facial hair increase..?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by fjerid, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    So, yes. Facial hair...

    It's something I crave for since I became 18. I'm now 23 years old and you can compare my beard that to a 12 year olds and his will look better.

    So I have been looking for ways to grow facial hair and also looked into WHY it won't grow. And I have found genes and testosterone. Anyways, to come to my story. I look daily in the mirror and carefully analyze my face. After 2 weeks of no PMO i have noticed an increased amount of hairs. My right face side has always been more dominant (hairy) than my left side where there is almost no hair. But now I see quite some hairs growing from my left side and my chin+right side is becoming thicker. Bro, this happy feeling. This reason alone would make me go for 365days of no PMO haha!

    I have tried many thing like natural oils (almond, argan) and few other treatments. Nothing worked. Only thing that has changed is: i get better, quality sleep (probably because of distancing from technology and noPMO) and noPMO. These two combined with running and training gives me an enormous testosterone boost.

    But, i would love to hear your guys opinion on the topic!

  2. NeedAChange

    NeedAChange Fapstronaut

    Ah man I'd love a boost to my facial hair as well. I can grow a decent 'tache & chin goatee but like you just a bit on the right and barely any growth on the left.

    Haven't yet noticed any increase but hoping the further I go, and adding more exercise/sleep/food, I can finally get to grow something like a beard!

    Not gonna lie, I would feel so much more of a man if I could grow one, would give me some extra confidence. It's why I'd never shave my moustache off again; without it I look like a teenager! I feel weaker without it as well.
  3. Samwise_Gamgee

    Samwise_Gamgee Fapstronaut

    I don't have much facial hair either! I don't find it as something that keeps my self confidence down, but I will admit that I would like to have a fuller growth of facial hair. I just started out three days ago, so I can't say to much about this subject. I will keep an eye open for accelerated growth of my facial hair in the future, and if I grow more facial hair in the near future, I will definitely report it here!

    I'm 21 years old by the way
    fjerid likes this.
  4. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    I'm growing more facial hair and I HATE IT!!! It's a negative from nofap for me.
    I dislike shaving everyday and with my job it's unfourtunate that I have too shave everyday.
    Gotta look pretty for the clients.
    fjerid likes this.
  5. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    I don't feel unconfident because of little facial hair but i'd love to see how a huge viking beard suits me haha. I think im going to love it! And yes please do report anything you experience regards of facial hair!
  6. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    You too??? How much more do you grow hair and how long of noPMO? Lovely responds but too bad you don't like it haha. I can imagine shaving daily is a huge pain in the ass. As i only shave once every week :)
  7. writer239

    writer239 Fapstronaut

    This has me excited! lol. I've always been able to get scruff on my cheeks, and real hair on my chin and underneath it, but I've never had a real full beard. I always tell my friends that after the hells of puberty, I didn't even get the thing I wanted most - a beard! But it's awesome to know that nofap might help me grow one! That's all the incentive I need not to fap anymore lol.
    Africanman and fjerid like this.
  8. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    Welcome aboard bro! Same here. indeed, this is all the reason we need to quit fap haha.
  9. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    Well I used to shave every three days and now I have to shave everyday. Not much improvment on the sides of my face, so I couldn't grow a beard, but a lot more on the chin and stache area. I could grow a full goatee now I think, but I really don't want to try. Where as before I wouldn't have been able to grow anything in that area that would resemble a full goatee.
    I was lessening PMO for three months and then been doing nofap since january been on the forum since febuary.
    fjerid likes this.
  10. Palmtop Tiger

    Palmtop Tiger Fapstronaut

    Thank God I have a cubicle job lol.
  11. IGY

    IGY Guest

    For those with little or uneven facial hair growth, I think you should get your testosterone levels checked. I have injections of testosterone now and my facial hair and body hair growth is much better and more consistent. Your doctor can do a simple blood test and then ask him what your testosterone levels are and what they should be. Like me, some of you may even require hormone replacement therapy.
  12. I did notice a more dense beard aswell as faster growing facial har. Now my full cheek is covered with hair, before it was a bit here and there.
  13. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    Going to consider this. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    Sounds awesome mate, how long have you been fap-less? :)
  15. Since I began this like 60 days ago.
    I PMO after 42 days first time. Nonetheless, Consider this as opposed to watching porn everyday for at least twice a day before that. Now I am porn and masturbation free for 18 days.
    My skin is gloomier due to the increase in testosterone. I start noticing it after 30 days or so.
    fjerid likes this.
  16. Check my7 profile picture. Doesnt that say enough?
    sir fappanot likes this.
  17. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    Hahahaha dammnn bro, them facial hair gains are real. I can't wait to get the same results
    sir fappanot and Hector1989 like this.
  18. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    Has anyone got similar experiences? Woud love to hear more!
  19. Rachorid

    Rachorid New Fapstronaut

    Doing No PME for a week now - my beard never grew that fast
    I don't know if it's because of no PME because it's a really short period of time but my sex drive is also higher and I'm more aggressive but somehow I've never been as calm as I am now. TESTOSTEROOOOOOONE
  20. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    damn I never thought about that ! Nofap can help me get my patchy beard full and nice . I'm already doing some workout , not sleeping too well but I'll be working on that , and with nofap this should work ... I need that testosterone !
    Now whenever you feel like relapsing just look at the mirror or at that viking poster on your wall ...
    I'm joining you on those 365days of no PMO bro :D Thanks for bringing that to my head