Skinny fat

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by SorryWontSayIt, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut


    Back story:
    The last months I have been going to the gym almost 4 times per week or more to the gym. And this last month (january and the start of february), I have been going 6 times per week.

    I have made a lot of muscle gains, and a lot of people notice it, specially my friends. My lifts are getting a lot bigger too.

    The problem is, is that even tho I have made huge gains in my legs, chest, arms, shoulders, back, etc. I still have that skinny fat belly with some extra fat over my chest. The rest of me looks really fit now.

    Normally when I go out to a bar with friends, I usually wear a shirt or sweater, but the last times I have been going out, and friend of me have been complaining that I should use something more revealing, to "show off more", since I am a bit shy, he means I should take advantage of that.

    I have only worked hard for myself, not really to show off to anybody. I love going to the gym. But the problem is, as already told, everything looks "perfect" atleast in my opinion, but I cant get rid of that f...king belly! It pisses me off, because I work hard, I go to the gym when I am tierd after work, I go to the gym after partying the day before and I don't really party a lot.

    I eat normal, and don't drink any soda. I only drink water and milk. I also eat a lot of protein rich food + protein shake. So I don't really see why I should have a belly after working so hard.

    I deadlift 5 sets between 80 kg - 100 kgs with 5-8 reps.
    I squat 5 sets of 80-110 kgs with 5-8 reps
    Benchpress is 60-70 kgs 8 reps, 5 set (got a shoulder injury so I cant bench a lot more at the moment.
    I do pull ups 4 sets of 8 reps
    Dips with 4 sets of 8 reps
    (+ other workouts - and this is not all in one day, but more as a information regarding what I lift, if someone can help me).

    I hope someone can give me some tips if they have any personal experience regarding this or if they know someone whos made it. It is seriously annyoing to be fit with cloths on, but fat all the sudden if I dont have it on, after working so hard....
  2. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    + I have tried cutting before, which made me just a smaller skinny fat person.
    + Now I have bulked slowly, which have made me a lot more muscular, but I still have that belly....
  3. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    jeez man how long till i can do that??? , my max benchpress is only 20kg for 1 set same as squat ,,,not strong enough to do pull ups or dips go to the gym 4 time's a week too

    anyway i do some belly exercise at leg day's and after it a 15 minutes of Cardio might be good

    im addicted to sugar so it wont help my belly, but if i compare to my friend whom didnt do the leg day exercise + belly like i did, mine is better way more better i guess
  4. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    how much do you weigh and what is your height? You should be able to bench and squat a lot more than that even if you haven't been to the gym, most likely you are super skinny.
  5. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Bro you are barely deadlifting 2 plates, you are still a beginner. Wait until you have a very decent amount of muscle mass until you do a proper cut, otherwise you will just look skinny. Until then get used to having a little bit of a belly. Also whats your height and weight?
  6. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    my weight 63 Kg and my height is around 165 Cm

    the problem is i dont have any gym buddies and sometime im afraid when i want to break my PR because no one help me... the gym where i train is modern gym where people do the mobile phone exercise more often than the actual training lol

    im asian tho haha
  7. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    I am 176 cm and maybe 75 kgs currenly (approx)

    So how much do you suggest I should aim for when it comes to deadlift / squat / bench?

    What you guys think of this site to calculate the lifts?

    Been searching a bit around the internet now. And I can see that I am not as strong as I thougth. My arms are maybe the only part that are good + compared to others my weigth. I guess I will need to change my diet even more, add more proteins than I thougth.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
  8. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Stop being a pussy. Thats a shitty excuse. Just ask someone to spot you if you are that worried or use safety bars.
  9. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Don't aim for a certain number, just keep improving. Stop comparing yourself to other people too bro. I know it may seem like everyone on the internet is super strong but that's because only strong people want to talk about how much they lift, you rarely here about the guy who has been lifting for 5 years and still struggling to bench a plate. People also lie, a lot.

    Honestly bro it seems like you have heaps of misconceptions about lifting. 90% of your results will come from focusing on getting stronger in compound lifts, eating enough calories(slightly above maintenence) that are 'good' calories (eat some fruit and veggies every now and then, as well as meat), eating enough protein (about 1g per lb of bodyweight) and getting decent sleep consistently (8hrs everynight on a regular schedule).

    Dudes get it twisted and think 90% of their results come from doing the right tricep excercise to target all the heads or getting their meal timing right or doing yoga to help activate their muscles better or getting the right supplements, when really that is the last 10%.

    Just focus on progressing week to week and then month to month. Try and add 2.5kg to your main lifts (squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press) every month. If you are doing that then don't worry about anything. I know it doesn't sound like much, but that is 30kg a year. In two years you will be squatting and deadlifting 3 plates and benching 2 plates.

    Also just had a quick look at your post history and you said you have been going to the gym for the past 6 years. It also sounds like you don't really follow a set program. Your lifts should be way higher for 6 years. I had the same numbers as you within 6 months. I'm not sure what you have been doing for the past 6 years. From reading your comments you sound like someone who just started lifting. Stop being a bitch and start lifting properly. If you need a proper program let me know.
  10. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    I have always had a belly while working out, primarily because I have a really, really fast metabolism and therefore I have to overeat every meal to get gains. If I don't, I lose weight too rapidly to put on muscle mass. To me, it's worth it.
    However, I decided to try a really extreme exercise regimen this year that involved a lot of core and abs and not just weight lifting and cardio. Body weight exercises along with weights and machines. I was toned as hell in every part of my body, but I had that sick feeling in my stomach really badly that people get when they go to hard.
  11. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    You're going to need to deal with your diet if the fat bothers you that much. No amount of lifting will burn enough calories, the increase in muscle does increase your BMR, but you will probably start eating more to compensate without knowing it. Reducing body fat will require conscious changes in diet, this means calorie counting is probably your best bet. There are many videos online on how to do it properly, but it is a pain in the ass.
    You should also do some more upper body volume, and perhaps some sets to failure, but that's just my opinion, do what you want.
  12. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I have been going to the gym that many years. But not all the years I have been "seriouse". Also I have read a lot of information and watched a lot of videos. The problem is that so much information and so many videos says different, which have made me go both for a cut, later gaining, sometimes given a bit up. I made a very good cut for some time, and a lot of people noticed. Later I started to gain, and I could actually see good changes compared to before. Then I got sick, and got a injury which made me need to stop after visiting a doctor. It made me depressed. When I was not sick anymore and the injury was better, it was hard for me to get back on track with workingout again.

    But now I have a workout program, but the diet is not perfect I guess. Thanks for the tips to you all! :)
  13. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    So you started to eat more to get muscle mass to get rid of your belly + more core exercises with focus on abs if I understand correct?
  14. rgm

    rgm Fapstronaut

    Training your obliques (+core/abs) might help but in general you just need to bulk for more muscle mass and then cut.
    Stomach fat often goes away last so not cutting enough can make you look lean overall but skinny fat around the belly.
  15. started skinny fat, now a little bit toned
    weight 80kg
    height 180cms
    little skinny fat

    exercise- can do 30 pushups continuously.
    can run 5 km in 12-13 minutes
    pull ups- just 2
    dips- i dont do it
    biceps weight for curl - 10-15kg depending on mood
    deadlift 50kg - 10-12reps -- sets depend on mood

    just beginner but i can look improvement in mirror. another thing is what i noticed. running should be minimised if you want to gain strength. i used to be a good runner, running 4-5 times in a week for around 3-5km. but whatever i did my muscles never grew when i used to run. now i run once in a week and just sprints and no steady speed running. now i can see improvement in muscles mass though very less but visible for me.
  16. rgm

    rgm Fapstronaut

    Could try pull ups using elastic bands to make them a little easier, then focusing on good form.
    But yes running reduces muscles by a lot because it's an endurance sport and since muscle requires more oxygen the body won't create as much muscle I believe.
    I'd also make sure you're doing a program based around compound lifts and training for strength in a low rep range.
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