Tired of being broken

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by The prodigal son, May 24, 2019.

  1. I am a gay male who has been married for years. I have struggled with porn/sex/chat addiction almost my whole life. About a year ago I made it to 180 days with no fapping, porn, acting out, or chat hookups.

    Now I have just climbed out of a month long hole of obsession, chat and porn daily where I’ve played with peoples minds and emotions all for my own gratification and I tell you I can’t do it anymore!!

    How do I stop this cycle when the very act of talking with guys about it is part of the problem?

    Part of me wants to just file for divorce and go on a bender doing whatever and whoever I want!

    While I know this won’t help me get healthy and certainly won’t make me feel any less alone...I struggle because I’m tired of fighting. I’m tired of always having to be on guard in my life. Please tell me someone has found the way out of this darkness?

    need4realchg likes this.
  2. 10 Mile Stereo

    10 Mile Stereo Fapstronaut

    I know the damage that pornography and chat can have. Especially chat. When you feel like there’s a connection on the other end.. it’s empty and meaningless as it feels when you’re done doing what you came to do.

    I can’t say I’ve found a way of the darkness. I’m just starting, really, but I just wanted to offer up some support to you. You aren’t alone in this.
    The prodigal son likes this.
  3. I really appreciate the reach out and support man. The thing about this addiction is it’s so bloody lonely to fight this so I reach out to people in the hopes of connecting and forming healthy relationships and I crash and burn it. Then I’m left feeling more lonely and disgusted. Committed to trying again. Day 1 starts now
    10 Mile Stereo likes this.
  4. I feel your pain , I’ve struggled with similar issues all my life , just coming out of yet another broken relationship which in some part my sexual addiction to porn played a part , not in acting out that was very minimal but the realisation of how lust and porn completely destroys the way I should look at someone I love and makes me completely selfish for lustful sex without the genuine love and intimacy that should take place , I’m a Christian but all I’ll say is this past couple of weeks have been tough not so much with temptation but the realisation of my brokenness and how lust and porn have damaged my healthy desires and how my thoughts were not based in reality but in fantasy and how selfish and insensitive porn and sexual addiction made me , only on day 23 but hopefully I will get there , I have been where you are though where the desires have taken over so much that all rational thinking and logic disappear , do you love your wife ? Fast forward to when you have left her and destroyed her life and yours and your sat alone somewhere chasing something that never ever satisfies feeling empty and hopeless thinking what have I done ?
    The prodigal son likes this.
  5. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Hey, are you christian? I am asking because of your nick.
    The prodigal son likes this.
  6. Hello sir. Yes born again. Still struggling with porn and chat despite being a Christian
    need4realchg likes this.
  7. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Are you married to a man or a woman? I am asking because I saw everything on this forum.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  8. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    May I ask about your denomination? Or are you non denominational?
  9. I am nondenominational. Raised baptist. You?
  10. I am not gay; but I think i can relate to your struggles friend. I have the same lingering doubt in the back of my mind, it’s like: “ I want to just go away for 6 months and get it all out my system.” Somewhere deep down I’m chasing my tail I think but I can’t erase that urge.

    Sounds like you have more than simply PA , too. Not sure how long you have been on here but journaling can be so helpful. Do keep writing
    The prodigal son likes this.
  11. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    I am roman catholic. Nice to meet you. Religious practice can greatly help with your struggle. You don't have to be alone in your suffering, God may help you. I don't know if the church you are currently going to practices confession, but it helped me greatly, eucharist and communion are most important. Pray for being cured of your addiction. You need to trust God, but also be patient.

    And God helps those who help themselves (this is a proverb, not religious quote, but a very wise one) - you shouldn't just sit and wait for a miracle, you need to do everything you can to fight your addiction and be careful not to trigger yourself.

    Understanding our problems is really a huge first step, lots of addicts were for a long time in denial about how addiction affect their lives. You already did it.
  12. Yes!!! Thanks man for sharing your experiences with me. I am reminded that the pain I cause myself and others should be a testament that this dark path only brings sadness. The pain I’ve brought into my life from this addiction doesn’t do anything to serve my higher purpose.
  13. This is such truth man. But I’ve done this cycle before. Why do I forget the pain and the self loathing that comes with giving in? I’ve fallen on my face so badly before and yet I find myself back downloading the apps or going to the sites when I am really only looking for a quick release. I go months without porn or chat and then slowly it creeps back into my day...barely noticed until I’m at it full force...skipping work and obsessing over bodies I’ll never touch creating “relationships” and fantasies that only hurt my heart. It is my plan to keep posting on here daily. To fill that void with self reflection and to offer encouragement to others so that together we are stronger in this fight. I can’t express my gratitude for all of your willingness to contribute and encourage me as I try to dust myself off again.
    Freedom_from_PMO likes this.
  14. I appreciate that perspective my friend. You hit the nail on the head. Part of me feels like if I just go on a long enough bender it’ll be out of my system and I can live life again. But this is the addiction talking. A life of addictive pleasure felt then gratified will only breed a stronger desire for more. In my first attempt at this nofap path I journaled daily and it really helped me look at the choices I’ve made in a way that showed me how gradually these desires take over my life. Now I need to look at how to catch these feelings before I go into the darkness so that I get ahead of it.

    Thanks for the advice! I will most definitely keep talking about this because it is more than PA it’s an addiction to drama and secrecy. These are the things I need to cut out of my life or find healthy alternatives to fill the gaps.
    need4realchg likes this.
  15. Well if it’s only been a month and you have realised you need to do something well done , I went of the rails for 3 years before realising my hopelessness and brokenness
  16. this time it was a month but I’ve been in and out of this process for years.
    I’m sorry you had such a rough go of it my friend but am proud of you for being here to share and to get to work! I am grateful that you are here to offer thoughts and powerful insights into this process
    need4realchg and Deleted Account like this.
  17. For me it’s been 5 years. And I didn’t know I was an addict until this year
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Wow man! Glad you came to the realization!! Glad you are on the path towards freedom
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Yes , on the path. And loving it.
    But I am learning how lazy I have been with facing life.