My High School Wrestling Journey

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by yourhomieishere, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    That's pretty cool. I am definitely going to wrestle this year. I've already made it this far, I told my mom which was insanely hard, and tomorrow I will take off work for next week. It's gonna be a challenge but I'm up for it.
    thegibbie likes this.
  2. thegibbie

    thegibbie Fapstronaut

    Good stuff. I hope to hear more about your first practice in the near future.
  3. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I will keep posting about everything about wrestling in this forum till I get bored of posting about it.
    thegibbie likes this.
  4. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Former high school wrestler here, do it, you won't regret it. Also, make sure to lift weights, it helps quite a bit.
    thegibbie and yourhomieishere like this.
  5. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I'm definitely going to do it.
    thegibbie likes this.
  6. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Update Time

    The informational meeting is next week for wrestling. I'm definitely nervous to go cause I'm scared that I'll feel socially uncomfortable not knowing anybody. But, I know that the team is very big so I would probably end up with at least a few friends. The tryout dates aren't until December which is a long wait. I'm not even sure what these tryouts will entail because I've never wrestled before so I don't know if I'll even get on the team. But, last year it was said that all experience levels are welcome. So I'm not sure if the tryouts are making the team or you get cut tryouts or just like the tryouts are just the first few practices to see if you like the sport. I still haven't told any of my friends about joining the team, but my family all knows and supports me. They say it's a bit wild and they were shocked but they're excited for me and wish me the best of luck. I definitely over thought telling them about it, because they seemed pretty chill about it. I think I'm just the one who's scared/unsure.
  7. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. So, now I realize the only thing standing in the way of my dream is myself. I already told my family and they are on board, but my fear is still there. I'm a socially awkward person so I get scared in new social situations. My hope is that most of the people on the team are nice, and I can get a few friends from it. It's just gonna be hard when I first go to the info meeting to talk to people because I won't know anyone and I'll probably feel way outside my comfort zone. I think it will be easier once practices start, and I get comfortable with the sport. I heard there's a lot of running/conditioning exercises, I'm going to put in my all by I'm nervous I won't be able to keep up.
    DerSchütze likes this.
  8. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    I was lucky, my parents forced me into wrestling so I never had to make that decision myself. Respect for putting yourself out there like that, I know it's tough.
    yourhomieishere and thegibbie like this.
  9. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's gonna be tough, but I'm gonna pull it off.
  10. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Hey guys! Tomorrow is the first wrestling meeting for my school team. I'm really nervous. My dream is right there in front of me and I finally have the chance to achieve it. I've been wanting to join for the past few years, and now I finally had the confidence to make myself ready for it. I took off the day from work, I told my family and I'm ready to go. I'm just gonna be wicked nervous to walk into that meeting room tomorrow. But Here we go! fake it till you make it you know I'm gonna walk in there and pretend I'm not scared.
    DerSchütze likes this.
  11. MaxB

    MaxB Fapstronaut

    Good luck dude! I’m a former high school wrestler. My 3 older brothers all wrestled in high school too. Don’t be nervous, it’s a great experience as long as you put in the effort.

    Also, someone in an earlier post told you to lift weights. That’s solid advice. Follow it.
  12. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    I have been lifting for the past year as I have a gym membership. I’m actually feeling more excited than nervous now. I think I’m confusing the excitement with fear. It’s kinda like the fear you get going on a big roller coaster where it’s just excitement to try something fun.
    DerSchütze likes this.
  13. MaxB

    MaxB Fapstronaut

    That makes sense, I’ve felt that way before about stuff. Enjoy it man. You made a good choice. You’ll gain a lot from doing wrestling, or any sport for that matter. Football and wrestling taught me a lot about leadership, discipline, accountability and so many other values.
    yourhomieishere and DerSchütze like this.
  14. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Hey guys hype post today!! I actually pushed myself beyond my fears and went to the meeting, and signed up! It was wicked fun, and I have a lot of excitement right now. I got good vibes from everyone, the coaches and all the kids seemed pretty nice. There were a lot of people there if I could estimate probably around 40-50 kids. Also, a good amount of people on the team this year are new, like me. Everyone seems chill, and it seems like a lot of fun. I think I can make a lot of friends with these people, even though I didn't talk like at all, because I didn't know people and the coach was talking, I didn't even feel socially awkward. I usually always feel socially awkward around people I don't know but I didn't. The first practice isn't until December though!! I gotta wait a whole month. This weekend I'm going to get a few stuff for the season like headgear and shoes. My mom is surprisingly supportive of me, saying how excited she is of me trying new stuff. However, my twin sister is being a bit of a downer on the topic. Keeps saying stuff like you don't know what you're doing and you're going to get the crap beat out of you. I just let it fly off my shoulders, I can't let anyone take away my confidence/dream. I feel way more confident than I did even just a few hours ago. I'm not quite sure about telling my friends yet cause they'll probably tell me crap like it's gay and stuff. Don't know if they'll get it. Also, the coach said that there are no cuts or tryouts, so I'll be all set for the season. He said you only get cut if you goof off, skip practices, have bad grades, do drugs, etc. You will never be kicked off for not being good enough. As long as I put in my A-game, which I will I'll be all set to go!
    DerSchütze likes this.
  15. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Yeah, it's surprising that it helps with other parts of your life and also your physicality. I probably won't ever play football though lol. I'll stick to wrestling if I like it. It's kinda cool to have a sport you can join without prior experience or being that athletic. I've literally only played a few sports when I was little and every couple of years I do town soccer (where you just signup and it's all the meh/bad players)
  16. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Today was my second day of wrestling. I had the hydration and body fat testing, where they basically test what is your target weight for the season. I ended up weighing 139 pounds and I'm like 6 foot 1. I got scared cause the coach was like you're only 139 pounds and you're 6 feet? I was like damn I'm gonna be asked to gain weight or that I'm not healthy or something but then he said he was impressed. So I guess I'm chilling for now. I still don't know how I'm that low in weight since just a year ago I was like 160 pounds. I was definitely feeling pretty awkward today since I didn't really know anyone there and felt out of my comfort zone. We all had to stand around in our underwear in line to be tested so it's kinda awkward trying to make friends when you're all in your underwear. I feel good vibes from the other guys though hopefully, I can push past my social awkwardness and actually make some friends. I'm not that I'm scared to talk to people, it's really that I have no idea what the heck to say. Once a conversation gets started I'm fine, but it's the initial starting that's hard when I don't know what to say. I was also really sketched out when after the weight and hydration testing I had to go into the sketchy doctor room in the gym. At my school, there's a nice nurse's office in the gym that I went to when I vomited in my study hall. I thought I had to go there to do the bodyweight needle pricking crap but they ended up sending me a bunch of turns throughout the maze of the gym hallways into this sketchy ass doctor room. It looked so dingy like a place where they would unsanitarily fucking cut you open in a horror movie. And I'm just there in my underwear. I guess it was fine though, not gonna tell my mom though or she would flip that I shouldn't be doing this. I think it'll be fun though once I get in the groove of it. It still feels so unreal, I can't believe I'm actually gonna achieve my dream. I don't want to quit, I know it's gonna be challenging and a lot of people quit but I'm going to last the whole season. I've already given up so much for this dream, I'm going to quit work and piano for the next few months to wrestle. Even if I'm trash garbage, I'll still try my best to have fun and I know no matter what I'm gonna mentally and physically improve myself so it's a win-win. I'm already feeling so much more happy and confident that I actually pushed through my fear and I'm going to have no regrets and do cool and new stuff in life. I'm still afraid to tell my best friends because I'm nervous they'll call me gay or some shit. I will tell them on Monday though because I'd rather them say shit then keep a whole big part of my life away from them and hurt them by lying to them for months.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  17. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    I don't know how to start this post, so here we go. I achieved my dream, I joined the wrestling team and it was amazing. I went to 3 practices and they were so much fun. I loved it, all the positive energy and finally feeling like I was doing something with my life. At my first meet, when we were warming up my drill partner accidentally stepped on my thumb and it broke. I was in denial and still wrestled my match. I got pinned. I went to the doctors the next day and the X-Ray said it was broken. I felt like I lost everything. I wanted this dream to work so badly and life said no. I've been feeling wicked isolated and depressed. I still go to all the practices because I will return later in the season. I just run laps around the mat while everyone else does wrestling. I enjoy running but it kills me to feel so away from my dream/the rest of the people on the team. I feel so alone at practices and meets because I can't do anything. I keep trying to stay positive but this is tearing me apart. I just worked so hard pushing through my addiction, fear, and getting the confidence to try to make something out of my life and go for my scary dreams but I just fell flat.
    Ineedthisbazz and A41:14A like this.
  18. DonaldShow

    DonaldShow Fapstronaut

    quite interesting experience
    yourhomieishere likes this.
  19. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    Yeah man. Keeping life interesting