Paranormal Attacks?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by de severn, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    Has anyone seen shadow people or experienced anything unexplainable that seem ghostlike? Share your stories and thoughts surrounding ghosts/paranormal entities because my boyfriend thinks it’s all in my head.

    A few days ago I woke up and I swear that I saw dark shadow people walking around in the reflection of my ceiling lamp. Nothing happened in the physical but I can’t deny what I saw. I’m a huge skeptic and I have an agnostic religious standing so I don’t take anything too seriously. I’m very quick to shrug off these types of stories and assume that all “ghosts” and other dimensional sightings are mere hallucinations or some kind of optical illusion but I’m certain of what I saw. I’ve been researching my experience and I’m seeing plenty of varied scenarios—most of which I find less credible.

    Is there anyone else with a story? What do you feel is out there?
  2. I have been haunted by demons earlier in my life, but since I turned to God, they are gone.

    Since you're not in faith, I took the liberty to pray for you.
  3. Ugh... so condescending
    onceaking likes this.
  4. Superstitious people.
  5. @de severn I'm not sure if ghosts or demons exist. The thing is theres a reasonable doubt. Why do you say attacks in your title? Perhaps they are trying ti send you some type of message
  6. Yes. Back in the day i "saw" some stuff but it wasnt real imo. Back then i swore up & down it was but now it wasnt. I had a vivid imagination
  7. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    It was probably a creature from an astral plane, i've never been able to see something like that, but i had other experiences, like lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, and some other experiences.

    Anyway, don't worry, those things can't hurt you, they probably feed themselves with low human vibrations, like fear.

    It obviously wasn't in the physical world, but in an astral plane with a near vibration, don't worry about it.
  8. I can assure you, it wasn't meant this way. I live in a world (view), where the devil actually exists and means spiritual harm. Also intercession is an important part of my faith. No human deserves being mystified by demons.
  9. I’ve only had one experience I can remember and that was when I was a younger kid. I swore I saw what looked like a demon in my mother’s room; in fact I was so terrified I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife only to have my grandmother scream when she caught me with it going back to my mothers room to investigate. She took the knife away and told me nothing was there so I let it go, although I never forgot the the look of the entity. One day in my early twenties I was going through a dark depression. I was contemplating suicide and looking up dark images; you know, typical depressed young adult stuff. Anyway, while surfing the internet I noticed a picture of the exact same demon I saw when I was younger. When I clicked on the link I found out the artwork was drawn by a serial killer. Another odd coincidence is his killings were said to have stopped the same year I was born.

    Life is odd.
  10. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    i believe in the multiverse, multiple earths with multiple versions of all of us, some earths are young some older, and sometimes other earths spill into our earth, as so do we, vice versa , say someone dies in a house thats been built along time, in another earth a similar house in the same spot with the same version of that person still lives and hasnt died and so that projection of them spills into this reality , or a shadow of them ,which ever , ive never seen a ghost i just believe in them due to stories and video recordings, ive seen demonic beings ,this my brain cant piece together of theyre existence,
  11. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    but i demons i see are small and look like gargoyles not like the one above which looks like baracka the street fighter in street fighter :confused:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Baraka is mortal kombat ;) I thought the same thing though.
  13. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
  14. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    But you came across that way. You seemed to be making out people who aren't Christians are terrible people.

    Anyway, the devil is far complex than people make him out to be. The satan is actually a god.

  15. Wait, what?

    I just told about my own experience and how and when I got rid of paranormal influences. Then I added the good news, that one doesn't have to go the whole way, because intercession is a thing and works.

    I don't understand how people can get upset about that.
    Deleted Account likes this.