About incels

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Gym&Gaming, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. Didn't think I'd ever get into an argument with you Infra, you're actually one of my favorite people on this site (and I'm not pandering)! But here we go.

    [I'll edit this with my rebuttal tomorrow, have to sleep now]
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    It is okay man. I see what you mean but I just think they should get out of the hole they dug themselves into by themselves.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. You can but try... 9/10 they wouldn't listen... 1/10 would and maybe will try to change, but he too will fall back into old habits more often than not. It's a sad thing, truly.
  4. Agree with you on this. ^ totally.
  5. Those guys are completely out of touch with reality.
    MisterDirection likes this.
  6. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I think that if an incel made a little bit of an effort, they could manage to hook up with a girl at one of those Gathering of Juggalos events.
  7. You too sherlock? Damn, maybe I'll make a thread on why I think incels are worth helping.
    I completely agree. The problem is that when they spend all their time around people who reinforce their negativity, they'll be very resistant to change.

    @Get_It Congrats on finally posting an avatar man, MAGA
    Deleted Account and Get_It like this.
  8. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I understand why Fellacious wants to help them, they are people too, and like he says, the fact that Incels.co and other sites like that exist is the reason they become resistant to be helped.

    Waiting is not an option either, as they could snap and do who knows what.
    SparkySub and Deleted Account like this.
  9. That's a good point. Many, if not most of them, fantasize about "going ER" and taking people out with them. I read a post like that the other day that said "if I rope [commit suicide] I'm taking people with me."
  10. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    They are copying their Patron Saint of incels leader Elliot Rogers.
  11. Which is not much of an accomplishment because at that point you've admitted that you have failed to make the most of your situation and given up. And everyone knows that quitters are spitters. Or something...
    Get_It likes this.
  12. This whole conversation is quite entertaining.
  13. MisterDirection

    MisterDirection Fapstronaut

    Very educational to say the least.

    Practically old man here 44 yr old married male.

    Didnt know squat about what an Incel was. Now that I know I can truly say that I still dont like negative whiners that wont take responsibilities for their choices and actions.

    The entire lifestyle described to me is littered with denial and negativity and blaming and the list goes on. In other words addicts. But of possibly the worst kind d because they will NEVER embrace one inkling of responsibility for their choices, only show negativity and blame.
  14. King Tut

    King Tut Fapstronaut

    i'm an incel, and my problem is more making friends and building long term relationships with people (men and women). but women especially. the videos you are describing are just incels who have BDD (body dysmorphic disorder). try not to pay attention to them. they are in their own little world believing that your looks determine your lifestyle and your success. i mean, yeah there is a little bit of truth in there. but generally, they are obsessed with BDD.
  15. King Tut

    King Tut Fapstronaut

    im def #3, but still find myself to be a black pilled Doomer most days due to never getting any sex and intimacy. some sundays i spend litereally staying in doors doing nothing. i feel like id rather dwell in my own misery than go out into the world and see couples everywhere together, which makes my suffering 100x worse.
  16. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Dam. You incels are depressing the fuck outta me. How bout trying to find some plain Jane with self esteem issues and ask her if she wants to get some Four loco at the corner liquor store.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  17. I understand your frustration. I'm a virgin, and there was once a time when I got super bummed out when I saw people together. But now I've stopped comparing myself to other people and envying them so much, and it's much more liberating to live that way. By the way, negativity is a bigger turn-off to women than ugliness. They can smell negativity in men from miles away.

    With regards to getting women, level up before you try to fight the boss. Work on improving yourself and creating a life that you're happy with, and the women will come naturally.
  18. the incel community is something I never heard about until now but it seems to me in my perspective that those people just have issues that needs work to be worked out towards themselves. I do beleive like @fellatious said. everyone needs help no matter who they are but it is true that only the person himself can truly help themselves. I think no one should feel like they arnt good enough, that feeling is not good at all. I guess it’s just about them being open and knowing there is ways of changing. It blows my mind when one thinks they cannot change.
  19. This is because due to porn you are fixated on fornication.

    Remove that from the equation and then look at those couples again.
  20. King Tut

    King Tut Fapstronaut

    check my signature. so, it's technically the same shit.

    it isn't just fornication. it's intimacy, sex, and especially connection. going outside i feel like everyone is connected except for me.