Maximizing No PMO

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Username321, Nov 19, 2019.

  1. Username321

    Username321 Fapstronaut

    I was hoping we could create a list of attitudes and techniques to maximize the no PMO experience. Basically looking for ways to heal up faster, not just sexually, but also, mentally, spiritually and physically.

    I'll start with something that has helped me tremendously. I think I would file it under spiritually.

    Going out in nature and taking slow walks. I try to take the time and "notice" the small things. Listening to the wind, watching the leaves flutter on a branch or watching a leaf fall. For me, this exercise brings me into the moment and silences the chatter in my head. It's a peaceful, easy feeling. ;) I feel the benefit of this exercise is many fold. For starters, it brings you into the moment. Which in turn gives you the feeling you are connected to everything, at least it does for me. ;) For me it also sort of brings me into my body, it's like I'm an observer.

    Another spiritual practice I am doing during no pmo is making eye contact with clerks. These often overlooked and often ignored or treated rudely group of people are an integral part of our day and should be treated as such. Simply being kind, thoughtful and giving eye contact almost always comes back to me many fold.

    Please add to this list of what helps you keep the process of healing going.

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
    Deforio11 likes this.
  2. Deforio11

    Deforio11 Fapstronaut

    very good tips, I will try to put into practice, thanks
  3. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I recommend you visiting Tim Johnson's YT recovery/growth channel. He was heavily addicted to alcohol, drugs and opioids for more than 30 years and managed to break free more than 3 years ago. He video documents his recovery and personal growth. He really is a fountain of knowledge on addiction and otherwise. You can also check my journal, I have summarized most of his videos there. I still have to watch and summarize the last 66 of them (hopefully I'll manage to do that before the end of the year).
  4. Username321

    Username321 Fapstronaut

    Thank you FR! Really appreciate all the good advice! I most certainly will check out the Tim Johnson videos and I have already been reading a lot of your posts. Learning a lot, again, many thanks!

    Did you do anything in particular to overcome social anxiety? Thanks again and be well!
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  5. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I can't isolate only one thing that helped me. I'd say it was combination of many things.

    Physical things that I practice:
    1. Exercise -> I started exercising a lot. I ended up exercising 1-3 hours a day (cycling/walking/running in nature, stretching and weightlifting)
    2. Win Hof breathing/cold showers -> I started practicing the method this summer and it really helps with anxiety.
    3. Daily meditation -> consisting of 2x Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) + pranayama breathing (40 breaths)

    Change in mentality:
    1. If I notice that something has started to bother me, for example I know I'd have to call or visit someone but I don't feel like doing it, I've learned to stop thinking about it (postponing it) and just do it at that moment.
    2. I learned to stop giving a flying f... about what people say or think of me. This took a lot of practice on my part, but it helps a lot. Once you really stop caring about how others perceive you, reasons for your anxiousness during conversation disappear.
    3. I stopped pretending/playing roles to be perceived in a better light by others. I am the way I am take it or live it.
    4. I try not to stress about my past or think what awaits me in the future and just "go with a flow". This is much easier said than done, but I'm getting better at it.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
    Username321 likes this.
  6. Username321

    Username321 Fapstronaut

    As always, thank you FR! If I "notice." Yes, noticing "old stories" are a great way to reshape your mind and redirect to something more positive. Are you familiar with Eckhart Tolle?
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  7. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I have read The power of now and I can agree with most of what he's saying, but I find it a bit too "metaphysical". The books I keep returning to are Marcus Aurelius Meditations, Seneca's Letters from a Stoic, Epictetus' The art of living and Wayne's Dyer Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. For some reason stoicism really resonates with my current state of mind. I guess you can't go wrong with a life teachings that have endured the test of time for 2.000 years or more. The more ancient texts I read the more obvious universal truth becomes, be it from classical Greek/Roman/Christian teachings or Eastern philosophies. The essence on how to live a life of virtue is pretty much the same. It's also very interesting that all these people with completely different life backgrounds (emperor, teacher, slave, librarian), living in different parts of the world came to the same conclusions.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
    Username321 likes this.
  8. Username321

    Username321 Fapstronaut

    Thank you FR! I love Wayne Dyer as well! No doubt he led me to the Tao and all its teachings. Indeed, "change your thought and change your life." You can change a thought in less than a second! ;)

    I will definitely take a look at the books you suggested.

    It's funny you mention stoicism. 6 years ago for 3 years I organically stopped PMO, watching violence on TV, quit smoking etc. etc. I had a major awakening and am now realizing that no PMO was a major part of it.

    During that time I would joke that I could see and atomic bomb go off and would simply observe the mushroom cloud and be like "oh how pretty!" LOL. In other words,I was super present and was not affected by anything negative or positive. Sometimes I wondered if I was becoming cold or unfeeling. But simply put, I just didn't "mind" anymore.

    As I have quit pmo I am finding myself reaching this state again. No doubt there is much self-work to do. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel even though I'm not feeling so great at the moment.

    EDIT: Btw watched one of the Tim Johnson videos last night about cross-addiction. Very helpful and insightful. I will watch more. Here's one for you. As always, thank you.

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
    Fenix Rising likes this.