35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. AEC Josh2415

    AEC Josh2415 Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Almost 5 days...
    control your life likes this.
  2. Day 11. Was healthy taking a break from technology, nice to be back fighting the good fight. Hope everyone is well.
  3. emanuel_free

    emanuel_free Fapstronaut

    Checking in still on track thank to God.
  4. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    Cheking in monday. Good and busy weekend. I notice improvements in my performance, productivity and creativity. This is encouraging! Let's go on.
    Blessings for your start of the week!
  5. JPDrive

    JPDrive Fapstronaut

    Had to reset at the end of last week. Got totally stressed out while working from home. I’m going to keep working the meditation angle. Heading out of the house to a coffee shop is a possibility, but I find I am not that productive in places like that... but in case of emergency, it is probably a good option.
  6. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

  7. EcoMunchies

    EcoMunchies Fapstronaut

    Checking in day 6, on the way up again. Long way back to the heady heights I was at before, sadly.
  8. WilBil99

    WilBil99 Fapstronaut

    Like riding a bike, you’ve got this!

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

  10. Circleinthesquare

    Circleinthesquare Fapstronaut

    Monday check in. All quiet on the western front.
    control your life and artifact like this.
  11. WilBil99

    WilBil99 Fapstronaut

    Equally quiet on Eastern front.
  12. Glad to hear it, and congrats on your 45 days!
  13. Hey @PolarOtter - congratulations on your 90 days! You have been added to the prestigious 90 Day Hall of Achievement!
    control your life likes this.
  14. Right there with you. Let's go get our 90 day trophies!
    control your life likes this.
  15. Hello @bold0101 - we have an opening in the group for you. Please reply to this comment if you are still interested in joining.
    control your life likes this.
  16. emanuel_free

    emanuel_free Fapstronaut

    Just check in today. Thanks to the Lord in a few days I'll be 30. Whenever i've had urges I started to think... I won't give up all this effort all this days when I'm so close. Thank God that strengthen us and give us hope. I have a lot of work to do yet on myself but the Lord will guide me on His ways.

    I hope we can all pray as Psalm 119.33-38 (ESV) says:

    Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes;
    and I will keep it to the end.
    Give me understanding, that I may keep your law
    and observe it with my whole heart.
    Lead me in the path of your commandments,
    for I delight in it.
    Incline my heart to your testimonies,
    and not to selfish gain!
    Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things;
    and give me life in your ways.
    Confirm to your servant your promise,
    that you may be feared.

    May the Lord be our Teacher on this ways so we can learn to fear Him more, and Love Hime more.

    Amen !

    Blessed day to everyone, let it be a firm day on the Rock.
  17. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    Thanks @artifact!
    control your life likes this.
  18. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

  19. PinkPanic

    PinkPanic New Fapstronaut

    I have read the rules and would like to join this group. Today is y first day of NoFap, lets see how it goes. I am unable to sleep without jerking off, any suggestions on how to deal with that and strong urges to fap even otherwise.
    control your life likes this.