at least to find a mate. But as humans we can do so much more with potential mates other than just fornicate and procreate. It can uplift us into all the great human accomplishments such as poetry, love, art, philosophy, etc

    My 2 c. Hope we can all share our thoughts and opinions in a humble and respectful manner and try to help and support each other on this noble journey that we’ve all embarked on.
    Good cheer fellow travelers!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2019
  16. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Oh, boy. That irony.
    Fishn1 likes this.
  17. VictorYs

    VictorYs Fapstronaut

    @YogiBlues he´s a mental case. Read his agressive comments on other´s threads and you´ll undertand that he isn´t actually posting for debate, he´s posting because he enjoys to be rude with everybody. Please read his other´s comments on threads.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Thanks buddy, I was clearly not informed! Appreciate your pointing it out. Sad.
    VictorYs likes this.
  19. VictorYs

    VictorYs Fapstronaut

    Still it´s sadly because he needs help anyway.
  20. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut
