flatline deteriorating the relationship

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by LindaMoon, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. LindaMoon

    LindaMoon Fapstronaut

    I would like to know how long the flatline will disappear? and How to improve the situation? My husband has approximately six weeks with low libido with no desire for sex and this is very frustrating for me. thanks for your comments!
    P.S.: He hasn't erection problems. he only has libido problems.
  2. Well from my understanding on previous posts of yours he relapsed a few days ago.

    His flatline isn't 6 weeks. It's a few days IF he hasn't PMO again.

    That's normal and the range of how long a flatline is really varies with each person.

    Sometimes they will flatline a few days, sometimes a lot longer.

    I hope things work out for you both. Hang in there and make sure you take care of yourself :)
    LindaMoon and Trappist like this.
  3. IamOlive

    IamOlive Fapstronaut

    I wish I could provide some guidance from experience but i haven’t seen a decrease in libido during my husband’s almost 90 days. It’s been more erection and O up and downs which I’m assuming is also flatline. I don’t know how it works if you have to have low libido to be in flatline or vice versa have erection dysfunction to be flatline. It’s all confusing to me.
    LindaMoon likes this.
  4. Low libido=flatline=no desire for sex.

    You can have libido and ED problems.

    Flatline is also ED problems.
    LindaMoon likes this.
  5. Downy

    Downy Fapstronaut

  6. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

  7. I’m not the who wrote that article lol
  8. Downy

    Downy Fapstronaut

  9. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    From the NoFap site, it is referenced as something that happens during a reboot, which means the PA is abstaining: https://www.nofap.com/rebooting/
    Many rebooters report one or more periods of zero libido during their reboot. These typically occur early on, especially in the 2-6 week period.

    Transitioning from an overexcited libido to none at all can be disconcerting and even scary. It can also be frustrating for people who started a reboot to help alleviate physical sexual dysfunction only to have their sexual drive taken away completely!

    Furthermore, although it might seem like having a reduced libido would help a rebooter achieve victory in a rebooting challenge, flatline has actually caused several rebooters to reset! The flatline experience will cause them to panic, so they’ll sit down and look at some porn or masturbate–just to “make sure everything’s working okay.” More insidiously, some rebooters will consciously use flatline as a justification to break their streak.

    Other sources:

    https://www.SPAM REMOVED - REPORT TO MODERATION.com/stop-porn/relapse-and-strike-recovery/

  10. Distraught XO

    Distraught XO Fapstronaut

    So I'm about 56 days into nofap and my flatline seems to have returned, although not massively so but I can tell you that the flatline phase has been one of the most irritating and frustrating periods of my life. At about 35 days in I experienced the return of wicked random erections and penile sensitivity and was feeling like a champ, just following my wife all over the house with my D at right angles to my body. Then slowly I began to experience reduced libido again and my wife also noticed it, and even though she understands (she's also recovering from M problems but has never had issues with P) and is even able to laugh about it, I can detect her frustration beneath her laughter. It's especially frustrating for me because in my head I can feel the urge to just fall on my wife and pound her till she cries for her daddy, but my D just can't seem to keep up with my brain. So I'll just let it run its course and hope I come out of it soon and finally. Me and my wife work out together and I do believe that helps us. The most important thing is to try to never relapse, but even if you do, just pick up where you left off.
  11. Capt. U

    Capt. U Fapstronaut


    Be patient, my ex would sometimes complain why I was not fully in the mood and I would tell her that everytime I watched pornography it would fuck up my sex drive with her really bad. It would take me a week plus to start feeling strong desire for her even though I found her very attractive.
    LindaMoon likes this.
  12. While it can be frustrating when your partner isn’t being sexual or possibly very intimate at the moment, imagine what it’s like for him with even worse pressure, not only does he have to contend with going through the whole stressful NoFap thing, but now he has no libido too.

    You’ll unfortunately just have to wait and support him in the meantime, my partner is okay with no sex currently and it’s been months for him, as long as I’m actually getting better and trying to heal he’s willing to put that aside for a better future and more intimate relationship.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2019
    PeterJL and LindaMoon like this.