Women's Clothing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by EXPONENTIALLY, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Absolutely. By no means am i saying religion or faith is wrong, nor that basing your belief system and moral values on it is either. I just dont like how "some" people portray religion and faith as the only route, and then even worse is that "their" faith is the correct one.

    But... this thread is about womens clothing so i'll shut up about religion. (Hint hint).
    muhagg likes this.
  2. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    You're in denial. I said all there is to know in the previous posts. Have a good life.

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  3. Let's not forget that someone above was literally not even satisfied with me wearing sweat pants and loose t-shirts. I'm not convinced a Burka would even work to make these men stop hating women and blaming all of their problems of lust onto them. They'd probably start complaining that we wear too much mascara, or flutter our eyes in such a suggestive way, they just can't help themsleves!

    It's idiotic. These dudes need to grow up and stop blaming everyone else for their problems. I'm attracted to women, too. Tight pants and low cut shirts effect me too. And guess what? I own my shit, because it's MY problem. Sure, maybe it would be nice if everyone cared more about modesty. But I'm not whining about it all the time, like some poor victim who just can't help but lust after every girl I see. That's MY problem, MY sin, and it's not the woman's fault for wearing something I happened to find attractive or seductive or sexual.
  4. In my opinion that makes us stronger in the end, I’ve been able to better myself especially around pmo and sexuality. It used to be black and white when I started my recovery but as I grew I realised what other people do shouldn’t affect me, and if it does then why don’t I do something about it?

    Honestly though, I don’t get why these types of men think it’s perfectly acceptable to tell us what we should be doing or wearing when it not only doesn’t concern them, but is also 100% none of their business. If they have a problem with how someone dresses then bloody well act like a adult and deal with it, much like other things the world doesn’t revolve around them and everyone is different with differing opinions, yet theirs is somehow the “truth”.
  5. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    I don't know who you're referring to on that tone here, but I don't care how you dress, it's YOUR business women ! =) and btw you promotte not holding women accountable for their actions and even project them on men who are the only potential victims here especially nowadays, look at all the statistics of suicidal rate, court being against them in divorce, highest number of worked hours being attributed to them justifying the famous idiotic "salary gap", etc. Without forgetting SHAMING TACTICS minimizing their wounds so that you can get rid off responsibility, off course as you write your post, as well as shifting from the thread's initial subject to attacking the messenger. Sick and pathetic. How original from a feminist.

    I'm just exposing the facts and expressing possible solutions to a real issue, linked with pornography. Because it is pornography when you look around in a strip-club right, as much as it is when you peep out things in a pacified modern global house of some sort... (I can not use specific terms lest I get banned)

    Do you also feel comfortable with kids being sexualized by fashion, and politics pacifying pedophiles ?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
    pickledRick likes this.
  6. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I feel like this thread should be closed. It doesn’t seems like any good can come out of it.
  7. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    No, it needs to stay open. Don't act like blood-thirsty Nazi Communist, trying to ban everything that is not going through the police filter of the ideal psychologically accepted. At least grant us the freedom for an actual honest discussion instead of playing with a bone ignoring what really matters.
    pickledRick likes this.
  8. And what “good” will come from the discussion of men (which is completely daft in itself) wanting women to not choose what they can wear, and rather what you deem acceptable? What is the point of this thread other than for men like you to rant and whinge over somebody else’s choice? I honestly think it’s sad, that some people like yourself are so bent out of shape on clothing choices...

    These threads serve no purpose other than to perpetuate the same old rubbish and honestly just creates one big echo chamber, in the end they’re literally all the same, pointless. We have waaaay bigger things to be worrying about instead of what other people wear don’t you think?
  9. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Nonono, I'm not against women ability to choose on their own, but TO BE INFORMED before, and enlarge the range of choices with beneficial alternatives I would suggest.

    It's all linked with the PORN industry and its message, so I really think if we manage to solve some things on that field it will benefit the fight against the oppressors wanting us to sexually self-destruct =)
  10. So, again, what you deem acceptable. This entire thing is just an excuse and mask for you to manipulate others into what you want and has nothing to do with “informing”. Women aren’t daft, which is essentially what this entire thing is boiling down to, you must think we’re bloody brain dead right? We already HAVE choices, lots and lots actually! Which is exactly why all women wear something different and never have the same fashion sense... but in your mind we’re just a bunch of porn influenced pillocks who can’t think for ourselves.

    This entire thing is again, pointless, and honestly about some form of control. Women aren’t mindless sheep like you make us out to be, yes we do have free will (which is why we choose whatever we want) but guess what? We don’t need men like you sticking your nose in our lives as well as our business trying to tell us what we should be wearing. It’s unbelievable you think this is acceptable, and the things you’ve said are just awful.
  11. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Not at all, women and men complete each other in society, and women's dispositions influence men's in virtuous or vicious cycle. So this is a serious raw wake up call to improvement for everyone. I'm not wearing mask to hate on women, it's pointless and childlish. I'm actually concerned about the impact of pornography in ALL its forms. If that woman I mentionned with that blog https://femmeapart.com/testimonial/ is creating and promotting anti-degrading and anti-feminazi material to wear and think about for other women, I'm telling you the truth.

    Just because the truth makes you feel bad, and guilty or whatnot, doesn't mean it's wrong. You also feel scared when you approach a deadly cliff, that's healthy so that you'll turn from harmful behaviour

    Men are also to be called, but since that industry is towards women in majority, I can speak mainly for women.
  12. I don’t feel bad or have any problems whatsoever about the way I dress, but I do know there is no truth to what you speak and is just a bunch of personal opinions, which are of course entirely subjective.

    You can’t speak for women whatsoever even if both sexes coexist together, not only are you being arrogant with this whole thing but also completely disrespectful and extremely judgemental. The way we dress doesn’t come down to what you keep claiming, believe it’s all to do with porn but all you have are these conspiracies and opinions.

    Quit trying to push your rubbish on other women and how about this, let them choose for themselves to begin with? You say we have free will but then go on about trying to “inform” us to “wake us up”. The only one that needs a wake up call are folks like yourselves, you’re not helping anyone and just hurting others with your agenda.
  13. Wtf are you smoking. I think you need some serious help dude, to prices some deep seated incorrect beliefs and values about the world in general.

    I agree this thread should be closed.

    I had a quick look at the website too, my opinion is the woman with the blog is creating and promoting a backwards view for impressionable young women thinking that to please God you must dress and behave in a certain way. Aka, in my humble opinion, bullshit.
  14. The excuse is rubbish, along with this thread in general. If they really aren’t supposedly just ranting and whinging about women, and instead trying to save them (which is again still just daft), why are they posting this in the off topic section and on a forum where women are pretty much non existent, especially over here?

    Aka this is one big excuse to just complain, we don’t need saving nor do we need useless and quite frankly harmful “advice” from them. Whenever these threads come up I just roll my eyes...
  15. If be intrigued to hear more about whatever brought @Purity Power to this site in the first place. Other than to start up threads to spout rubbish in of course.

    What's the real underlying problems your covering up by all of this nonsense??
  16. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    The fact that you're determined in a cognitive dissonance to "lock" the thread aka just censor my honest concerns that I've shown to be true as well for women in real life (like that blogger and its followers) (and also other men because it's not hard to find) just says it all about your own agenda.

    I never said anything remotely close to the degradation of women here, on the contrary I supported their very feminity to be unleashed, getting out of the pornographic industry capitalizing on the falsehood of feminism and so called sexual liberation (may I say debauchery).

    I don't have any agenda here, I'm exposing FACTS and offering solutions to a REAL ISSUE that is taboo and linked with the pornography and with a great harmful potential if we let it grow.

    Your own irrational emotional outbursts confronted with the truth is YOUR problem, get over it. If you've been a self-absorbed myopic childish person up til now somehow, just GROW UP as you said here to me.

    Yeah, let's grow stronger against the tactics of the subtle and brutal oppressor that is PORN.
  17. Whatever you say, believe whatever you want to I guess. Though you won’t get far trying to brainwash women with those opinions of yours, because really, come on, women aren’t daft enough to know they don’t already have options to choose from.

    I will say this, as a male you have no idea why women dress a certain way or do the things they do, you also have no right to say the supposed reasoning behind our actions. Again, it’s called individuality, but you claim it’s just linked to pornography which is not true, just because a person dresses a certain way doesn’t mean they’re influenced by anything. How about they literally just like the clothes? Or how about it fits them well and it’s comfy? Come on.

    And Newsflash, nobody asked for you or anyone else in here for help on this so called “issue” at all, if we wanted your help we would have asked for it. As I stated earlier, if this was to “inform” women, err what women? There’s hardly any women here and they certainly don’t come to off topic, so this entire circle jerk is pointless (even though if women did come here it was still useless to begin with).
  18. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    No, I have the right to speak or write as a man to express myself without seeking to hurt anybody nor being morally reprehensible, especially in a small virtual forum as you like to mention where the potential ridiculous feminazi and entitled tree-hugging people would not be numerous enough to consider as a real consequential factor =)
  19. People have the right to wear anything they want. Hell, if a man wants to wear women's dresses of vice versa, nobody can bat an eye at them pounding the trombone of moral superiority. All this exposes is your own insecurities and most people would rather dump the blame somewhere else than man up (or woman up for that matter) and work on changing their perspective.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Also, I find the answers of the women here (except for the one in page 3 I think) to be typically feminist: not helping to resolve the matter at hand, not trying to contribute to the subject in a constructive manner BUT TO DESTROY, ATTACK, MOCK, ACCUSE, NAME-CALL the messenger, JUSTIFY their dangerous complacency, with their own flawed opinions heavily biased by a deceitful ideology that ONLY causes harm. What productive and helpful positivity do you see from these 2-3 feminists here ? Nothing but ad-hominems and rationalization of whorrish attitude.

    I'm NOT at the mercy of your imaginary queenship, lady.

    Still no answers at some important questions: what do you think about sexualizing children through the same type of suggestive fashion, while at the same time conferences are organized to discuss around the legitimity of the age of sexual consent, making people apologetic about wanting to retribute pedophiles or simply protect their kids, making MEN apologetic about BEING MEN (not in a morally reprehensible aggressive bullying way obviously) ?

    You know what they say, absence of answers is consent. If you consent to feed a welcome sign for the pedophiles in developped countries with no more jurisdiction able to defend the kids and give justice, then that is your thing.

    You know what Jesus said about those offending children ? You know that Jesus said to the adulteress Go and SIN NO MORE ? You know what Jesus said about simply looking at a women with lust ? You know what Peter said for women to wear ?? And Paul ?

    It's just sad to see these feminists gathering together in a silly distracting jealousy for men who are actually seeking solutions to real distresses. And especially when they like to say they're Christian.

    Nonetheless, God bless you