Do the Exact Opposite Everyone Else Is Doing.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SonicUnleashed, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. SonicUnleashed

    SonicUnleashed Fapstronaut

    One of the things I've realized while on this self improvement journey is how disconnected society is from truth. Have you ever stopped and wondered how many lies there are in society? The world is not as we see it. Society is constantly trying to keep us at a low state of consciousness. That's why they put all these chemicals and toxic ingredients in these fast food. That's why they tell us to go to college, to smoke weed, to worry about our relationship status, as if that matters.

    I find that the best thing to do nowadays is to do the exact opposite everyone else is doing. Most people take hot showers. Take cold showers. Most people eat unhealthy. Eat healthy. Most people spend 4, 5, 6 hours a day on their phone. Reduce that. Most people can't live without pmo. So don't do it. Most people don't meditate. Meditate. And you want to know what's funny? Notice how you're rewarded every time you do the opposite of some of the common trends in society.

    This is the reason why it's so hard to grow and become the best version of yourself. Because the average everyday lifestyle only cares about short term pleasures and doesn't see the bigger picture. Society doesn't want you to grow. Detach yourself from trends. Question why something is popular, cause more often than not, there's a catch.

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  2. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    Society promotes mediocrity but yes to go against the flow you need to have Willpower and most people get exhausted along the way so it gets to the point where it's impossible for them so they give up. It's hard keeping up with pressure and stress. Stress builds up too much and you start losing yourself.
    revitalize and SonicUnleashed like this.
  3. I read a good book called the compound effect. It stresses the importance of doing the small things right. Slowly but steadily you will improve all parts of your life. We tend to wait to feel right before doing stuff but it is the other way around. Do stuff and you will feel right.
  4. SonicUnleashed

    SonicUnleashed Fapstronaut

    That's something I'm currently struggling with. Normally when I get off work I feel really unmotivated and uninspired, and sometimes that turns straight up into an unproductive day altogether.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  5. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Society is telling you to do drugs?
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  6. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    At some point you’ll need to understand why something is done though. The majority of people track time in recovery, does that mean you don’t or do you track more things than a single day abstinence? And what is that anyway, P alone, PMO or what?

    The very idea of opposite is a framework that might need to be abandoned. If the opposite of it is more detailed vs. a simplistic approach, like count days, have accountability partners and that’s it and nothing else, then I suppose it is the opposite in a general sense. It still doesn’t tell you what to do though. Someone could have a very detailed plan that doesn’t fit their life or is just not realistic, which wouldn’t mean don’t bother with details but you just need to think it through.

    I haven’t watched the vid but it seems to me you want to have an understanding of why you’re doing what you’re doing, in that sense it may be the opposite of other peoples approach because they don’t think about it. We could start by being skeptical of the most popular method for doing whatever and then look at the details and see if there are any good reasons for following it. But being a rebel isn’t in itself a recipe for success either.
    SirWanksalot likes this.
  7. TheGambler

    TheGambler Fapstronaut

    Great points in this post. I've been on the oppposite program for a while, but mostly as a reaction to my own idiosyncrasies. As Awedouble said many times its not so simplistic as "just do the opposite". There are definitely many shades of grey and what might be appropriate for one person at one time, might be a big mistake for another. Character building is difficult most of the time. Here's George's take on it nonetheless.

    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  8. When you feel low on energy like that try doing something really small. Something that takes 1-2 minutes just to pull you out of that negative state of mind. Clean dishes for one minute or go get the mail, take three tings and move them back into place etc. Then see how you feel. Usually doing just small things like that is all it takes to gain some momentum. You will feel better and then do another small thing, then another.. Then maybe you even feel inspired to go outside and maybe even hit the gym by the end of the day.
    SonicUnleashed and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  9. Idk about weed. Its popular, but not SO popular.
  10. aniseprakash

    aniseprakash Fapstronaut

    Definitely a video to think of. I have never been an opposite person, but now I believe I should be.
  11. PJT

    PJT Fapstronaut

    yes, society is telling the youth to smoke weed and promotes the use and abuse of prescription drugs
    henryhill and Hello Friend like this.
  12. SirWanksalot

    SirWanksalot Fapstronaut

    Good Sir, I do appreciate your sentiment about changing something about how we think, feel and behave in society generally speaking. And I also appreciate the effort you put into the video - earned yourself a subscriber.
    But as others have pointed out already, it's more complex than simply going "for the opposite". That would still keep you attached to the very thing you want to break free from - the filthy, filthy proletariat.
    Instead of developing and honing your own skills of critical thinking to detect truth and just as importantly, your ability to explore and discover how YOU tick and tock. What brings YOU to live and what shadows do you have to face that still reside deeply within yourself, still hidden from view. Kept locked away seemingly safely until they are not....
    So you see good sir, 'tis good that you found yourself not liking where the filthy, filthy proletariat is going, but to truly break free, you'd have to be able to go wherever, freely choosing your next steps and path with an open and keen mind, not just again chaining yourself to only going the opposite way.
    So my question to you would be, now that you know where you don't want to go - where DO you want to go?
    Pip pip cheerio good man,
    Sir Wanksalot
    aniseprakash likes this.
  13. Pedro Neto

    Pedro Neto Fapstronaut

    That's okay but you have to bear criticism of society.if you are able to deal with it it's good.if you know how to deal with them.
    Then hear me out.
    When I talk to girls in our Class other guys start to make fun of me and tease me I think my self esteem lowers down and they treat me like random shitty guy. (Ian afraid they would it would happen in case I did that.) How to fight these type of stuff especially this.
  14. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Absolutely it is! When famous people joke about taking drugs without talking about side effects then I’d say yes society is promoting drug use.
  15. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    It's pretty demotivating and I've been through it, I was always the nice guy who nobody had a problem with, but I guess for most people first impression matters a lot, I used to be complete loser at the beginning of my college so I couldn't make a good impression on my teachers or so called freinds, it wasn't the same always, I was fapping 6 times a day now, but that phase passed I was kind of bullied at that time because I didn't have any capacity to fight back but now I do, even though now I have become a much better version of myself, people still treat me like I'm out of their league although there is some acceptance. So I'd rather say it's a case of first impression, if you didn't fit in at first they'll treat you like this for the rest of your life you have to move on and meet new people.