I don't get urges anymore, but my brain has a habit to PMO for the 'fix' even when not horny!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Anonymous86, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Just because I'm so desensitized and that my penis has shrunk with less blood. Does anyone else here understand this problem of being so desensitized from PMO but doing the fapping out of bad habit due to the 'wanting' of a fix?
  2. Captain Cornelius

    Captain Cornelius Fapstronaut

    I myself, man, have acted on feelings for a long time. I naturally said, "I feel this way, therefore ..." when really I chose to act on the feeling. My point for saying that is that habits are hard to break at times, just like getting bubble-gum out of someone's hair is. These things take time, and like one can build a bad habit so can one build a good one. Agreed?

    I say this as encouragement, for these problems are fixable, but they take time. Patience is needed, and patience isn't how long you can wait but what you do while waiting, keep that in mind. I say this, because a lot of our thoughts mess us up, and what we do with them matters a lot. Be sure to continue to do your research and learn the truth. What really all this stuff messes up is our real relationships with people and the world around us, with our families, our pets, all of these other things.

    As "weird" as it sounds when I did all of this PMO junk it made 'normal' "weird" for me and vice-versa, which messed me up bad, man. I say this, because it's when we start focusing on the real "normal" and changing our thoughts, which change our reactions, that our life really starts to change, because like tennis balls fly out of the machine and bullets out of a gun so do we load ammo into our heart and it comes out as actions into our life.



    SirErnest and Anonymous86 like this.
  3. Yep. Have done that in the past.

    Totally bored, not horny at all, but by default the mindset is “Watch Porn and Jack” since I’ve nothing better to do.
    SirErnest likes this.
  4. A: 'I'm bored, so I'll do something sexual'.
    B: 'Now I'm horny'.

    I've done that a few thousand times.
    Anonymous86 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Yep. And in addition, I’ve gone from being not horny to an hours long porn binge when I could have been doing something better.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  6. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Wow, so I’m not the only one who hasn’t masturbated out of pure boredom and not hormones.
    Deleted Account and Jerky like this.
  7. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Great picture at the end, yeah you are on point with everything you said. Just because we have no urges the habit and mindset is still there. I have no urges but the mind goes to past images and makes me think I need to do it.

    You are right that it takes time. Sexual addiction can take up to three years to get better. That is actually working on everything about ourselves. Meditation, exercise, socializing, work, etc.
  8. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

  9. This is a helpful thread! Thanks.
    Deleted Account likes this.