When PG is not so Innocent

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Dexter Moran, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Hi all,
    I have been addicted now,off and on,to PMO for 9 years.I was watching videos on YouTube of a 1970's TV series today.I much enjoyed this show as a child.Yet it now poses a risk of being a trigger for me.
    Even ten years ago it would not have had such an effect on me.Yet my years of PMO have coarsened me.It has distorted my mind so much that the sight of women scantily clad arouses an urge to masturbate.Not all women shown have this effect on me but many do.
    In the past I have watched films and TV series and been attracted to certain women.
    After seeing their names on the credits I Googled them.This has led to serious consequences in the past.I would seek out images online of them to act as masturbatory fodder.I have frequently relapsed consequently.
    I thought that television or films from an earlier era would pose less risk.I was wrong! Today I entered women's names,from the old TV series,into the search engine.I did not view any images however. I realised I was edging and immediately stopped.I have NoFap to thank for this.I thought wrongly that I was reseaching these women for innocent purposes.But the re-education I have received from this website convinced me otherwise.For that I am grateful.
    I have not reset my no PMO counter.I believe I have not relapsed this time.I stopped when I realised I had responded to old triggers.However I will not be so naive in future.I will not watch this programme again.In fact I will watch less TV from now on and spend less time online.
    I need to find more productive uses for my spare time.Perhaps I will put a post in the Self Improvement section.Take care everyone.I hope in all humility that this post is beneficial for others.
    koolpal likes this.
  2. I recommend watching documentaries at the beginning of your PMO free journey when you're the most vulnerable. I personally like historical or nature documentaries, but even then there can be triggering content, but at a lesser scale than in other programs. Also listening to radio conversations is a good alternative and makes you a better listener. I haven't tried audio books as I prefer to read the books, but they might be a good choice to someone. If you're going to watch a movie, be sure to check out it on imdb if it has any nudity, but I would recommend staying away from them at first, the same goes for TV-series. We're essentially going for a dopamine fast and eliminating any kind of sexual and triggering content will heal our brain further.
    Dexter Moran and Deleted Account like this.
  3. I agree with documentaries. In the beginning stages we would watch A LOT of animal and nature documentaries. I swear I could hear David Attenborough in my sleep because we watched so many of his docs.
    I am a HUGE horror movie fan and that’s now been ruined for me. The amount of half naked females and unneeded sexual scenes is a huge trigger for me as a SO of a PA.
    Dexter Moran likes this.
  4. I can avoid hardcore or even soft porn easily enough.At least when I'm starting to reboot.But after I relapse I do seek out explicit material.What trips me up or more accurately triggers a relapse is a picture or scene of a woman I get aroused to.
    I then start edging and fall into old bad habits.
    Your advice to concentrate on auditory rather than visual entertainment makes sense.
    Thank you.
  5. I can relate to the horror movie problem.I used to be a huge fan of Hammer Horror movies.But I can't watch them anymore.Thank you for suggesting nature programmes.I will certainly give them a try.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. keepitreal-88

    keepitreal-88 Fapstronaut

    Haha, I can relate to this one, as if a quick glance on Wikipedia and looking at a dozen pictures of her on google images is educational, how we deceive ourselves. This would almost always lead to P and M for me.
    ArduousPath likes this.
  7. Not only that, but it also strengthens the dopamine pathways when you're looking at arousing pictures, even if they're of fully clothed women and it also makes the reboot progress slower as you're still giving a shot of dopamine to yourself.
  8. On a note, certain documentaries can be dangerous. I used to love watching documentaries about sea animals in the hopes I could see a woman in a bathing suit swimming after dolphins or sharks, that was a HUGE trigger in the early stages of puberty for me, and even today it still triggers me easily.

    And you can blame the the 2000 IMAX documentary Dolphins.