Leaving the Hive

Discussion in 'Significant Other Journals' started by Queenie%Bee, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Please go easy on yourself. It’s not your fault or responsibility. I know exactly what you are going through. All the lies, false hope, deceit, manipulation, gaslighting , stonewalling etc...
    I’m not sure what you are thinking of doing...but what ever it is you have my support and encouragement. Please keep remembering that this ISN'T YOUR FAULT
  2. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    not a word . Not a one . Fucking child .
  3. So sorry.
    Just got caught up on this thread :(

    You’ve given me a good reminder of the pain I could cause if I were to slip up or just go back to my hidden ways.
    I appreciate the reminder.
    But I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.
    You’ve always been very supportive of others here, so I’m confident that you have been a supportive wife as well.
    Hope you can find some peace for yourself to pull through.
  4. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    I went to My only brother ( his bro ) that knows . He heard the recording. His words “ I did not hear the word love or sorry from him , who is this person ? This is not the same person who just had you sitting on his lap at the cookout or coming up behind you to give you a kiss or get you a drink , I don’t know this person , he’s flat , his voice is flat , I could never imagine my brother from another could ever treat you this way , you are the best wife I know . The kind of wife any man would give his Whole world to , I just don’t understand but I have YOUR back “
    I bawled . He knows our love so close . I only recorded it because the other DDAYS he said he didn’t say certain things or I was mean .
    I’m now watching a movie in our renovated den ( old playroom ) but this has been HIS playroom for 6 months ironic right .
  5. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Ya it’s weird how the PAs behaviour, voice and attitude changes. It’s like dealing with a total stranger.
  6. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    I wish I could say I don’t know this man . I’ve seen him before too many times .
  7. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    I really really don't think I can do this again . I think it's just too hard and too long of a road from where I've just come from and that's really sad . This will shock a lot of ppl because I've protected him for EVER . This will destroy my boys . But I need to put myself first for prob the first time in our 23 year relationship . 30 day in house separation will prove SOMETHING. Whatever that may be . May be that the Queen Bee needs many soldiers not just one weak one :)
  8. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    I hear ya...and it messes with your mind. I have been there and was at a loss of how to deal with it. I mean I love him and hate the behaviour , but at the same time I was trying to deal with my own betrayal pain.
    I believe what everyone else has said here...the spouse of a PA has to take care of themselves extra gently and compassionately. Be good to you regardless of what he does or doesn’t do.
  9. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    I have decisions to make . AGAIN
    Both options are terrible
    1. Divorce lose everything I’ve worked for ,my family unity , my house ( would have to sell and divide ) my boys will hate him
    2. Stay through this agony for a third decade but separated in MY home being phony not being able to show my love . Living in a marriage where there can NEVER BE TRUST AGAIN . I will never believe a fucking word that comes out of his mouth
    There IS another option , do #1 amicably divorce find TRUE happiness within my self and date A LOT lol I’m all set with being in a relationship ever again . If this man can do this to me any man can .
    The option I wanted just failed me . He failed me .
    fadedfidelity likes this.
  10. I dont make decisions for you. I would not be able to function in that situation

    From reading your post just now I would like you to drink some coffee, walk outside to a quiet place and re read the last post you penned

    It sounds to me you have made a decision and even tailored it to better fit for you and your PA

    As a PA I cant argue or dispute the fact that YOU need to do what YOU need to be happy and somewhat whole and secure.

    My prayers to you and your family
    Kizd4AFool likes this.
  11. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Ironically that WAS after yoga and drinking coffee on my deck it is absolutely beautiful out . This is not my first or 10th rodeo . I was dragged to the rodeos not invited .
    Deleted Account and Hopefulgirl like this.
  12. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Yup, all us SO’s were dragged in unsuspectingly. I tried for years, although never knowing about the addiction, I knew something was off. Once the addiction was exposed, things got progressively worse...I think on both our parts. I was deeply hurt, still am, he and his addiction was exposed and we began a new circle dance. Me watching being hyper vigilant and him hiding more and becoming more secretive.
    I don’t think there are any easy answers. I will always love my PA , however I have to love me too. I told my children , adult kids that is, and although they are all sad...they do offer support for both of us.
    At some point the merry go round has to stop. Prayers being sent to you.
  13. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Queen bee - I agree with the above comment - I wouldn't be hasty about any decision for atleast a few days because your mind is understandably in a real mess right now. I am praying for you after this post is made.

    However, I do wonder why there are only two options on the table? I can think of several other options?

    > Why doesn't he leave the house? (Why should you have to leave?)
    > Can you instead separate without divorce so that you don't lose your house? (I am not encouraging this or otherwise)

    How about you Taser him for every time he has lied to you :mad:

    Jokes aside, I can think of a lot more alternatives - how come your restricting it to just two options?
  14. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    My state there is no such thing as legal separation. This isn’t hasty . My brain right now feels calm . Unfortunately his family is shit , so he has only had mine . He wouldn’t dare go to any of them and take his mask off . We could not afford two residences . Believe me I WISH there’s more he could do . You don’t understand he threw every recovery thing we’ve done in my face . Stupid books , FANOS is a waste etc
  15. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Ok, you might feel calm right now but didn’t this get found out yesterday? It’s been less than 48 hours right?

    Naturally you’re going to be feeling a mixture of sadness, being disappointed, angry, frustrated and betrayed right now!

    Especially because as you say this is the 2nd time this has happened. The 2nd ****** time. You have going through the books / fanos etc for how long? 735 days?!? and then after all that you find this...

    I don’t believe anyone can make the best decisions in this state, I’m sorry but I don’t.
  16. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    No , we finally started true relationship recovery in late August ( I left our last therapy appointment ready to be done ) FANOS , dr Weiss videos etc . So for SIX months of me being vulnerable during FANOS he was LYING to my face . It wasn’t real . Awesome from 8/20-1/5
    Something shifted I asked and asked . I was making myself crazy . And now I know I WASNT . I understand what you are saying I do . This addict has not even looked in my direction since our talk . I’m not making any other real decisions other than the 30 day in house FULL separation. All this time working on myself for US . He could have given me the same respect.
  17. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Whatever you decide to do I am sure all the SOs on here will support you. If there is anything I can do too let me know.
    You are an amazing person, never forget that.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  18. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    I KNOW myself . I hear at every party every gathering a work event for his job “ shit you found the unicorn “ “ I wish I had that “ I’m looking for that “
    Ugh I don’t need to hear all that , yes he calls me his Queen , his unicorn , then treat me as such . Be my King , not a fucking court jester lol
  19. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Hey...QnB42078. I get it. My PA is exactly the same. They can be the nicest guy out in public, yet behind closed doors it’s totally different. I spent years wondering what’s wrong with me , when our friends and neighbors would say he’s such a kind and wonderful man....yet there was always something missing.

    My PA has been gone since Tuesday afternoon. He’s doing just fine . He was out for a visit today. Although he is homeless at the moment, it doesn’t seem to bother him. He mentioned it would be nice to sleep on a bed...but I’m confident he’ll find that.

    He seemed to just be able to totally detach and more on. It’s heartbreakingly sad.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  20. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Indeed! I hope this separation will help him understand that.

    The court jester is an interesting one - I often think about my state as an addict and I found I best express it as being similar to a dog. This is not me degrading myself - I simply understand that my brain is made up of three parts - the appetitive/reptilian brain which deals with the base desires - lust and food. The middle brain which deals with emotion and the higher brain (intellect) which deals with complex issues. Dogs have the same type of brain except the upper brain (intellect) so they can't restrain their lower desires. I on the other hand should be subjugating the lower brain using the intellect. It's not easy but if I did this successfully I wouldn't be an addict.

    So by not doing this I am just giving into the lower parts of the brain and when I think about that I feel ungrateful to my lord because I am behaving like a dog.

    This is one of the reasons why I think you SOs are so amazing. It must be like living an animal :confused:
    Professor Abraham likes this.