Coming to terms with abstinence

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Marvelgurl23, May 15, 2019.

  1. i worked on these already
  2. Marvelgurl23

    Marvelgurl23 Fapstronaut

    Then, what is the problem? If you worked as hard as you say you did, then why blame yourself and believe you can't have the things you want?
  3. woking hard wont get me laid
  4. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    Wow! Sorry but you must work on your attitude! Just reading your messages in here makes me depressed! Fight for the things you want! I feel exactly the feelings you are feeling, but instead of just saying: "No girl will ever want me", I instead go and work on my attitude and confidence. Do meditation, exercise or see a therapist.

    Everything else is just a choice!
  5. Marvelgurl23

    Marvelgurl23 Fapstronaut

    The question is do you just want to get laid? Or do you want a relationship? Getting laid is easy. Maintaining a relationship is not so simple. Work out your priorities because if all you NEED is a good lay then your not serving your inner purpose. You want to be a shallow construct of getting girls, and fucking whoever looks good to you go ahead just be that guy. There's plenty of men who do that, not even remotely close to the ideal standard and they live life like that until they die. Not judging if that's what you want but could be a turnoff for some women around you. Sex is not a game, your sharing your energy with another human being, your letting their energy into you as well. Society makes you believe its a game, but it can be much more damaging than that. Those people who have sex available 24/7 usually carry alot of emotional garbage with them which takes a toll on their soul. So do you what you want but with caution.
  6. nah its hopeless
  7. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    Yes, indeed your attitude is hopeless! I believe you are nothing but a troll on this forum. No matter what people write you will still be negative :p 254 days you wish...must be a fake counter...
  8. haters gonna hate
  9. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    Trolls will keep trolling...
    properWood likes this.
  10. believe what you want to believe. even if i do sound trollish, everyone is different, why would my streak be fake?