Just relapsed but it's good

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. Hello,
    First let me tell you I am a real person I don't think nofap gives too many superpower except self-discipline. So I no PM for 5 days,today I couldn't help myself so I went to escort and it was a great experience. No problem there I don't count sex as relapses, I was feeling great but got home got horny again and relapsed. However after that, unlike most, I didn't feel bad. Is masturbating to porn really too bad? If so why didn't I feel bad after relapse?
  2. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    I just injected some tasty heroin in my veins . Oh man.. I felt amazing . I didn't even feel bad afterwards or anything. Is shooting heroin really too bad? If so ..why didn't I feel bad after doing It?
  3. There's always withdrawal symtoms from drugs including heroin. Not in masturbation though. Don't compare apples with orages.
    andi1987 likes this.
  4. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Pmo is litteraly a drug . It produces almost equal amount of dopamine. Pmo literally produces the same addiction-related brain changes as drugs like cocaine and heroin. It's been proven scintfically through brain scans of porn addicts. The grey matter in the reward circuit is decayed.. and the prefrontal cortex is decayed. Which causes all kinds of sexual dysfunctions that" you" don't want to deal with ..man.
    Ofcourse that doesn't happen over night..like your queastion is really silly. It happens when you do it over and over again.
    HecTormoku and Deleted Account like this.
  5. If pmo is a drug then anything including crushing goals and having fun is a drug too in that case. So your theory is bullshit. Let me enlighten you life isn't drug we are talking about substances are different than meeting goals bro. But you can kid yourself. I have been fapping everyday for last 10 years, when I started nofap, I didn't turn into a beast fast way in 2 weeks like this which is a placebo. My confidence was always higher than normal people, it stayed same, it actually kind of helped me with flirting with girls , just because I am horny. That's all I got from it. I never felt bad about relapsing. Never had sexual dysfunction except when I did lines of coco. So yeah I disagree with you because of the facts. And don't try to sound smart with 3 words you learned online about brain. It is funny.
  6. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Well well well..here we go again..
    Just one queastion first: are you talking about masturbation without porn? Or you talk about porn? . Let's get this clear first.
  7. Brain doesn't see the porn, our eyes do which fantasises after that and that fantasize is what brain sees. So It wouldn't matter if we watch something except it would give us false-hope with having sex with unrealistically hot women. Is this correct? If so why would it matter if we watch porn or just fantasize?
  8. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Fuck Wikipedia. I have a brain and a critical thinking. If Wikipedia doesn't consider pmo as a drug ..i don't give a flying shit. Use your brain dude..pmo(especially porn) is worse than drugs. Unless you are in love with it and you don't care about the side effects..that's your choice.. but just don't bullshit yourself.. say it straight "I just love porn and I don't care about the side effects"
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
  9. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    It's not just about unrealistically hot womens. Porn gives you endless novelty. And endless fantasies. Something that you can never ever get through real sex . And this fucks with your brain and makes you numb to real women beacuse it's not anywhere near porn endless pool of plastic goddesses.
  10. Well thats your opinion. I only care about the facts. After relapse, I never felt bad like how I did after a drug's downtime. I want to believe and commitnofap but I can't since I don't see any benefits.
  11. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Ok...that's your choice . Fine with" me".
    But don't forget to come back and start your reboot after you fail having sex beacuse you can't get it up beacuse of pmo;)
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
  12. Like I said, thankfully I never had problems with sex but I guess you did, good luck with that. That's not the reason I am here in the first place. I just see lots of people see it as a "quick way to bring the inner lion outside" and I don't think kidding yourself like this is right. So after they relapse, they think they turned to their normal self which they were trying to escape from. pathetic. The way to get into the best possible self isnt about fapping, but doing and believing what you want to do.
  13. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Again ..you are "purposely" confusing and mixing " just fapping" with "PORN" . I do agree that fapping every once in a while might not be a big a deal for some people. But porn..shit dude..that shit is going to fuck you up perfectly!..and it's defentiely a game changer to kick it out of your life.
  14. Dowell

    Dowell Fapstronaut

    We actually see with our Brains. Look it up
  15. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    The brain doesn't see porn but sees fantasy ?!.
    What the hell are you talking about,dude?
  16. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    lol. No..you are a robot.
  17. No it didn't, and porn is not the issue here. But you can blame everything on it thats what you guys do I guess. Blaming all responsibilities to porn and imagining you will live in paradise. Let me tell youTHE BENEFITS ARE TEMPORARY. but you keep kidding yourself lol
  18. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Well.."I am a real person " cannot be understood other than that..fix your grammars.
    What IQ are you talking about when you can't even write right?! What IQ are you talking about when say shit like."the brain doesn't see porn but sees fantasy"?!
    You can keep kidding yourself that porn is harmless..the joke is on you.
    I'm sad for you.
  19. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    You must have a great a talent at making confusion and playing with words.. so that one cannot understand what the fuck do you mean ? Isn't It?!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019